Planeswalker (3.5e Class)

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Planeswalkers walk the planes, looking for doomsday scenarios to create or stop, and collecting new power for their collection.

Making a Planeswalker[edit]

Planeswalkers have spells ranging from the fire-and-forget variety to the quasipermanent; things they do fast they do very very fast, but things they do slow take forever. One thing is mostly constant, though: it takes days for a Planeswalker to recover from a truly massive battle.

Abilities: Planeswalkers don't rely on any particular ability score, although they do need a mental ability score for Save DCs. Some special abilities also scale with an ability score.

Races: People who know about planes are more likely to become Planeswalkers.

Alignment: Any.

Starting Gold: 4d4×10 gp (100 gp).

Starting Age: Moderate.

Table: The Planeswalker

Hit Die: d8

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Special Spells Known Total Mana Sources
Fort Ref Will
1st +0 +2 +0 +2 Upkeep and Discard 7 1
2nd +1 +3 +0 +3 Special Ability 8 1
3rd +2 +3 +1 +3 10 2
4th +3 +4 +1 +4 Special Ability 11 2
5th +3 +4 +1 +4 13 3
6th +4 +5 +2 +5 Special Ability 14 3
7th +5 +5 +2 +5 16 4
8th +6/+1 +6 +2 +6 Special Ability 17 4
9th +6/+1 +6 +3 +6 19 5
10th +7/+2 +7 +3 +7 Special Ability 20 5
11th +8/+3 +7 +3 +7 22 6
12th +9/+4 +8 +4 +8 Special Ability 23 6
13th +9/+4 +8 +4 +8 25 7
14th +10/+5 +9 +4 +9 Special Ability 26 7
15th +11/+6/+1 +9 +5 +9 28 8
16th +12/+7/+2 +10 +5 +10 Special Ability 29 8
17th +12/+7/+2 +10 +5 +10 31 9
18th +13/+8/+3 +11 +6 +11 Special Ability 32 9
19th +14/+9/+4 +11 +6 +11 34 10
20th +15/+10/+5 +12 +6 +12 Special Ability 35 10

Class Skills (4 + Int modifier per level, ×4 at 1st level)
Appraise (Int), Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Gather Information (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Any, chosen individually) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Perform (Cha), Ride (Dex), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Speak Language (None), Spellcraft (Int), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex), Use Magic Device (Cha).

Class Skills, Tome of Prowess Variant (4 per level, ×4 at 1st level)
Arcana (Int), Ciphers (Int), Concentration (Wis), Creature Handling (Wis), Cultures (Cha), Intimidation (Cha)

Class Features[edit]

All of the following are class features of the Planeswalker.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Planeswalkers are proficient with simple weapons and light and medium armor. They are also either proficient with martial weapons or heavy armor and shields.

Mana Sources: At every odd-numbered level, the Planeswalker gains a new mana source, or an additional instance of an old mana source.

  • Plains: Produces one White mana (hereafter referred to as W). The Plains cannot produce mana again until it Recovers.
  • Island: Produces one Blue mana (hereafter referred to as U). The Island cannot produce mana again until it Recovers.
  • Swamp: Produces one Black mana (hereafter referred to as B). The Swamp cannot produce mana again until it Recovers.
  • Mountain: Produces one Red mana (hereafter referred to as R). The Mountain cannot produce mana again until it Recovers.
  • Forest: Produces one Green mana (hereafter referred to as G). The Forest cannot produce mana again until it Recovers.
  • Energy Core: Produces one Colorless mana (hereafter referred to as 1), or produces one mana of any color and deals 1 point of Constitution Burn (If the Planeswalker doesn't have Constitution or cannot be affected by Constitution Burn, he can't use this ability). The Energy Core cannot produce mana again until it Recovers.
  • Coastal Tower: Produces W or U. The Coastal Tower cannot produce mana again until it Recovers, and cannot produce mana during the time between the Planeswalker's Upkeep and his Discard.
  • Elfhame Palace: Produces W or G. The Elfhame Palace cannot produce mana again until it Recovers, and cannot produce mana during the time between the Planeswalker's Upkeep and his Discard.
  • Salt Marsh: Produces U or B. The Salt Marsh cannot produce mana again until it Recovers, and cannot produce mana during the time between the Planeswalker's Upkeep and his Discard.
  • Shivan Oasis: Produces R or G. The Shivan Oasis cannot produce mana again until it Recovers, and cannot produce mana during the time between the Planeswalker's Upkeep and his Discard.
  • Urborg Volcano: Produces B or R. The Urborg Volcano cannot produce mana again until it Recovers, and cannot produce mana during the time between the Planeswalker's Upkeep and his Discard.

