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442 bytes removed, 10:25, 6 December 2016
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|classname= The Host
|hitdie= 12
|length= 2030
|bab= Good
|fort= Good
|special19= Greater Mutation
|special20= Perfect Form
|special21= Bonus Feat
|special22= Bonus Feat
|special23= Bonus Feat
|special24= Bonus Feat
|special25= Bonus Feat
|special26= Bonus Feat
|special27= Bonus Feat
|special28= Bonus Feat
|special29= Bonus Feat
|special30= Bonus Feat
|skillpoints= (4)
Master of multiattack: all attacks are treated as primary weapons, dealing full str for all attack types, if higher than it is already. In addition, an additional set of limbs are sprouted, treated as the extra limb ability; if that ability is already chosen, this effect stacks granting a total of 6 arms. The tail mutation is also gained, but only if not already had. Also, any available attack can be chosen for attacks of opportunity, and the dice size for all natural attacks are increased by 1 step. Additionally, the increased enhancement mutation is gained, if not already had. Finally, all natural attacks threat ranges are increased by 1, though this doesn’t stack with like effects such as keen or the natural increase to threat granted to the primary claws.
'''{{Anchor|Bonus Feats}}:''' Past level 20 The epic The Host gains a Epic Bonus Feat
Ultimately, if a host does enough to drive its symbiote out after a level in the class is gained, he faces a permanent 2 Wisdom damage, as the lack of the simbiote becomes odd to his conciousness. To begin life as a new class, the character must first take a level in the Expert NPC class and begin his first level at his 2nd HD. If he has multiple levels as a Host, all those levels are subsequently replaced with the Expert NPC class. Any Base Attack Bonus, Saves and Hit Dice are recalculated. Any skills, however, remain unchanged. Needless to say, all class abilities are lost. ''''Epic The Host''''{| class="zebra d20" |+ class="epic" | <div>{{Anchor|Table: The Epic The Host}}</div> Hit Die: d<-12-> |- ! Level !! Special |- | 21st || class="left" | Bonus Feat |- | 22nd || class="left" | Bonus Feat|- | 23rd || class="left" | Bonus Feat|-| 24th || class="left" | Bonus Feat |- | 25th || class="left" | Bonus Feat|- | 26th || class="left" | Bonus Feat |- | 27th || class="left" | Bonus Feat |- | 28th || class="left" | Bonus Feat|- | 29th || class="left" | Bonus Feat |- | 30th || class="left" | Bonus Feat|}{|- class="noalt" | colspan="42" class="skill" | 4 + [[SRD:Intelligence|Int]] modifier skill points per level. |}  '''{{Anchor|Bonus Feats}}:''' The epic The Host gains a Epic Bonus Feat
'''{{Anchor|Hosts in the World}}'''
{{quote|A monster draped in writhing black with razor sharp claws and needle like teeth came out of the air and decimated our troop. Just as we managed to regain our wits, the creature sprouted an additional set of arms and threw a fireball at us. Yet again, we managed to regain our composure and we managed to shove a spear to the shaft directly through the creature’s heart. Instead of falling, a mass of tendrils opened, spitting the spear out of the creature’s chest. After a few minutes of combat, when all our troop was dead or diabled, the monster cackled madly, and I kid you not, the mass of black dissappeared, leaving nothing but an average looking man, in no armor and armed with no weapon, who then whistled and walked off. |orig=Jjorgen Darksteel, Dwarf Mercenary}}

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