Trying to search for good class feature to put at 3, fuck it. Bonus feat.
|special1=[[#Arcane Training|Arcane Training]], [[#Mageblade|Mageblade]] {{!!}} +1 level of existing initiator class/+1 level of existing spellcasting class
|special2=[[#Martial Compensation|Martial Compensation]] {{!!}} +1 level of existing initiator class/+1 level of existing spellcasting class
|special3= [[#Bonus Feat|Bonus Feat]] {{!!}} +1 level of existing initiator class/+1 level of existing spellcasting class
|special4=[[#Sublime Counterspell|Sublime Counterspell]] {{!!}} +1 level of existing initiator class/+1 level of existing spellcasting class
'''{{Anchor|Mageblade}} {{Su}}:''' At 1st level a sublime mageblade can summon a weapon made of her magical martial spirit as a swift action. She need to be proficient with the weapon and it last for as long a she is holding it and 3 round thereafter (the duration does not end if she pick it up in time). The mageblade has an enhancement bonus equal to one third of the sublime mageblade's initiator level. Any enhancement bonus beyond the first may be used to gain additional enhancement bonuses or equivalent special weapon qualities, though the weapon is still subject to a maximum +5 flat enhancement bonus. The exact enhancement and qualities of the weapon are chosen by sublime mageblade after a 1 hour meditation.
'''{{Anchor|Martial Compensation}} {{Ex}}:''' At 2nd level a sublime mageblade initiator level or caster level now equal the highest of the two. '''{{Anchor|Bonus Feat}} {{Ex}}:''' At 3rd level a sublime mageblade gain a single [fighter] or [metamagic] bonus feat she meet the prerequisites of.
'''{{Anchor|Sublime Counterspell}} {{Ex}}:''' At 4th level a sublime mageblade may expend one of her readied maneuver attempt to counter a spell as an immediate action as long as successfully identify the spell as if she attempted to counter the spell with the same spell. She do not spend actually a spell when attempting to use sublime counterspell.