no edit summary
|summary=Strike a spell with your weapon and return it to the sender. ...Yes, you actually do that. '''''You literally whack a spell as if it was a baseball.'''''
|fluff=Heeeeey batter batter batter, swiiiiiiing batter batter! Can't hit it can't hit it can't hit it can't hit it, ''swiiiing'' batter! '''Ooh!''' It's outta there!
|text=You may initiate this maneuver whenever you would be affected by a spell or a spell would have to pass through your threatened area to reach a target. Make a single attack roll opposed by a caster level check by the spell's caster. If you succeed, the spell is completely negated, as if [[SRD:Casting Spells#Counterspells|counterspelled]], and is instead turned back upon its caster, taking full effect on the caster (and ''only'' on the caster) as though you cast the spell yourself. If you scored a critical hit on your attack roll, the spell is maximized and empowered and allows no save, nor does spell resistance apply. If you fail on your attack roll, the spell works normally and you are not entitled to a saveif the spell affects you.
If you use this maneuver more than once in the same encounter, and your opponent witnessed the first use of the maneuver, your opponent gets a +5 bonus on the caster level check.