Almost finished, just need to fit all of the Lash improvement
{{3.5e Class Data
|summary=Beep Boop Plant WarlockAn invoking class much like the warlock, WIPthe Verdant Channeler use a force called The Green in order to manipulate and create plants.
|specialhead1= rowspan="2" {{!}} Invocation<br>Known
|special1=[[#InvocationGreen Link|Least InvocationGreen Link]], [[#Vine Lash|Vine Lash]], [[#Vine Grapple|Vine Grapple]] {{!!}} 1
|special2=[[#Verdant Sense|Verdant Sense]] (''Survival''), [[#Woodland Stride|Woodland Stride]] {{!!}} 2
|special3=[[#Bonus Feat|Bonus Feat]], [[#Trackless Step|Trackless Step]] {{!!}} 3
|special4=[[#Verdant Sense|Verdant Sense]] (''Speak with Plants'') , [[#Vital Resistance|Vital Resistance]] {{!!}} 4
|special5=[[#Verdant Transformation|Verdant Transformation]] {{!!}} 5
|special6=[[#Bonus Feat|Bonus Feat]], [[#Invocation|Lesser Invocation]] {{!!}} 6
|special7=[[#Green Renewed Vitality|Green Renewed Vitality]] {{!!}} 7
|special8=[[#Verdant Sense|Verdant Sense]] (''Blindsense'') {{!!}} 8
|special9= [[#Deathgrip|Deathgrip]] {{!!}} 9
|special10=[[#Green Soul|Green Soul]] {{!!}} 10
|special11=[[#Invocation|Greater Invocation]] {{!!}} 11
The four grades of invocations in order of their power are least, lesser, greater, and green. A verdant channeler begins only able to obtain least invocations. As they gain levels, he gets access to lesser, greater, and green invocations as listed on the table above. At any level a verdant channeler learns a new invocation, she may replace a previous invocation she knows with a different invocation of equal or lower level than the invocation being replaced.
The Verdant Channeler invocation list may be found here: [[3.5e Verdant Channeler Invocations]].
The Verdant Channeler possess a special type of Invocations, these [Lash] invocation are limited to only two active at any given time. If a third one is activated one of the previous invocation is automatically dismissed. The Verdant Channeler choose which invocation is dismissed. '''{{Anchor|Green Link}} {{Ex}}:''' A Verdant Channeler has linked herself with the Green, gaining access to her invocations and other supernatural abilities. At 1st level the Verdant Channeler decide of the nature of her link. Once that choice is made it cannot be changed: ''Druidic Tradition:'' You have linked yourself to the Green using the same set of moral and worshiper as a druid. You gain Wild Empathy and you gain the ability to cast spells as a [[Naturalist (3.5e NPC Class)|Naturalist]] in addition to your invocations. You have the code of conduct of a druid and learn druidic as a secret language. ''Esoteric Botanist:'' You gained access to the power of the Green through science. You gain all [[SRD:Knowledge Skill|Knowledge]] skill as class skill and may use your [[Intelligence]] instead of your [[Wisdom]] or [[Charisma]] for all your Verdant Channeler's class feature. Finally you gain [[SRD:Brew Potion|Brew Potion]] as a bonus feat and the ability to prepare elixir like a [[Chemist (3.5e Class)|Chemist]] of half your class level. ''Fey Heritage:'' You access the Green through you ancestry, much like a warlock do with theirs. You count as a [[SRD:Fey Type|Fey]] for the purpose of meeting prerequisites and gain an additional Invocation known at 1st, 5th, 10th and 20th level. You may select these Invocation from either the Warlock list or the Verdant Channeler's list. '''{{Anchor|Vine Lash}} {{Su}}:''' A 1st level Verdant Channeler can call an army of vines at her service, she gain two vine lashes feral strikes (profile below), meaning she may use them for two-weapon fighting or as a two-handed weapon. The vine feral strike may strike creature 15 feet away but do not threaten them. If you possess [[SRD:Weapon Finesse|Weapon Finesse]] you may use your [[Dexterity]] instead of [[Strength]] for the purpose of calculating attack and damage roll with your vine lash. She may perform actions with her vine lash from 15 feet away just like if they were her hands, with the exception of wielding weapons or activating magic items. Finally this ability count as the [[SRD:Improved Unarmed Strike|Improved Unarmed Strike]] feat for the purpose of meeting prerequisites.
