Sky Carrier Imperator (3.5e Monster)

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Author: Eiji-kun (talk)
Date Created: 2-4-16
Status: Complete
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Sky Carrier Imperator (Hull) Sky Carrier Imperator (Turret)
Size/Type: Macro-Fine Construct (Vehicle) Large Construct (Vehicle)
Hit Dice: 20d10+260 (370 hp) 20d10+30 (140 hp)
Initiative: +0 As hull
Speed: As engines As engines
Armor Class: 38 (+60 natural, -32 size), touch -22, flat-footed 38 34 (+25 natural, -1 size), touch 9, flat-footed 34
Base Attack/Grapple: +15/- +15/-
Attack: - +5 Heavy Vulcans +29 ranged (4d6+5, 20/x2)
Full Attack: - +5 Heavy Vulcans +29/+24/+19 ranged (4d6+5, 20/x2)
Space/Reach: 60 ft; see text/60 ft 10 ft/10 ft
Special Attacks: Hangar Active Defense System, Heavy Vulcans, Suppressing Fire
Special Qualities: Construct Traits, Darkvision 60 ft, Fast Healing 10, Hardness 10, Hull Breach, Hull Shape, Low-Light Vision, Multitarget, Reinforced Plating +7 Construct Traits, Darkvision 60 ft, Hardness 10, Low-Light Vision, Multitarget, Retract, Targetting System
Saves: Fort +13, Ref +6, Will +6 Fort As hull, Ref As hull, Will As hull
Abilities: Str 100, Dex 10, Con -, Int -, Wis , Cha Str 20, Dex 10, Con -, Int -, Wis 30, Cha -
Skills: - -
Feats: - -
Environment: Any Any
Organization: Solitary and Core (plus 2-8 turrets, 1-2 shield generators, 1-4 engines, and 1 recon dish) See Hull
Challenge Rating: 10; see text 10; see text
Treasure: None None
Alignment: Always True Neutral Always True Neutral
Advancement: 21+ HD (Macro-Fine) 21+ HD (Large)
Level Adjustment:

Sky Carrier Imperator (Shield Generator) Sky Carrier Imperator (Engines)
Size/Type: Large Construct (Vehicle) Huge Construct (Vehicle)
Hit Dice: 20d10+30 (140 hp) 20d10+40 (150 hp)
Initiative: As hull As hull
Speed: As engines fly 100 ft (perfect) + 50 ft per additional engine
Armor Class: 38 (+5 deflection, +24 natural, -1 size), touch 14, flat-footed 38 38 (+30 natural, -2 size), touch 8, flat-footed 38
Base Attack/Grapple: +15/- +15/-
Attack: - -
Full Attack: - -
Space/Reach: 10 ft/10 ft 15 ft/15 ft
Special Attacks: Draw Energy, Recover Shield Afterburners
Special Qualities: Construct Traits, Darkvision 60 ft, Hardness 10, Low-Light Vision, Multitarget, Shield (140 hp) Construct Traits, Darkvision 60 ft, Hardness 10, Low-Light Vision, Multitarget, Plasma Jet
Saves: Fort As hull, Ref As hull, Will As hull Fort As hull, Ref As hull, Will As hull
Abilities: Str -, Dex 10, Con -, Int -, Wis -, Cha - Str -, Dex 10, Con -, Int -, Wis -, Cha -
Skills: - -
Feats: Augmented ShieldingB -
Environment: Any Any
Organization: See hull See hull
Challenge Rating: 15; see text 10; see text
Treasure: None None
Alignment: Always True Neutral Always True Neutral
Advancement: 21+ HD (Large) 21+ HD (Huge)
Level Adjustment:

Sky Carrier Imperator (Recon Dish) Sky Carrier Imperator (Core)
Size/Type: Huge Construct (Vehicle) Huge Construct (Vehicle)
Hit Dice: 20d10+40 (150 hp) 20d10+40 (150 hp)
Initiative: As hull As hull
Speed: As hull As hull
Armor Class: 34 (+26 natural, -2 size), touch 8, flat-footed 34 3 (-5 dex, -2 size), touch 3, flat-footed 3
Base Attack/Grapple: +15/- +15/-
Attack: - -
Full Attack: - -
Space/Reach: 15 ft/15 ft 15 ft/15 ft
Special Attacks: Detection, Long Distance Radar Energy Leak, Magnetic
Special Qualities: Blindsense 1000 ft, Blindsight 100 ft, Construct Traits, Darkvision 1000 ft, Hardness 10, Multitarget, Navigation, Superior Low-Light Vision Construct Traits, Darkvision 60 ft, Death Throes, Hardness 20, Low-Light Vision, Multitarget
Saves: Fort As hull, Ref As hull, Will As hull Fort As hull, Ref As hull, Will As hull
Abilities: Str -, Dex -, Con -, Int -, Wis 30, Cha - Str -, Dex -, Con -, Int -, Wis -, Cha -
Skills: Listen +30, Search +30, Spot +30 -
Feats: - -
Environment: Any Any
Organization: See hull See hull
Challenge Rating: 10; see text 10; see text
Treasure: None None
Alignment: Always True Neutral Always True Neutral
Advancement: 21+ HD (Huge) 21+ HD (Huge)
Level Adjustment:

A massive floating battlestation soars overhead, blacking out the sun in its passing.

