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Truespeech (3.5e Variant Rule)

74 bytes added, 23:08, 18 March 2014
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== Truespeech ==
When the gods created the multiverse, they did so by speaking in a long lost tongue. By finding and learning scraps of this language, you can greatly control the multiverse. However, to use a word, you must truly understand it and then say it with absolute clarity. The knowledge behind this is represented by the skill of [[Truespeech (3.5e Skill)]] and those who have it can claim the title of [[Truespeaker (3.5e Class)]].
To speak a phrase, you must first choose what phrase you wish to speak. You can choose any phrase in your Lexicon. To speak a phrase, you must be able to speak. All phrases are spoken as a standard action.

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