Professional Luddite (3.5e Feat)

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Author: Iaimeki
Date Created: 2008
Status: Complete
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Professional Luddite [Skill] You've learned to break machines because you're an antitechnology fanatic -- or maybe you just work for the local protection racket. Benefits: This is a skill feat that scales with your ranks in Disable Device.

  • 0 ranks: You can use Disable Device on magic traps like a character with trapfinding. If you already have that ability, you gain +3 to your Disable Device checks. Disable Device is always a class skill for you.
  • 4 ranks: You can use your Dexterity modifier instead of your Intelligence modifier for Disable Device checks. Darkness and blindness do not hinder your ability to disable devices.
  • 9 ranks: You can reduce the amount of time required to disable a device. For each multiple of 10 you beat the required DC, you can decrease the time required from 2d4 rounds to 1d4 rounds to 1 round to a standard action to a move-equivalent action to a free action.
  • 14 ranks: You can use Disable Device to end any persistent effect or area spell effect as if it was a magic trap, but the DC is 25 + twice the spell's level.
  • 19 ranks: As an attack action, you can disable magic items. You must succeed on a melee touch attack roll for attended objects. Make a Disable Device check against a DC of 15 + the item's caster level: if your check succeeds, the item must make a Will save against a DC of 10 + 0.5 ½ your character level or be turned into a normal item, and even if it saves, its magical properties are suppressed for 1d4 rounds.

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Article BalanceHigh +
Identifier3.5e Feat +
PrerequisiteNone +
RatingUndiscussed +
SkillDisable Device +
SummaryYou've learned to break machines because you're an antitechnology fanatic -- or maybe you just work for the local protection racket. +
TitleProfessional Luddite +
TypeSkill +