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Undead (3.5e Type)

47 bytes removed, 18:56, 21 April 2011
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<span style="display:none">[[Summary::Undead come in two varieties: Primeval and Converted, each of which are given as subtypes. While the former is created from scratch solely as undead monsters, the latter is a transitional type applied to something that was previously of another type. This entry covers both separately.]]</span>
Undead come in two varieties: Primeval and Converted, each of which are given as subtypes. While the former is created from scratch solely as undead monsters, the latter is a transitional type applied to something that was previously of another type. This entry covers both separately. Note that these undead still have Constitution scores, as there is nothing stipulated in their entries concerning its loss.
Both Primeval and Converted possesses the following traits (unless otherwise noted in a creature’s entry).
* Undead substitute their Charisma bonus (if positive) for their Constitution modifier in all still-applicable regards (including hit points and Fortitude saving throws).
* Being made of dead flesh (or sometimes no flesh at all), undead are not hindered by many of the same limitations as living creatures. They are affected differently by death effects than other creatures; instead of snuffing them out entirely, a failed save against a death effect deals 10 points of damage per level of the source. Undead are immune to critical hits or precision-based damage unless the attacker makes a successful Knowledge (religion) check (DC 10 + the HD of the undead) each turn that they attack.
* Undead also cannot be affected by fatigue or exhaustion and are immune to the effects of disease, poison, sleep effects, paralysis, and stunning.

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