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User:Spazalicious Chaos/Magical Cosplayer (3.5e Class)

28 bytes added, 01:03, 16 December 2011
Class Features: making class uniforms wearable
'''''{{Anchor|Bind Item}}'' {{Sp}}:''' At second level the magical cosplayer can bind a tool or implement that she can hold in one hand to her, like a weapon, rod, staff, or similar object. The binding process takes 10 minutes of uninterupted concentraition, infusing of spiritual energies, and freaky anime magic light shows. She may have only one object bonded to her at a time. After binding is completed, the item disappears. The cosplayer can them summon the item into her hand or dismiss it as a move action. Broken items or items that run out of charges disappear and can not be summoned for 24 hours, after which it can be summoned at full health/charges. Dispelled items cannot be summoned for 24 hours, and return at the same condition they were in at the time of dispelling.
'''{{Anchor|Class Uniform}} {{Su}}:''' At second level the cosplayer can mimic other classes using her costume ability. The cosplayer may choose a base class instead of a creature template as a learned costume. When she uses her costume to wear the class uniform, she gains the Base Attack Bonus, good saves, and abilities of a members of that class. The cosplayers is treated as half her level for determining what class abilities she can gain with the class uniform. This is otherwise like the standard costume ability, with the class uniform counting as an LA of one third her +1 at first level, +2 at 6th level, and +3 at 12th level (rounded up) for the purposes of the LA cap.
'''{{Anchor|Pet}} {{Su}}:''' At third level the magical cosplayer gains her choice of a familiar, animal companion or cohort. Animal companions or familiars treat the cosplayer effective druid/wizard level as two lower, the cohort is two levels lower in level than the cosplayer and replaces any cohort gained by the Leadership feat or similar effects.
The cosplayer knows a number mech suits equal to her charisma modifier. Once chosen the suit cannot be changed. The mecha suit lasts a number of rounds equal to half her class level plus her charisma modifier. Every other level past 10th she can gain another daily summoning of a mecha suit.
'''{{Anchor|Prestige Class Uniform}} {{Su}}:''' At 11th level the cosplayer improves her class uniforms to incorporate rare and exclusive classes. She my now select prestige classes as costumes. To use a prestige class uniform, she must either qualifiy for the class beforehand or else be able to via Dual Costume. This works like class uniform, except the prestige class uniform counts as half the cosplayers level -10 for the purposes of LA cap and she gains the abilities of the class equal to her level-8.
'''{{Anchor|Uber Mecha Suit}} {{Su}}:''' At 20th level, the construct suit created by mecha suit is one size category larger. All benefits of size advancement (including level adjustment as for advancing a normal monster) are applied to each mecha suit she knows. If this would disqualify a mecha suit, she instead chooses a suitable replacement model.

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