Colorless Mana: Any color of mana may be spent as though it were Colorless mana, but not the other way around.

Upkeep and Discard: At 1st level, the Planeswalker chooses a time of day for his Upkeep. At that time of day, all remaining mana the Planeswalker currently has disappears, all of the Planeswalker's mana sources Recover, and he Remembers a spell he knows that isn't currently in use or in his hand.

Precisely 12 hours after his Upkeep, the Planeswalker must Forget spells he is currently Remembering until he is only Remembering no more than 7 spells, and all remaining mana the Planeswalker currently has disappears (this does not remove mana unless it's already been produced).

Special Ability: At every even-numbered level, the Planeswalker gains a new special ability.

Planar View (Ex): The Planeswalker can see things in coexistent planes normally. This does not obscure his vision.

Planar Step (Ex): The Planeswalker can only gain Planar Step if he has Planar View. He can step from one coexistent plane to another as a 1-round action.
Planar Walk (Ex): The Planeswalker can only gain Planar Walk if he has Planar Step. He can walk from any plane to any other plane as though it were a 100 mile overland journey. Where he ends up on the new plane is random, but it will always be safe for at least 100 feet in every direction.
Planar Caravan (Ex): The Planeswalker can only gain Planar Caravan if he has Planar Step. When using Planar Step or Planar Walk, he may bring any number of willing creatures and the stuff they're carrying, provided that they're all physically connected to each other.

Buyback: When the Planeswalker casts a Sorcery or Instant spell, he may pay 1. If he does so, he does not immediately Forget the spell.

Flash: Once per day, the Planeswalker can cast a spell that would normally be cast at ritual speed at response speed instead.

Madness: When the Planeswalker would Forget a response speed spell for some reason other than "because he just cast it", he may choose to cast it. He still has to pay the costs for the spell.

Splice: When the Planeswalker casts a Sorcery or Instant spell, he may name any number of other Sorcery or Instant spells he Remembers and pay their costs. When the first Sorcery or Instant spell takes effect, so do the other named spells. He does not Forget the named spells, just the one he originally cast.

Cycling: The Planeswalker can pay 1 and Forget a spell. If he does so, he immediately Remembers another spell.

Replicate: When the Planeswalker casts a Sorcery or Instant spell, he may pay its costs any number of times. It takes effect that many extra times.

Bushido (Ex): Each round, the Planeswalker may choose an opponent. He gets a +2 bonus to Dodge AC against that opponent, and adds his character level as a bonus to damage rolls against that opponent.

Deathtouch (Ex): The first unarmed, natural, or weapon attack the Planeswalker makes in each combat is a death attack. One creature hit by this attack must make a Fortitude save (use this for the Save DC) or die.

First Strike (Ex): The Planeswalker gets a +4 bonus to initiative checks, and can never be caught flat-footed.

Double Strike (Ex): The Planeswalker can only gain Double Strike if he has First Strike. He can make a single attack action at his initiative count -20 every round.

Provoke (Ex): The Planeswalker gets a +6 bonus to Bluff, Disguise, Hide, Move Silently, and Tumble checks. Tome of Prowess Variant: The Planeswalker can Track with a bonus equal to 10 + his character level.

Regenerate (Ex): By taking a full round action and spending B or G, the Planeswalker can regain all of his limbs, heal himself of all ability damage, and restore himself to full health.

Spells: The Planeswalker knows 7 spells, an additional spell every even-numbered level, and two additional spells every odd-numbered level after first. He may know each spell up to four times. While he knows these spells, this doesn't mean he always has the ability to cast them. He can only cast spells he Remembers. When he casts a spell, he Forgets it, and it becomes in use if it's a permanent.

Casting Speed: There are two very different casting speeds for the Planeswalker's spells: ritual speed, and response speed. Ritual speed spells take one hour to cast. Sorceries, Creatures, Artifacts, and Enchantments are ritual speed unless otherwise noted. Response speed spells take a free action that may be done at any time (including in response to or interrupting someone's action, even if it's a free action (like a response speed spell)) to cast. Instants are response speed unless otherwise noted.

Permanents: Creatures, Artifacts, and Enchantments are permanents. This means that once one of these spells is cast, the spell itself takes form, and cannot be Remembered again until the entity created by it is destroyed.