{{3.5e Mundane Weapon
The vines appears from terrain near her or from her, she may retract of extend her vines as a move action. She may even weaves her vines into living clothing, granting her a +1 armor bonus to AC. However doing so reduce the vines ability to strike ranged target by 5 feet.
'''{{Anchor|Vine Grapple}} {{Ex}}:''' A Verdant Channeler is extremely skilled when it come to grappling her foes with her vine lashes. She may use her class level instead of base attack bonus for calculating her grapple bonus with her vine lashes. She may also attempt to grapple at range, if successful she pull them into her square as normal.
'''{{Anchor|Verdant Sense}} {{Ex}}:''' A 2nd level Verdant Channeler possess an innate link to nature, she gain a +4 bonus on [[SRD:Survival Skill|Survival]] check as long as plants exist in the biome she attempt her [[SRD:Survival Skill|Survival]] check in. She may take 15 on [[SRD:Survival Skill|Survival]] checks in such circumstances.
'''{{Anchor|Trackless Step}} {{Ex}}:''' At 3rd level a Verdant Channeler gain Trackless as the [[SRD:Druid|Druid]]'s ability of the same name.
'''{{Anchor|Vital Resistance}} {{Su}}:''' A 4th level Verdant Channeler's link to the green allow her to resist force which would kill her. She gain resistance to negative energy equal to her class level and DR/Cold Iron 3.
'''{{Anchor|Verdant Transformation}}:'''A 5th level Verdant Channeler may become [[Natureborn (3.5e Race)|Natureborn]] with the Green Heart Natural Aspect. She retain any of her old racial traits and her ability scores and type are not adjusted further. The benefits of the Natureborn's Natural Aspect are based on class level rather than hit dice. If the Verdant Channeler does not desire to undergo the transformation she instead gain a bonus feat she meet the prerequisite for.
If the Verdant Channeler was already a [[Natureborn (3.5e Race)|Natureborn]], she may gain an additional Natural Aspect. However she must select Green Heart as either her first or second aspect. The benefits of the secondary Natureborn's Natural Aspect are based on class level rather than hit dice.
'''{{Anchor|Green Renewed Vitality}} {{Ex}}:''' At 7th level the Verdant Channeler become immune to disease, including supernatural diseases. She also gain [[Ability Damage Reduction (3.5e Creature Ability)|Hard Ability Damage Reduction]] 1 to all of her ability scores. '''{{Anchor|Deathgrip}} {{Ex}}:''' If a 9th level Verdant Channeler manage to [[SRD:Pin|pin]] a creature while using her vine lash feral strike for 3 consecutive rounds, she may attempt to break it neck, spinal cords or whatnot as a free action. The target is allowed a [[Fortitude]] save (DC 10 + 1/2 Class Level + the Verdant Channeler's [[Strength]] or [[Dexterity]] modifier) or die outright. On a successful save the target is allowed to make a free [[Strength]] or [[SRD:Escape Artist Skill|Escape Artist]] attempt and the Verdant Channeler must pin the target for 3 more consecutive rounds.
'''{{Anchor|Green Soul}} {{Ex}}:''' At 10th level the Verdant Channeler has imbue her soul with the revitalizing energy of the green. You gain negative energy resistance 5 She become immune to [death]-effect and whenever you she would receive a negative level reduce the amount by 1 (to a minimum of 0). Finally if you are she is slain and raised from the dead you do not lose a level.
'''{{Anchor|Timeless Body}} {{Ex}}:''' A 15th level Verdant Channeler gain Timeless Body as the [[SRD:Druid|Druid]]'s ability of the same name.