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|special1=[[#Favored Weapon|Favored Weapon]], [[#Fighting Style|Fighting Style]], [[#Rage|Rage]], [[#Ronin's Savage Flurry|Ronin's Savage Flurry]]|special2=[[#Bonus Feat|Bonus Feat]], [[#Dishonorable Strike|Dishonorable Strike]] +1d6, [[#Sash or Steel|Sash or Steel]]|special3=[[#Bonus FeatQuick Iaijutsu|Bonus FeatQuick Iaijutsu]], [[#Ronin's Trick|Ronin's Trick]]|special4=[[#Dishonorable StrikeBonus Feat|Dishonorable StrikeBonus Feat]] +2d6, [[#Quick DrawDishonorable Strike|Quick DrawDishonorable Strike]]+2d6
|special5=[[#Against All Odds|Against All Odds]], [[#Ronin's Trick|Ronin's Trick]]
|special6=[[#Dishonorable Strike|Dishonorable Strike]] +3d6, [[#Kill or be Killed|Kill or be Killed]]
|special7=[[#Dirty Kiai|Dirty Kiai]] 1/Encounter|special8=[[#Dishonorable Strike|Dishonorable Strike]] +4d6, [[#RebelRonin's ReputationTrick|RebelRonin's ReputationTrick]]|special9special8=[[#Bonus Feat|Bonus Feat]], [[#Dishonorable Strike|Dishonorable Strike]] +4d6|special9=[[#Ronin's Trick|Ronin's Trick]]
|special10=[[#Dishonorable Strike|Dishonorable Strike]] +5d6
|special11=[[#Greater Rage|Greater Rage]], [[#Savage Flurry|Improved Savage Flurry]], [[#Ronin's FlurryTrick|Improved Ronin's FlurryTrick]]|special12=[[#Bonus Feat|Bonus Feat]], [[#Dishonorable Strike|Dishonorable Strike]] +6d6
|special13=[[#Ronin's Trick|Ronin's Trick]]
|special14=[[#Dishonorable Strike|Dishonorable Strike]] +7d6
|special15=[[#Bonus FeatDirty Kiai|Bonus FeatDirty Kiai]]1/Encounter, [[#Dirty KiaiRonin's Trick|Dirty KiaiRonin's Trick]] 1/Encounter|special16=[[#Bonus Feat|Bonus Feat]], [[#Dishonorable Strike|Dishonorable Strike]] +8d6, |special17=[[#Ronin's Trick|Ronin's Trick]], [[#Ronin's Savage Flurry|Greater Ronin's Savage Flurry]]
|special18=[[#Dishonorable Strike|Dishonorable Strike]] +9d6
|special19=[[#Inevitable Blade|Inevitable Blade]], [[#Ronin's Trick|Ronin's Trick]]|special20=[[#Bonus Feat|Bonus Feat]], [[#Dishonorable Strike|Dishonorable Strike]] +10d6, [[#Mighty Rage|Mighty Rage]]
|skills=<!--class skills: simply delete those skills which your class does not have as class skills from the complete list below. If you only allow a subsection, such as Knowledge (arcana) (religion), write it like that. -->
'''Weapon and Armor Proficiency:''' A Savage Ronin is proficient with all simple and martial weapon alongside a single exotic weapon of her choice. She is also proficient with light, medium and heavy armor as well as all shields (except tower shields).
'''{{Anchor|Favored Weapon}} {{Ex}}:''' A Savage Ronin gain the [[SRD:Weapon Focus|Weapon Focus]] feat with any weapon she is proficient with, this is thereafter known as her favored weapon. She count her class level as fighter level for the purpose of feats, however only for feats affecting her favored weapon. She may change what type of weapon is her favored weapon with 24 hours of training with the weapon in question, this changes any feat she took with her old favored weapon to match her new one.
'''{{Anchor|Fighting Style}} {{Ex}}:''' Not all Savage Ronin are the same, some possess skills and abilities which others do not. At 1st level the Savage Ronin choose from the fighting style below, once chosen this choice cannot be changed.
''{{Anchor|Agile Combatant}}:'' This style grant the [[SRD:Weapon Finesse|Weapon Finesse]] feat as a bonus feat and reduce the ACP of all armor she wear by half her class level. She add one-third of her class level to the Max Dexterity of any masterwork armor she wears.
''{{Anchor|Cheap-Shot Archer}}:'' This style grant the [[SRD:Point Blank Shot|Point Blank Shot]] feat as a bonus feat and allow the Savage Ronin to deliver precision damage from anywhere within her first range increment instead of 30 feet.