X Costs: Some spells have X in their cost. X is a variable that can be any integer number the Planeswalker chooses. When written as X, that usually means that you must pay X Colorless mana.

Save DCs: If a spell offers a saving throw, the DC is 10 + half character level + Planeswalker's highest mental ability modifier.

List of Spells: Spells are sorted in order of total minimum mana cost, and then by color.

  • Pact of Negation (Instant spell, costs 0): Counters one ability being used or spell being cast. Does not require line of sight or line of effect, but the Planeswalker does have to know that it's happening. Precisely 24 hours after Pact of Negation is cast, the Planeswalker must pay UU or die.
  • Summon Citizen (Creature spell, costs W): This spell creates a single humanoid with NPC class levels to serve the Planeswalker permanently. The CR of the creature cannot be greater than half the Planeswalker's character level.
  • Healing Salve (Instant spell, costs W): This spell heals a creature within close range for 1d12 points of health per character level. This is not positive energy, so it can heal any type of creature.
  • Swords to Plowshares (Instant spell, costs W): One target within medium range must make a Will save or have its opinion of all creatures it's Hostile or Unfriendly towards become Neutral. The actions of those creatures can still make the target Hostile towards them again.
  • Glare of Rightness (Instant spell, costs W): The touched creature threatens any space to which it has line of sight and line of effect. This lasts for 1 hour, and only applies to Attacks of Opportunity.
  • Holy Strength (Enchantment spell, costs W): The touched creature gains a +2 bonus to Strength and Dexterity, and a +6 bonus to Constitution.
  • Vigilance (Enchantment spell, costs W): The touched creature can make Spot and Listen checks at full potential even while asleep, and can wake up as a free action that may be done at any time. Tome of Prowess Variant: The touched creature can make Perception checks while asleep with all of its senses, and can wake up as a free action that may be done at any time.
  • Summon Wet Thing (Creature spell, costs U): This spell creates a single animal or elemental to serve the Planeswalker permanently. The CR of the creature cannot be greater than half the Planeswalker's character level. This spell cannot be used to create creatures without either or both a flight or a swim speed.
  • Shroud (Enchantment spell, costs U): The touched creature gains Spell Resistance equal to 8 + character level. (The Planeswalker's, that is).
  • Flight (Sorcery spell, costs U): Up to one creature per 2 character levels (minimum 1) within close range gains a 30' Poor flight speed for 1 hour.
  • Tire (Instant spell, costs U): A creature within long range must make a Will save or be stunned for 1 round.
  • Counterspell (Instant spell, costs U): Counters one ability being used or spell being cast. Does not require line of sight or line of effect, but the Planeswalker does have to know that it's happening.
  • Recall (Instant spell, costs U): The Planeswalker Remembers a spell.
  • Disarm (Instant spell, costs U): On a successful ranged touch attack against a target within long range, the target drops everything it is holding and is stripped of all items, which land on the ground in its space.
  • Divert (Instant spell, costs U): Change the effect of a spell, spell-like ability, power, or psi-like ability that has a single target to another legal single target. The caster of the redirected ability must be within Medium range, and may make a Will save to resist this.
  • Unsummon (Instant spell, costs U): The targeted creature within Medium range instantly teleports to a place of it's choice that it has been in the past week, provided that that place is at least 1 mile away.
  • Infiltrate (Instant spell, costs U): The touched creature gains the ability to teleport a distance equal to half its base land speed as a move action.
  • Siren's Call (Instant spell, costs U): For the next 10 minutes, at the end of any creature's turn, if that creature is within Long range of the Planeswalker and is not closer to the Planeswalker than it was at the beginning of its turn, that creature takes 1d4 points of damage per character level.
  • Summon Undead (Creature spell, costs B): This spell creates a single undead to serve the Planeswalker permanently. The CR of the creature cannot be greater than half the Planeswalker's character level.
  • Unholy Strength (Enchantment spell, costs B): The touched creature gains a +4 bonus to Strength and Dexterity, and a +2 bonus to Constitution.
  • Scary Visage (Enchantment spell, costs B): Whenever a creature comes within 30' of the touched creature, it must make a Will save or become panicked for 1d6 rounds. A creature that has attempted this save cannot have to attempt it again for 1 minute, whether it succeeded or failed.
  • Disfigure (Instant spell, costs B): The touched creature takes 2d4 points of Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution damage.
