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Unicorns, Variant (3.5e Race)

179 bytes added, 16:17, 10 January 2015
Racial Traits: Added m'work+enchantability to hooves, added new headers for Younger Unicorns and Shapechanging
* Unicorns begin with 4 levels of Magical Beast, granting them 4d10 racial hit die. Their skill points for these levels are (2+Int Mod)x7. They gain two feats from these levels. It also grants them +4 Base Attack Bonus, +4 to Fortitude, +4 to Reflex and +1 to Will base saves
* Unicorn racial class skills are [[SRD:Listen_Skill|Listen]], [[SRD:Spot_Skill|Spot]], [[SRD:Survival_Skill|Survival]] and [[SRD:Control_Shape_Skill|Control Shape]]
* Naturally magic resistant: Grants 58+HD Spell Resistance. If the unicorn's horn is ever separated, this no longer functions.
* Natural Horn weapon: A unicorn's Horn counts as a magic +1 Rapier for damage and criticals. At each character level you gain an ability score increase, this increases by one, to a maximum of +5. You still gain the ability score increase as usual.
* Natural hoof attacks: These deal 1d6 damage each. These are treated as masterwork, gaining the benefits as any other masterwork weapon, and may later be enchanted.
* Full attack: A unicorn may attack with its horn at full BaB then either front or rear hooves (if a target is behind them) at -5.
* Spell Like Abilities: 1/day of either ''[[SRD:Neutralize_Poison|Neutralize Poison]]'' or ''[[SRD:Remove_Curse|Remove Curse]]''. The natural magic and anti-magic, stemming from the horn, grants it curative properties. In both cases, the target must have contact with the horn.
* Unicorns gain [[SRD:Alertness|Alertness]], [[SRD:Endurance|Endurance]], [[SRD:Weapon_Finesse|Weapon Finesse]] and [[SRD:Run_(Feat)|Run]] as racial feats
* Limited Shapechanging (Su): See Below. Changing form is always a standard action that provokes an attack of opportunity. If hit, make a DC25 Control Shape check to change form, if you fail, you must remain in your prior form.
=== Limited Shapechanging details ===
Unicorns have the ability to learn to adopt up to two other forms. This takes time to master, but by adulthood is usually achieved. Many unicorns take human (or a humanoid) as one of their options, but not all. Regardless of their alternate form, their horn is always present, though often as a snub-horn or horn-button.
Once a unicorn is familiar with their human(oid) form, if they chose one, they may choose to appear clothed. Their clothing can be of any design they choose, but their colors are decided by the unicorn's coat. These clothes can be given to others and will magically resize to fit the first person (only) who wears them. A unicorn can create new clothes when he next changes to that form. Any such clothes worn when a unicorn changes out of his human form disappear.
For all other items on a unicorn when they change form, they are considered dropped in the nearest free space.
=== Younger Unicorns ===
Alterations for a Colt/Filly (Medium)

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