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Talk:Feat Purchasing (3.5e Variant Rule)

128 bytes added, 13:38, 25 March 2019
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|reason=I could almost get behind this concept if not for a couple things.
* '''1.''' Simply put, Flaws are a better system, 1 for 1 trade off, fair to everyone since everyone can take the same amount, more balanced since there is an offsetting penalty for your feat, and more flavorful during the campaign playgameplay.
*'''2.''' This isn't fair to everyone, a Rogue could spare 1 skill point and get 3 extra feats and if he is a Human with high intelligence, he wont even miss the skill points, but then if you have a non human sorcerer with a 10 int then hes only getting 2 skill points per level, and hes going to need Concentration just to do his job, which leaves him with 1 skill point, which puts him in a place of trying to decide between either putting it in Knowledge (Arcana)/Spellcraft, or doing this feature just to keep up with the Rogue whos ecstatic because he just got 3 feats for basically free.
*'''3.''' Even if you ignore ALL of that other stuff, theres still one other thing I dont like as well which is the levels at which you get the feats. You already naturally get feats at ALL of these intervals, which allows you to double up on feats at certain levels which is more balance impacting than if you gained them at a separate level. It would feel more special if you got most of them at intervals where you don't normally get feats already. Maybe like levels 5, 10, 15, 20, then only 15 overlaps. That'd be 8 skill points for the 1st one, and then every 5 skill points for each one there after.
{{Rating |rater=Qwertyu63

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