  • Stabbing Pain (Instant spell, costs B): Make a ranged touch attack against a creature within Close range. If it hits, that creature takes 1d4 points of Strength and Constitution damage, is knocked prone, and is nauseated for 1 round.
  • Dredge (Instant spell, costs B): The targeted willing creature dies. The Planeswalker Remembers a spell.
  • Weakness (Instant spell, costs B): The touched creature becomes temporarily exhausted for 1 hour. If it succeeds on a Fortitude save, it's fatigued instead.
  • Life Slurp (Instant spell, costs B): One target within medium range takes 1d10 points of negative energy damage per character level, with a Reflex save for half damage. The Planeswalker is healed by an amount equal to half the damage dealt; If the target is healed by this damage, the Planeswalker loses health.
  • Darkness (Instant spell, costs B): A long sphere centered on you at the time of casting becomes as dark as the inside of a tomb. Treat this as no light; while Darkvision can see through it without difficulty, no light sources can illuminate anything within the region.
  • Shadowfeed (Instant spell, costs B): The touched corpse disintegrates. You regain 1d8 hit points per character level.
  • Summon Rager (Creature spell, costs R): This spell creates a single goblinoid, dragon, or demon to serve the Planeswalker permanently. The CR of the creature cannot be greater than half the Planeswalker's character level.
  • Lightning Bolt (Instant spell, costs R): This spell deals 1d12 points of Electricity damage per character level to a single target creature within medium range, with a Reflex save for half damage.
  • Enrage (Instant spell, costs R): One creature within medium range "benefits" from Rage for 1 hour unless it succeeds on a Will save.
  • Firestorm (Instant spell, costs R and you must Forget X spells): This spell deals 1d8+X points of Fire damage per character level to X different target creatures within medium range, with a Reflex save for half damage.
  • Flaming Fingers (Enchantment spell, costs R): The touched creature gains the ability to shoot close range cones of fire from its hands as a standard action. These cones of fire deal 1d6 points of Fire damage per character level (the Planeswalker's), with a Reflex save for half damage.
  • Burning Third Eye (Enchantment spell, costs R): The touched creature gains the ability to shoot medium range bolts of fire from its head as a standard action. These bolts of fire deal 1d6 points of Fire damage per character level (the Planeswalker's) on a successful ranged touch attack.
  • Summon Beast (Creature spell, costs G): This spell creates a single animal, magical beast, plant, or vermin to serve the Planeswalker permanently. The CR of the creature cannot be greater than half the Planeswalker's character level. This spell cannot be used to create creatures with flight or swim speeds.
  • Giant Growth (Instant spell, costs G): One willing creature within close range suddenly increases in size by two categories. Its ability scores change to match. This effect lasts for 1 hour.
  • Entangling Vines (Instant spell, costs G): As entangle, except as noted here.
  • Crop Rotation (Instant spell, costs G): The Planeswalker adds one mana of any color to his mana pool.
  • Concordant Crossroads (Enchantment spell, costs G): All creatures act during the surprise round in any battle in which you are a member.
  • Exploration (Enchantment spell, costs G): You and all creatures within medium range of you can walk, march, hustle, or run for any period of time without getting tired.
  • Fog (Instant spell, costs G): A long sphere centered on you at the time of casting is filled with thick fog. Anything with at least 5' of fog in between it and its viewer has concealment. This improves to total concealment at 10'.
  • Summon Golem (Creature spell, costs 1): This spell creates a single construct to serve the Planeswalker permanently. The CR of the creature cannot be greater than half the Planeswalker's character level.
  • Shuko (Artifact spell, costs 1): This spell creates a pair of claws that can be fit over the forelimbs of a creature without interfering with other things. The creature that is currently equipping the Shuko gains two Claw attacks appropriate for its size.
  • Iron Wall (Artifact spell, costs 1): This spell creates a structure made of iron, filling one 5' cube per character level.
  • Glasses of Urza (Artifact spell, costs 1): By studying a target you can see for three rounds, you can learn all of the magical abilities the target currently has access to.
  • Disenchant (Instant spell, costs 1W): As mage's disjunction, but only 1 spell effect or item is affected, and it only has close range.
  • Aura Graft (Instant spell, costs 1U): Choose a spell effect within Medium range that currently affects a single target. Change that target to another target within Medium range.
