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User:Leziad/Savage Ronin

122 bytes added, 18:59, 18 October 2018
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'''Weapon and Armor Proficiency:''' A Savage Ronin is proficient with all simple and martial weapon alongside a single exotic weapon of her choice. She is also proficient with light, medium and heavy armor as well as all shields (except tower shields).
'''{{Anchor|Favored Weapon}} {{Ex}}:''' A Savage Ronin gain the [[SRD:Weapon Focus|Weapon Focus]] feat with any weapon she is proficient with, this is thereafter known as her favored weapon. She may change what type of weapon is her favored weapon with 24 hours of training with the weapon in question, this changes any feat she took with her old favored weapon to match her new one. This ability apply to all weapon covered by the selected [[SRD:Weapon Focus|Weapon Focus]] feat, not a particular weapon.
'''{{Anchor|Fighting Style}} {{Ex}}:''' Not all Savage Ronin are the same, some possess skills and abilities which others do not. At 1st level the Savage Ronin choose from the fighting style below, once chosen this choice cannot be changed.

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