Reserve (3.5e Feat Type)
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Reserve feats were introduced in Complete Mage. These feats are useable only by spellcasters, and they employ an unusual form of pre-requisite. Reserve feats draw upon the magic inherent in a caster's body and soul, utilizing (but not consuming) energy from available spells to augment the character's already prodigious magical talents.
Each reserve feat grants a supernatural ability useable at will (default as a standard action). If a saving throw is allowed, the DC is 10 + the level of the spell allowing the ability's use + the ability modifier used for the spell. The primary benefit can only be activated if the caster has a spell of an appropriate variety (of a particular school, subschool, or descriptor) available to cast. In addition, each feat provides a caster level boost to a certain category of spells at all times, regardless of the spellcaster has any spells left to cast.
A spellcaster can key two or more reserve feats off a single spell. For example, if a wizard had the Sickening Grasp and Winter's Blast feats, she could use both primary benefits of those feats if she had a single 3rd level or higher necromancy cold spell prepared and not yet cast. The secondary boosts likewise stack.
A wizard can take a reserve feat as her bonus feat for 5th, 10th, 15th, and 20th level in place of a metamagic or item creation feat.
Name | Summary |
Arcane Bolt | You can fire bolts of arcane residue, and use spells to increase their power. |
Blockout | Create blocks of various materials which take up space and can be used for temporary construction material. |
Cloud Rider | You can summon a magical cloud which grant you a fly speed. |
Colourful Flag | Shoot obscuring beam of light as long as you have a light spell. |
Deflection Barrier | You gain the benefits of missile deflection and a bonus on Reflex save while having the listed spell available. |
Emergency Health | sometimes Expeditious Retreat isn't enough |
Enlightening Reflexes | You get a bonus on Reflex based on your highest Light spell. |
Fate Fortitude | You get a bonus on Fortitude based on your highest Divination spell. |
Firecraft | A blacksmith forges weapons with the aid of fire. You do it with actual fire. |
Flame Dancer | They say you're one hot dancer, but you know you're just on fire tonight. |
Fog Stalker | You can see through fog effects you created. |
Forcefield Pulse | You fire a pulse of protective energy which deal force damage and push creatures away. |
Frost Warden | They say you're as cold as ice... They're not wrong. |
Future Foresight | You use your divination to predict incoming attacks. |
Hostile Figment | You create a dangerous figment effect, which threatens opponents and can even damage them. |
Hydromancy | You have the ability to control water with ease. |
Instantaneous Jaunting | You are able to use residual energy from your teleportation spell to teleport a short distance. |
Ion Will | You gain a bonus to will save based on your highest electricity spell. |
Lightbending | You have a fine control of light magic, even if for a brief time. |
Lightning Shaper | Being hit by electricity while the thunderstorm of your magic raged within was an en-lightning experience. |
Lightsaber | So long as you retain a Light spell at ready, you can summon a sword of blazing light. |
Magic Gun | You can summon a conduit to blast raw magic at enemies. |
Mark of Retrieval | Summon marked objects back into your hand as a free action. |
Mystic Ray | You know how to channel your magic into a ray of lashing energy. |
Mystic Shield | Create a floating shield of force to protect you. |
Necromantic Immortality | You gain a limited form of immortality as long as you have a necromancy spell of 5th level or above available. |
Rising Thermal | You can rise on currents of warm air, as long as you have fire spells at the ready. |
Social Premonitions | You have a supernatural precognitive social sense, granting you a bonus on diplomacy and sense motive as well as warning you of social misstep. |
Stardust Strike | When you attack, sparks fly out! So even if you miss, you're likely to hit something. |
Supercell Reactor | You can charge items with your electricity magic. |
Threads of Fate | You can alter the threads of fate at great cost for yourself. |
Tornado Blast | You can blow away people with a blast of wind. |
Umbral Hand | So long as you retain a Shadow spell at ready, you can manipulate things with giant, quasi-real fists. |
Water Shield | You can create a barrier made of water to briefly protect you. |
Wintersmith | You can craft weapons out of ice. |
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Summary | Reserve feats draw upon the magic inherent in a caster's body and soul, utilizing (but not consuming) energy from available spells to augment the character's already prodigious magical talents. + |