  • Brain Freeze (Instant spell, costs 1U): The targeted creature instantly ages 2 years for every spell it has cast in the past 24 hours.
  • Catalog (Instant spell, costs 1U): The Planeswalker Remembers two spells, and Forgets one spell.
  • Ovinize (Instant spell, costs 1U): Target creature becomes a camel for 10 minutes unless it succeeds on a Will save. It may act as it would have acted before, within the limitations that being a camel with a camel's ability scores and features provide. Any equipment carried by the creature melds into its camel form.
  • Animate Dead (Enchantment spell, costs 1B): The touched corpse comes back to life, albeit with a -2 penalty to every ability score. It serves you unquestioningly.
  • Terror (Instant spell, costs 1B): One target within close range must make a Fortitude save or die.
  • Tendrils of Corruption (Instant spell, costs 1B): One target within long range loses 1d8 health per character level (a successful Fortitude save halves the health loss), and the Planeswalker regains that much health. Health over the Planeswalker's maximum is gained as temporary hit points, which last for 1 hour.
  • Transmutation (Instant spell, costs 1B): Rearrange the touched creature's ability scores by swapping one ability score, bonuses and all, with another ability score, any number of times. This change lasts for 1 hour.
  • Devour in Shadow (Instant spell, costs BB): Sacrifice any number of hit points. One target within Medium range takes that much damage, with a Reflex save for half damage.
  • False Cure (Instant spell, costs BB): For the next 10 minutes, any creature within Long range that would be healed is hurt that much instead.
  • Grasp of Darkness (Instant spell, costs BB): The touched creature takes 2d6 points of Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution damage.
  • Hymn to Tourach (Sorcery spell, costs BB): One target within medium range takes 1d8 points of Intelligence, Charisma, and Wisdom burn. If the target succeeds on a Will save, it takes 1d4 points of Intelligence, Charisma, and Wisdom damage instead.
  • Fireball (Instant spell, costs X1R): This spell deals 1d8+X points of Fire damage per character level to everything in a 20' + X × 30' radius up to long range away. A successful Reflex save halves the damage.
  • Tremendous Growth (Instant spell, costs 1G): One creature within close range suddenly increases in size by four categories unless it succeeds on a Will save. Its ability scores change to match. This effect lasts for 1 hour.
  • Zealous Persecution (Instant spell, costs WB): All friendly creatures within Long range get a +2 bonus to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution. All enemies within Long range get a -2 penalty to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution. These bonuses and penalties last for 1 hour.
  • Absorb (Instant spell, costs WU): Counters one ability being used or spell being cast. Does not require line of sight or line of effect, but the Planeswalker does have to know that it's happening. In addition, you regain 1d12 hit points per character level.
  • Agony Warp (Instant spell, costs UB): One target creature within Medium range gets a -3 penalty to armor class and saving throws for 2d6 rounds. One target creature gets a -3 penalty to attack rolls and the Save DCs of its abilities for 2d6 rounds. These two creatures may be the same.
  • Swerve (Instant spell, costs U): Change the effect of a spell, spell-like ability, power, or psi-like ability that has a single target to another legal single target. The caster of the redirected ability must be within Long range.
  • Morningstar (Artifact spell, costs 2): This spell creates an adamantine morningstar with a +1 enhancement bonus for every two character levels. As you cast the spell, you may convert the +1 enhancement bonus into other forms of enhancement.
  • Inspiration (Instant spell, costs 2U): The Planeswalker Remembers 4 spells.
  • Deluge (Instant spell, costs 2U): All empty spaces within Long range of the Planeswalker are filled with water. The water then flows normally.
  • Teleport (Instant spell, costs UUU): Choose a location and touch a creature. The touched creature may teleport to that location.
  • Ghostfire (Instant spell, costs 2R): One target within long range takes 1d12 points of pure arcane damage per character level, with a Reflex save for half damage. Pure arcane damage cannot be resisted. Ghostfire is nonmagical; spell resistance does not apply against it, and it functions perfectly well in an antimagic field or null magic area.
  • Dark Banishing (Instant spell, costs 2B): The touched creature must make a Will save or be transported instantly to the specified location on an evil-aligned plane.
  • Execute (Instant spell, costs 2B): The target creature within Medium range must make a Will save if it is good-aligned. If it was good-aligned and fails its save, it dies and its corpse is disintegrated.
