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Exiled Ruler (3.5e Prestige Class)

14 bytes added, 02:37, 23 May 2013
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'''{{Anchor|True Identity}} {{Ex}}:''' Once per day, you may choose to reveal your true royal identity during combat, to the shock and dismay of your enemies. As an immediate action, you may make an Intimidate check against any enemy within 60 30 feet who can see you in an attempt to demoralize them. Any enemy you demoralize is shaken for 1d4 rounds, instead of just one. For more information on how to make an Intimidate check and on the demoralized condition, see the Intimidate skill in the SRD.
'''{{Anchor|Inspirational Battle Speech}} {{Ex}}:''' Once per day, you may move yourself to the top of the Initiative order before an encounter begins (if you are not already at the top). As a standard action on your first turn, you may make an inspirational battle speech to your allies. Anyone who hears your speech gains a bonus to attack and rolls, damage rolls , and saves equal to your exiled ruler level; you gain this bonus, as well. This bonus goes down by 1 each successive round, until it disappears completely. For example a fourth level exiled ruler would grant a +4 bonus for the first round of the encounter, a +3 bonus for the second round, etc, etc. A fifth level exiled ruler would grant a +5 bonus for the first round, a +4 bonus for the second round, etc, etc.

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