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Unicorns, Variant (3.5e Race)

42 bytes removed, 16:28, 10 January 2015
Racial Traits: Tweaked SR (Was actually last edit but forgot to say) and tweaked natural hoof attacks
* Natural Horn weapon: A unicorn's Horn counts as a magic +1 Rapier for damage and criticals. At each character level you gain an ability score increase, this increases by one, to a maximum of +5. You still gain the ability score increase as usual.
* Natural hoof attacks: These deal 1d6 damage each. These are treated as masterwork, gaining the benefits as any other masterwork weapon, and may later be enchanted.
* Full attack: A unicorn may attack with its horn at full BaB then either front or rear hooves (if a target is behind them) 2 hoof attacks at -5.
* Spell Like Abilities: 1/day of either ''[[SRD:Neutralize_Poison|Neutralize Poison]]'' or ''[[SRD:Remove_Curse|Remove Curse]]''. The natural magic and anti-magic, stemming from the horn, grants it curative properties. In both cases, the target must have contact with the horn.
* Unicorns gain [[SRD:Alertness|Alertness]], [[SRD:Endurance|Endurance]], [[SRD:Weapon_Finesse|Weapon Finesse]] and [[SRD:Run_(Feat)|Run]] as racial feats

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