User talk:Lucii
[hide]Creating sockpuppets to rate your own stuff[edit]
This isn't allowed. Your ratings have been removed. See Rating Articles for rules on rating articles. --Sulacu (talk) 11:36, 2 December 2016 (UTC)
No clue what i'm doing but this isn't a sock puppet -_- my friend sent me a link and i rated it how i saw it but i usually do high power campains so my Ideals are vastly Different -Lucii
I Rated it because my friend Yes, but if i didn't like it i would have rated it badly, being friends had nothing to do with it. So you're just making assumptions that because he's my "friend" i'd give him a good rating but i wouldn't, for fur i enjoy the fact he moved all the one piece feats over making it really cool and usable in future campaigns i host or am in, and the others were all things i'd use in multiple characters by cross combining things, then slip i am a Gm for a game he is in and rated it how i saw it, i liked the flaw and it made sense to me but other people will obviously assume if someone has a high rating it's either a fake account or he told his friend to, but i did it because i actually enjoy the content which is the entire purpose of this site isn't it, if i actually enjoy something or if they ask my opinion i will rate it how i feel otherwise i wouldn't bother So please don't make Drastic assumption the second you see something better than 2 ---Lucii
- There are plenty of 'Community Favourite' articles out there that have more than four positive ratings on them, but here's the gist. Most of the people that rate on this site are also content creators. That does not mean you have to make content in order to rate, but for a rating to have validity and value it needs to have credibility. One important part of that is an understanding of the framework of the roleplaying system that the site provides as well as its intended levels of balance. For example, I love One Piece, but that doesn't mean I would instantly like or favor an article based on One Piece that is far too weak or strong, that doesn't conform to the ruleset of 3.5th edition D&D, and that doesn't provide any sort of reference or citation of obscure core rules or preferential rules (read, Homebrew) that you guys may or may not have made up by yourselves without informing us. That is why it is important to rate according to guidelines, and that is why I considered your mass-ratings of your friend's work as anomalous. --Sulacu (talk) 12:43, 2 December 2016 (UTC)
- Alrighty Then, I was going to start rating other things based on how i saw it but now i see it's a waste of time since i'll just be removed, Gotta Love How power corrupts <3 --Lucii
- You may rate the article created by your friend. However since you well, more or less registered at the same time we need to exercise caution to avoid rating bombing. If you do rate them again, you probably should expand the rating description a bit. By example : Leopard's Insight had "Not bad, i see no problems with it but i feel sorry for the monk surrounded he'll run out of ki very quickly" is a bit short and do not explain why you like the article. Although even veteran users l;eave short rating from time to time, SUlacu is just being cautious to avoid rating bombing. Especially after several attempt to delete Ghostwheel's rating. --Leziad (talk) 20:37, 2 December 2016 (UTC)
Rating issues[edit]
'While a user may maintain multiple accounts if they so choose, no user may use an alternate account for any abusive purposes, including but not limited to: obscuring their identity for the purpose of self-rating; rating a single article multiple times; or concealing dishonest behavior by divorcing it from your public persona (e.g., an agreement to rate a friend's article favorably regardless of merit)'.
There is nothing wrong with rating articles that you like, but if you make an account for the express purpose of blanket-rating your friends' work up then that just serves to call into question your judgment and the integrity of your ratings. In such a case we reserve the right to remove such ratings. --Sulacu (talk) 12:00, 2 December 2016 (UTC)
Formatting Help[edit]
You needed help? That was your class there, The Host, right? It's a hot mess right now, but it has content in there somewhere. -- Eiji-kun (talk) 08:30, 6 December 2016 (UTC)
- if you like i ahve a proper page set up and i'm just utterly confused by these things xD, i'm bad with formats, IO have everything on there just nto clue how to make it work properly
- While it'll be a bit longer before I have time for an in depth attempt (I'm a bit busy elsewhere) I'll give you the run down on some basic tricks and tips, beginners traps, etc.
- First, unless it says to delete it, don't delete any of the preload. I think you got that, but a lot of people skip that. That includes your author box, which you want to fill out so you can get credit for your swag. One exception is the comment tags. Anything that looks <-- like it's in this -->. That's meant to be replaced. Think of it as a form to fill out, and that's saying <-- name here --> or <-- address here -->. If you don't delete it, it'll just be hidden.
- Likewise don't delete your tags, the (3.5e Whatever) part. That tells the wiki what this is supposed to be. At the moment the Host is floating in the void, unlisted anywhere because it doesn't know if this is a 3.5e Class, or a 5e Feat, or whatever.
- Then, if you don't know the formatting feel free to find a similar, completed page and hit edit so you can see the code. For example here is a link to a vestige named Sol-Eiji. When you edit this page you'll see how I made that link. It's [[The Page Title (3.5e Whatever)|What the link actually says]]. Also, you probably also just learned the use of the nowiki command there, in case you want it to show up without becoming a link.
- Lastly, remember that when you post something on the mainspace it becomes free reign for people to vote on it, since that stuff is supposed to be done, or near done, or playable. If you don't feel your work is to that point, you can always either stick it in a notepad offline, or put it in your Sandbox (I can show you how to set one up).
- It's a 3.5e Class that is from another site that has frequent issues, i wanted to port it over so i had more a more stable site to use and i don't really need credit for any of it, just wanted it here since it's mor e likely that it won't get deleted at random or changed to something completely else by someone, because that does happen on there if sandbox is a way to keep random things like this and not have to deal with problems of people question it or getting mad it's from elsewhere i'd like to use it so thanks for telling me and the hints, i think i accidentally deleted on of the major 3.5 tags that allowed it to figure out stats so thanks for pointing it out Lucii (talk) 12/6/16 8:51 GMT
- Ok, well I do need to ask that you are sure you have the author's permission to port it over. Otherwise we can't actually host it. That said, we could Sandbox it so you'd still have access to it, we just can't say "We decided to host Bob's work" and Bob's not cool with it. See if you can get permission.
- Even so, I see you've already begun edits. Keep it up, I'll move it to the correct title later and/or your Sandbox. Sandboxing basically consists of me making a subpage of your User page, and linking it appropriately. Doesn't show up in navigation, but the link will always be on your user page so it's all good. -- Eiji-kun (talk) 09:29, 6 December 2016 (UTC)
- Best to put it in sandbox because it's going to be near impossibel to contact the orginal authur since it's about 4 or more years old and i think the creator stop doing anything -- (talk) 12/6/16 9:32 GMT
- Done, on your user page. And here as well. -- Eiji-kun (talk) 10:23, 6 December 2016 (UTC)
(RESET INDENT) Your sandbox page is part of your personal page (you can tell this because it'll be User:Lucii/The Host) so you can go hog wild with it. So, same thing. -- Eiji-kun (talk) 11:59, 6 December 2016 (UTC)
- So how do you make more sub pages or should i just keep it the way i have it? Lucii(talk) 12/6/16 7:05 (UTC-5)
- You can make more subpages by adding "/Whatever" to the end of the URL of your user page. You can also do this by making the link first, like this: User:Lucii/Whatever. You'll notice this is a dead link, and that's because the page doesn't exist yet. If you go there, you'll have a completely empty page to work with where you can use it like that, or more likely import something from outside like a preload you're working on. Give it a try on something. -- Eiji-kun (talk) 12:30, 6 December 2016 (UTC)
I noticed that you are making a few parasitic classes, you may want to look at the Dream Lord, Viveka Spectre, Stranger with the Burning Eyes, Soulbinder, or Insidious Parasite for inspiration. Feel free to comment or rate. --Franken Kesey 14:53, 18 December 2016 (MST)