''{{Anchor|Two-Weapon Wielding Scoundrel}}:'' This style grant the [[Dual Weapon Fighting (3.5e Feat)|Dual Weapon Fighting]] feat as a bonus feat and allow the Ronin to select two different weapons as her Favored Weapon.
''{{Anchor|Unarmed Master}}:'' This style grant the Savage Ronin gain Unarmed Damage progression of a [[SRD:Monk|Monk]] of her class level, she also count as a [[SRD:Monk|Monk]] of her level for prerequisites and benefiting from feats. Her unarmed strike is always considered to be her Favored Weapon in addition with any other Favored Weapon she might choose, this include gaining benefits from feat which applies to her Favored Weapon. Finally add [[SRD:Stunning Fist|Stunning Fist]]{{B}} to her list of [[#Bonus Feat|Bonus Feat]].
'''{{Anchor|Rage}} {{Ex}}:''' A Savage Ronin has the rage ability, which is identical to the [[SRD:Barbarian|Barbarian]]'s Rage, including gaining Greater Rage at 11th and Mighty Rage at 20th. The Savage Ronin never gain Tireless Rage.
At 4th level and each even level thereafter, the Savage Ronin's dishonorable strike increase by 1d6.
'''{{Anchor|Ronin's Savage Flurry}} {{Ex}}:''' A 1st level Savage Ronin is capable of striking with unerring speed. The Savage Ronin gain while raging, gaining an extra attack whenever she make a full-attack, although it attackwhich must be made with her Favored Weapon. The extra attacks granted by Ronin's Flurry stack with extra attacks granted by [[SRD:Two-Weapon Fighting|Two-Weapon Fighting]]. This ability count as Flurry of Blows for the purpose of meeting prerequisites and interacting with feat and equipment.
At 11th level she gain an additional extra attack through Ronin's Savage Flurry with the same limitation, this attack suffer a -5 penalty. Finally at 17th level she gain a third additional attack, this one at a -10 penalty. '''{{Anchor|Bonus Feat}}:''' At 2nd level, 4th level and each 4 levels thereafter a Savage Ronin gain a single bonus feat chosen from a specific list, she must meet the prerequisite of any feat she wishes to take with the exception of any feat marked with {{B}}. In order to qualify for the bonus feats on this list, she count her class level as fighter level and her base attack bonus as equal to her class level (if higher). The Savage Ronin choose her bonus feat from the following list: [[Bolster Technique (3.5e Feat)|Bolster Technique]], [[SRD:Combat Reflexes|Combat Reflexes]]{{B}}, [[Counterstroke (3.5e Feat)|Counterstroke]], [[SRD:Deflect Arrows|Deflect Arrows]]{{B}}, [[Greater Sudden Blow (3.5e Feat)|Greater Sudden Blow]], [[SRD:Greater Weapon Focus|Greater Weapon Focus]], [[SRD:Greater Weapon Specialization|Greater Weapon Specialization]], [[High Risk Dodging (3.5e Feat)|High Risk Dodging]], [[SRD:Improved Feint|Improved Feint]]{{B}}, [[SRD:Improved Shield Bash|Improved Shield Bash]]{{B}}, [[SRD:Improved Trip|Improved Trip]]{{B}}, [[Lesser Sudden Blow (3.5e Feat)|Lesser Sudden Blow]], [[Mundane Contingency (3.5e Feat)|Mundane Contingency]], [[Quick Counter (3.5e Feat)|Quick Counter]], [[Sudden Blow (3.5e Feat)|Sudden Blow]], [[SRD:Weapon Specialization|Weapon Specialization]] or any <nowiki>[</nowiki>[[Ambush (3.5e Feat Type)|Ambush]]<nowiki>]</nowiki> feats or <nowiki>[</nowiki>[[Fury (3.5e Feat Type)|Fury]]<nowiki>]</nowiki> feats.
'''{{Anchor|Sash or Steel}} {{Ex}}:''' A 2nd level Savage Ronin gain her [[Charisma]] bonus to AC while wearing light or no armor, it is limited to her armor's max dexterity bonus much like her actual [[Dexterity] bonus.
