Maybe it was buffed a little too much
'''Major Bends:'''
* ''The Unbending:'' The Bender of Energy uses consecutive full-round actions to touch the target, [[SRD:Paralyzed|paralyzing]] them for one round each time. During these full-round actions, the Bender of Energy and the target make opposed Will saves (one opposed Will save per full-round action). Nongood characters get a -1 penalty to this save, and Evil characters get another -1 penalty to this save. If the target fails, it is [[SRD:Paralyzed|paralyzed]] for 1 round. The first character to fail three times in a row loses all supernatural, spell-like, arcane, divine, psionic, and bending abilities, and cannot gain them later. Nothing short of five simultaneous ''[[SRD:Wish|wish]]'' or ''[[SRD:Miracle|miracle]]'' spells, or ''Rebend'', can restore these abilities.
* ''Rebend:'' As a standard action, the Bender of Energy restores a touched creature's abilities lost due to ''The Unbending'', or a [[Bender of Water (3.5e Class)|Bender of Water's]] ''Blood Chi Block'' ability. The target is also cured of all negative levels, spellstrained levels, ability damage, and ability drain.