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Tome of Prowess (3.5e Sourcebook)/Intimidation

2 bytes removed, 19:55, 18 August 2012
Intimidation: boosting high ends to helpful
'''Base DC:''' 15 + Character Level<br />
'''Check Result:'''
*DC+10 and above: The target is really, really scared of you. They are treated as friendly helpful whenever you interact with them, but they go out of their way to avoid you and may be difficult to track down. They probably leave town or go underground as soon as possible even. This effect lasts until their CR increases or they witness you being defeated.*DC+5 to DC+9: The target believes that bad things will happen if they don’t try to placate you. They are treated as friendly helpful towards you for 1d6 hours, until their CR increases, or they witness you being defeated.
*DC+0 to DC+4: The target believes that bad things will happen if they don’t try to placate you. They are treated as friendly towards you for 1d6 minutes.
*DC-1 to DC-5: Though you may actually be scary, the target isn’t moved and remains uncooperative.

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