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User:Leziad/Savage Ronin

520 bytes added, 18:58, 18 October 2018
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''{{Anchor|False Steps}} {{Su}}:'' As a move action, the Savage Ronin can feign to move, making a [[SRD:Feint|Feint]] against all opponents that can see her. She uses the same [[SRD:Feint|Feint]] results against all affected creatures. All creature successfully feinted see a [[SRD:Major Image|''major image'']] of her moving 30 ft in any direction, while the Savage Ronin become [[SRD:Invisible|Invisible]] to all creatures. Both the illusion and the invisibility last for 1 rounds.
''{{Anchor|Fire-Snake Wine Spit}} {{Ex}} or {{Su}}:'' As a swift action, a savage ronin can take a swig of strong wine or other non-toxic flammable and then spit it out as a standard actionwithin a number of round equal to her [[Constitution]] modifier. This ability is a breath weapon which may be delivered in a 15-ft cone-shaped spread or a 30 -ft. line, dealing 1d4 fire damage per class level and leave a burning [[SRD:Grease|''grease'']] effect on it area for 1 round. If the Savage Ronin is wielding a torch or [[SRD:Flaming|Flaming]] weapon this Ronin's Trick is a Extraordinary ability, otherwise it is supernatural.
''{{Anchor|Illusory Death}} {{Su}}:'' This Ronin's Trick allow a Savage Ronin to mock her death itself, once per day whenever she would be killed by an attack, effect or else she may activate this trick as non-action. She take an immediate standard action, which she may use to save herself or perform some other action and leave a [[SRD:Major Image|''major image'']] of herself to suffer the fate she would have suffered. A Savage Ronin must be at least level 11th to select this Ronin's Trick.
''{{Anchor|Instinctive Riposte}} {{Ex}}:'' This Ronin's Trick allow Savage Ronin may make a single attack as a immediate action, after doing so she become [[SRD:Staggered|Staggered]] for 1 round. This bypass normal immunities.
''{{Anchor|Mud-Face Embrace}} {{Ex}}:'' As a swift action, the savage ronin ready a particularly dirty strike, her next attack made within the round benefit from a [[SRD:Wolf|Wolf]]'s [[SRD:Trip|Trip]] ability. If used as part of a [[#Dirty Kiai|Dirty Kiai]] if you successfully trip you make your opponent fall face first into dust or mud, causing them to become [[SRD:Blinded|blinded]] for 1 round or until they take a standard action to wipe it off.
''{{Anchor|Perfect Blade Deflection}} {{Ex}}:'' As a swift action Ronin's Trick allow the Ronin to make an opposed attack roll against a ranged attack (same restriction as [[SRD:Deflect Arrows|Deflect Arrows]]), if her attack is higher than her opponent she deflect it. This last for 1 round. If used as part of a [[#Dirty Kiai|Dirty Kiai]], instead of making an attack she may deflect any attacks including siege attacks and rays, she may even deflect incoming area of effect as per [[Ki Deflecting Chop (3.5e Maneuver)|''ki deflecting chop'']]. A Savage Ronin must be at least level 7th to select this Ronin's Trick.

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