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2 bytes added, 09:46, 6 December 2016
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'''Notables:''' Venon Durden, a human commoner’s life changed when he stumbled upon a strange mass of dark blue ooze in his home. As he investigated the mass, it suddenly lurched forward and engulfed his body. As he thought his life was over, he heard a strange voice in his head. ‘My name is Wave. I am a creature of which you could not understand. I do not wish to harm you, only to better you. If you accept me into your mind and body, we will become force to recon with, that all the world will come to know and respect...or fear. What do you say human. Do you wish to join me...?’ From that day on, Venon made his name in history as the Waterfall, an assassin known for his unstopable force in battle, along with his odd affinity with ice magic. After the assassination of 2 kings, 4 feudal lords, and over 50 nobles throughout the kingdom, the Waterfall was eventually pinned down by over a dozen sorcerers specializing in sonic magic, after the cause of his brutal abilities were determined.
'''Organizations:''' Simbiotes are unlikely to surface. On occasion they due, and as they reproduce asexually, there are likely more than a few growing throughout the planet. Still they are incredibly rare. Also, the nature of the simbote race is to become the most powerful. They dislike the thought of any rivals, and more often than not try to rid themselves of future rivals, if they happen to run across any other hosts. Still, its not impossible that a band of hosts could form, if the odd occurance that multiple simbiotes surfaced and attached to hosts around the same time period, in a pursuit of greater power through an alliance.
'''NPC Reactions:''' Most goodly races despise the thought of having a creature inside their mind, and therefore most hosts that are open about their relationship are shunned. While they may not be the most popular people throughout town, however, mercenary bands and armies, even kings seeking key warriors and assassins are often very excited at the find of a host, as they tend to make very efficient special warriors.

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