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Truespeech (3.5e Variant Rule)

35 bytes added, 14:52, 19 March 2014
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To add a phrase into your Lexicon, you must fulfill two requirements. The first requirement is a level requirement; your Truespeaker level must be at least double the level of the phrase minus one. The other is a chain requirement; to learn a phrase, you need to know all phrases before it in its chain (i.e. to learn Air II, you need to know Air I; to learn Fire III, you need to know Fire I and Fire II).
A list of phrases can be found here: [[3.5e Phrases]]. Other articles related to this project include: [[Amulet of Words (3.5e Equipment)]] , [[Expanded Lexicon (3.5e Feat)]]. <!--more to come-->

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