'''{{Anchor|Bonus FeatQuick Iaijutsu}}:''' At A 3rd level and each 6 levels thereafter a Savage Ronin gain a single [[SRD:Quick Draw|Quick Draw]] and [[Quick Sheathe (3.5e Feat)|Quick Sheathe]] as bonus feat chosen from a specific list, she must meet the prerequisite of any feat she wishes to take with the exception of any feat marked with {{B}}feats. The Savage Ronin choose her bonus feat from the following list:
'''{{Anchor|Ronin's Tricks}}:''' At 3rd level, 5th level, 9th level and each 4 odd level thereafterthereafyer, a Savage Ronin learn a trick from the list below. These tricks usually represent either dirty tricks, swordmanship feat or even basic ki-using abilities. A Ronin's Trick cannot be chosen multiple times unless specified otherwise. Unless she possess the ability to use all skills in a rage (through feats or other abilities) the savage ronin cannot use any Ronin's Trick while raging. The save DCs of a dirty trick is DC 10 + 1/2 class level + the savage ronin's [[Charisma]] bonus. Once used a Ronin Trick cannot be used until a single round pass.
''{{Anchor|Divert Attention}} {{Ex}}:'' As a swift action you point to a square behind your opponent, they must make a [[Will]] save or look. If they look they cannot take an attack of opportunity against you and count as not observing you until attacked or until they make a DC 5 [[Intelligence]] check which may be attempted at the beginning of each of it round. This is usable once per day per foe and is a [language-dependent]] ability.
''{{Anchor|Fire-Snake Wine Spit}} {{Ex}} or {{Su}}:'' As a swift action, a savage ronin can take a swig of strong wine or other non-toxic flammable and then spit it out as a standard action. This ability is a breath weapon which may be delivered in a 15-ft cone-shaped spread or a 30 -ft. line, dealing 1d4 fire damage per class level and leave a burning [[SRD:Grease|''grease'']] effect on it area for 1 round. If the Savage Ronin is wielding a torch or [[SRD:Flaming|Flaming]] weapon this Ronin's Trick is a Extraordinary ability, otherwise it is supernatural.
''{{Anchor|Illusory Death}} {{Su}}:'' This Ronin's Trick allow a Savage Ronin to mock her death itself, once per day whenever she would be killed by an attack, effect or else she may activate this trick as non-action. She take an immediate standard action, which she may use to save herself or perform some other action and leave a [[SRD:Major Image|''major image'']] of herself to suffer the fate she would have suffered. A Savage Ronin must be at least level 11th to select this Ronin's Trick.
''{{Anchor|Inappropriate Disrobing}} {{Ex}}:'' This Ronin's Trick behave as the [[Sexy Distraction (3.5e Skill Trick)|Sexy Distraction]] except that you gain a +2 dodge bonus to AC against those affected for the encounter and do not take any penalty for using it. Alternatively you may use it alongside a [[#Dirty Kiai|Dirty Kiai]] as a swift action, make a single attacks against your opponent, dealing no damage to her, instead you deal damage to all of her equipment. All equipment [[Broken (3.5e Condition)|broken]] this way fall on the ground, if it successfully disrobed the target there is a [[Sexy Distraction (3.5e Skill Trick)|Sexy Distraction]] effect from them instead. You gain a +4 bonus on your [[Will]] against the distraction, but you are not immune to it.
''{{Anchor|Sudden DecapitationInstinctive Riposte}} {{Ex}}:'' As a move action, the savage ronin can specifically aim for the neck of her foe, increasing the critical threat of her weapon by 1 for 1 round, this is applied after any other effect which alter critical hits threat range (such as keen or Improved Critical). In addition if the attack is a natural 20, it strike the neck directly changing the weaponThis Ronin's critical multiplier to x4 unless it was higher. If Trick allow Savage Ronin may make a savage ronin kill an enemy with an single attack enhanced by this ability, it always decapitate it. If used as a part of immediate action, after doing so she become [[#Dirty KiaiSRD:Staggered|Dirty KiaiStaggered]] the attack is always a critical threatfor 1 round. This bypass normal immunities.
'''{{Anchor|Against All Odds}} {{Ex}}:''' A 5th level Savage Ronin is only more motivated when fighting multiple foes, she a +2 dodge bonus to AC while fighting multiple foes within 5 feet of her. In addition when a creature count as flanking her, she count as flanking them.
At 15th level the Savage Ronin may use Dirty Kiai twice per encounter.
'''{{Anchor|Greater Rage}}:''' At 11th level, a Savage Ronin’s bonuses to Strength and Constitution during her rage each increase to +6, and her morale bonus on Will saves increases to +3. The penalty to AC remains at –2.
'''{{Anchor|Inevitable Blade}} {{Ex}}:''' A 19th level Savage Ronin completely ignore any miss chance and cover when making her attacks granted by BAB. She may even hit a foe benefitting benefiting from total coveror total concealment as if they did not.
'''{{Anchor|Mighty Rage}}:''' At 20th level, a Savage Ronin's bonuses to Strength and Constitution during her rage each increase to +8, and her morale bonus on Will saves increases to +4. The penalty to AC remains at –2.