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Unflappable (3.5e Feat)

1 byte added, 05:30, 6 July 2017
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|benefit=Archetype Feats grant benefits based on HD:
* '''1 HD''': You're so cool, you are under a constant extraordinary ''[[Ell's Dramatic Action (3.5e Spell)|ell's dramatic action]]''. The bonus increases to +2 at 4 HD, and an additional +1 every 4 HD beyond. You may also take 10 on Balance checks, even when stressed.
* '''3 HD''': You are immune to demoralizing via intimidate, and gain your highest metal mental ability bonus on saves against fear. Whenever they would be frightened, they are shaken instead. Whenever they would be panicked or cowering, they are shaken and staggered instead.
* '''8 HD''': You cut any [[Daunt (3.5e Creature Ability)|daunt]] levels or morale penalties you have taken by half (minimum 0), and recover 1 daunt level or morale penalty each round.
* '''15 HD''': Nothing sticks to you. You may reroll any status effect after 1 round after being affected (even if you normally couldn't, such as being dead or petrified) at a -2 penalty. If you succeed on the second saving throw you act as if you had saved initially, even coming back from the dead. It only works if your body is intact, and it doesn't reverse a change in position or forced movement, loss of hit points, or ability damage or drain.
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