A massive sky fortress and carrier ship, the Imperator model sky carriers are the forefront of advanced scientific and magical societies. They are 100 meter long behemoths with long beaked prows and swooping wings, bristling with guns all over.

Imperators are not treated like traditional monster encounters. They are so large and so powerful, they are more like flying terrain than an actual creature or traditional object. Instead, they are treated as a collection of threats which move and travel together, each with their own actions, hit points, and importance to the sky carrier as a whole. Every part can be destroyed and the Imperator will still survive, up until the point its core is destroyed. But of course, the core is hidden away behind layers of armored hull and energetic shielding, and protected by an array of turrets and sensors.

The sky carrier is 100 meters long, 20 meters wide, and a whopping 10,000 tons. It has a crew anywhere from 1 to 40, and can carry many more in its empty hangars.


The sky carrier's main benefit is being able to sit at a comfortable distance in the air and pelt the target with heavy vulcans, while dropping allies out of its hangars. It has little fear from any form of sort of non-siege attacks. Siege attacks are dangerous, but its powerful active defense system can make a potent defense against it. Likewise, it may be possible to break the shield and enter in with a small group of PCs, bypassing much of the encounter and going right for the core.

Each sky carrier has its own layout, and the individual parts move in relation to each other. The engines make all the move actions, while all remaining parts of the sky carrier gain actions but cannot dictate movement. The CR of the sky carrier is ultimately determined by how many of each part it has. The bare minimum required (the core and hull, and a single engine) is CR 13, but it is often quite higher, equipped with weapons and shields.

If a party can draw close enough, it is possible they can enter the ship without breaking the hull first by finding a door. Typically doors are sealed tight, made out of adamantine, with a DC 50 Open Lock check required to enter. Once a party enters the ship, they are safe from the Imperator itself but may face greater dangers within the layout of the vehicle itself.

Active Defense System (Ex): As a standard action, a turret can be on standby to intercept any incoming projectiles, even siege weapons and weapon-like spells. If a ranged attack would attack any part of the imperator's exterior before its next turn, it may make an opposed attack roll with a +4 bonus. If the attack roll is higher, the attack is negated. You do not get the +4 bonus against siege weapons and spells.

Afterburners (Ex): The engines may propel the sky carrier at huge speeds rapidly, duplicating the effects of the Extreme Sprint skill trick up to once every 10 minutes. It also can slow burn while cruising, giving it an overland speed of 800 mph + an additional 400 mph per engine.

Death Throes (Ex): If the core is destroyed, it explodes in a dramatic blast of energy. Everything within 20 ft of the core must make a DC 27 Fortitude save 30d6 damage, save for half. This damage acts like disintegrate for the purpose of interactions with spells, objects, and what happens if you are killed. The explosion continues out to a range of 100 ft radius from the core, but instead deals 15d6 simultaneous fire and sonic damage, Reflex save for half; resistance or immunity only applies the weaker of the two. The save is Constitution based and includes the reinforced plating bonus on the hull.

Detection (Su): The recon disc can use the following abilities as a standard action, duplicating the spell but with a range x10 the normal amount: detect heat, detect magic, detect mineral, detect power level, and detect radiation. It may also use this anywhere on the interior of the ship at any time.

Draw Energy (Su): The shield generators can draw in electrical and magical energy, both as a defense and a method of overcharging their recovery of their shields. As a standard action, any spells or electrical attacks (magical or not) which pass within 20 ft of the shield generators is automatically absorbed. If the spell or effect did damage, the next time it uses its Recover Shield ability it adds the damage the effect would have done as healing for its shields. Because of this potent defense, it is not uncommon for the shield generators to be placed by vital parts such as the engines.

Energy Leak (Ex): The core has no attacks, but damaging the core opens up a serious hazard of energy escaping. For every 10 points of damage the core has taken, each round it pumps out a storm of energy which deals 1d6 points of simultaneous electric and fire damage, out to a radius of 20 ft from the core. Take the weaker of the two immunities or resistances to these energy types. In addition, creatures which take damage from this must make a Fortitude save (DC 20 + the number of dice of damage) or be afflicted as if exposed to refined darklight rods, save negates the status effect but not the damage.

