Talk:Truespeech (3.5e Variant Rule)

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The Core Problem With Truespeak[edit]

Is not that all the things you can do with it are pretty lame and minor; I see you fixing that part admirably, which is good.

The core problem is that it revolves around the skill system. With significant investment, one can finagle a +60 at level 10, but without knowing all the various tricks, a level 10 character's bonus would be more like +18. I guess you're not using any sort of opposed Truespeech check stuff, so it only exists as a limit on your Phrases per Encounter and Phrases per Day... hmm, so an item of +20 to Truespeech is sort of like a Pearl of Power. --Foxwarrior (talk) 03:35, 19 March 2014 (UTC)

This is why I provided easy buffs to the skill (languages known/truespeaker levels). When the level 10 character that is barely trying is pushing (assuming pre-racial level 1 Int of 18, and maxing speak language and truespeech)...
  • +13 from Truespeech skill ranks
  • +5-6 from Int (depending on racial bonuses)
  • +5-7 from languages known at level 1 (depending on racial languages/bonuses)
  • +13 from languages bought via Speak Language
  • +5 from languages obtained via All-Speaker
  • +10 from Truespeaker levels
...+51-54 before items (which could provide more, I have written up the items of +truespeech; I just need to bring them to the wiki), pulling more isn't as impressive. Your skill bonus is already massive under this system. That's an average of 25-27 phrases per day before Long-Term Drain locks you out, which should be more than enough. --Qwertyu63 (talk) 13:59, 19 March 2014 (UTC)