Hangar: A sky carrier has a hangar bay door large enough to fit a Huge or smaller sized creature or vehicle, and enough space to hold up to six Huge creatures. As a standard action, the hull of the sky carrier can release one object of vehicle from its hangar, or if equipped with explosives of some sort up to three explosives can be dropped from the bomb bays each round as a standard action.

Hardness (Ex): The sky carrier is made out of a mix of materials, overall with hardness 10 over most of its body. It takes half damage from non-siege physical attacks, electricity, force, fire, and untyped damage. It takes quarter damage from cold. It takes full damage from acid and sonic.

The core is an adamantine core with hardness 20, but the same resistances to energy types.

Heavy Vulcans (Ex): The heavy vulcans on the turrets are powerful siege weapons which come with a +5 enhancement bonus. It deals 4d6 piercing damage with a range increment of 300 ft. It takes a -2 penalty on attacks against targets within 30 ft, and a -6 penalty on attacks against targets within 5 ft. Most important, each turret can only rotate to attack a 180 degree hemisphere, relative to the body of the ship. Because of this, many choose to place turrets on the top and bottom of ships, or on the left and right of ships, for maximum coverage.

Heavy Vulcans do not provoke for firing in melee.

Hull Breach: If the hull is damaged, it is possible a hole is created which allows creatures to side inside of it. If the hull takes more than 50 points of damage all at once, it must make a DC 15 Fortitude save or have a hole of appropriate size to the attack which did it. In addition, when below 20% it automatically suffers from 1d4 Medium sized holes in its hull. Breaches last until the hull recovers at least 50 hp, or it is brought to maximum hp.

Hull Shape: Though the hull is defined as Macro-Fine, it doesn't actually take up a 60 ft square. Instead, it is the entire body of the ship (which is terrain, and thus can take up many many squares which are not perfect cubes).

Long Distance Radar (Su): As a standard action, the recon dish can actively ping a signal, which gives it blindsense out to 5 miles, but only to Large and larger creatures, and only for 1 round.

Magnetic (Ex): The core is highly magnetic. Any metal objects or creatures which make impact with its surface must succeed on a DC 25 Strength check to wrest the object or themselves off of the core's surface, rendering them immobile until they do. Subsequently, the core always fails its save against [Electricity] effects.

Multitarget (Ex): The sky carrier is made of many parts, and each carrier can have a different number of parts. Bare minimum, it requires a core, a hull, and an engine. Without the engine, it cannot move and will crash to the ground safely (as if under feather fall). The hull can be lost, but it exposes the core. The core cannot be targeted and has no line of sight as long as the hull is intact, but if the hull is destroyed or creatures get inside of the ship, the core may be attacked. The entire carrier is destroyed if the core is destroyed.

Navigation (Ex): As long as the recon dish is intact, the sky carrier under the effects of know direction and location.

Plasma Jet (Ex): The engines shoot a jet of plasma out of themselves, which can swivel as the ship moves. Each round as a free action it must project a beam of simultaneous 10d6 electricity and fire damage in a line at least 10 ft long, or up to 60 ft long. Take the weaker of the two immunities or resistances to these energy types. Creatures get a DC 27 Reflex save to halve damage. The save is Constitution based and includes the reinforced plating bonus on the hull.

Recover Shield (Ex): As a standard action, the shield generators can recover its HD as recovery to its shield.

Retract (Ex): The turrets can react (or expose themselves) into the body of the hull as a standard action. When retracted, they cannot attack but there is no line of effect to them either.

Shield (Ex): The shield generator produces a shield which gives 7 hp/HD (140 hp). If its shield drops, it loses the +5 deflection bonus to AC to the shield generators.

If the shield is depleted, it may still be recovered through Recover Shield. However if the generator itself is destroyed, it cannot.

Targeting System (Ex): The sky carrier's turrets use its Wisdom score for the purposes of determining ranged attacks. If under manual control, use the gunner's own BAB and either Dexterity or Wisdom scores.

Example Sky Carrier Imperator Build[edit]

The Hammerhead sky carrier possesses one core, one hull, one recon dish, three engines, six turrets, and two shield generators. It's total CR is 19.

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AlignmentAlways True Neutral +
AuthorEiji-kun +
Challenge Rating10; see text + and 15; see text +
EnvironmentAny +
Identifier3.5e Monster +
Level Adjustment+
RatingUnrated +
SizeMacro-Fine +, Large + and Huge +
SubtypeVehicle +
TitleSky Carrier Imperator +
TypeConstruct +