  • Rend Spirit (Instant spell, costs 2B): The target incorporeal creature within Medium range must make a Will save or die. Even if it succeeds on its saving throw, it's current hit points are reduced by half.
  • Engineered Plague (Enchantment spell, costs 1BB): Choose a race. Creatures of the chosen race get a -2 penalty to Strength and Constitution while within Medium range of you.
  • Infest (Sorcery spell, costs 1BB): The touched creature catches a new supernatural disease that deals 1d4 Constitution and Strength damage, with an incubation period of 1d4 hours. This disease can be spread by any skin contact with an infected subject. You gain immunity to the disease for 2d6 hours, after which time you are at risk of contracting it normally.
  • Rot Hands (Enchantment spell, costs 1BB): The touched creature may convert any damage it deals to negative levels at a rate of 1 negative level per 6 points of damage dealt.
  • Backlash (Instant spell, costs 1BR): Give one creature within Medium range an order. If it has fewer hit dice than your character level, it must obey; otherwise, it gets a Will save to resist. The creature spends its next turn performing that command; after this time it acts normally.
  • Breath of Life (Sorcery spell, costs 3W): The touched corpse comes back to life.
  • Tempest of Light (Instant spell, costs 3W): This functions like the area version of greater dispel magic, but in a 1 mile/character level radius, centered on you.
  • Mana Sink (Instant spell, costs 3U): Counters one ability being used or spell being cast. Does not require line of sight or line of effect, but the Planeswalker does have to know that it's happening. If the Planeswalker can see the caster, the caster must make a Will save or lose the ability to use Spell-like and Supernatural abilities for 1 round per character level.
  • Zombify (Sorcery spell, costs 3B): The touched corpse comes back to life, and becomes an undead creature. It serves you unquestioningly.
  • Burden of Greed (Instant spell, costs 3B): One target must make a Will save or take 1 point of damage for every 100 gp of magical items it is currently carrying.
  • Feast or Famine (Instant spell, costs 3B): Choose one - reanimate a corpse within Medium range as a zombie under your control, provided that its Challenge Rating (as a zombie) is not more than half your character level; or target creature within Medium range must make a Fortitude save or die.
  • Shatterstorm (Sorcery spell, costs 2RR): All mundane objects in a medium spread up to long range from the Planeswalker are instantly annihilated. Magical objects in the area get a Fortitude save to resist being annihilated as well.
  • Vulshok Gauntlets (Artifact spell, costs 4): This spell creates a pair of mundane crystal gauntlets with a +1 enhancement bonus for every two character levels. As you cast the spell, you may convert the +1 enhancement bonus into other forms of enhancement. Any unarmed attack made with these gauntlets gets a +1d6 bonus to damage for every character level. Unfortunately, the wearer has a 10% chance of falling asleep every time they attack while wearing the gauntlets.
  • Summon Angel (Creature spell, costs 3WW): This spell creates a single Angel to serve the Planeswalker permanently. The CR of the creature cannot be greater than the Planeswalker's character level minus three.
  • Archive Trap (Instant spell, costs 3UU): One target creature within Long range (to whom you do not need line of sight or effect) is instantly aged by 13 years. If that creature has fewer than 10 million written words (approximately 40,000 pages) within Close range of it, it may make a Will save to resist this effect.
  • Evacuation (Instant spell, costs 3UU): All creatures within 1 mile per character level must make a Will save or become panicked for 10 minutes. Creatures that succeed on their saves are still frightened for 1d10 minutes.
  • Mind Control (Enchantment spell, costs 3UU): The touched creature obeys you completely.
  • Dawn of the Dead (Enchantment spell, costs 2BBB): Whenever a living creature dies within medium range of you, it comes back to life as an undead creature under your control for 3 rounds, after which time it dies again.
  • Consume the Meek (Instant spell, costs 3BB): All creatures with 5 or fewer Hit Dice within long range die.
  • Shivan Meteor (Sorcery spell, costs 3RR): Everything in a long radius spread centered on any one target point the Planeswalker has been that is viewable from the sky takes 1d6 points of Fire damage per character level, with a Reflex save for half damage. Everything within medium range of the point take double damage, and everything within close range of the point takes triple damage. The Shivan Meteor's arrival is obvious to everyone three rounds before it lands.
  • Time Stop (Instant spell, costs 4UU): All creatures within 1 mile gain the benefit of 8 hours of rest, and effects on them act as though 8 hours have passed. Creatures cannot do anything other than rest during those 8 hours.
  • Gather Specimens (Instant spell, costs 3UUU): For the next 5 minutes, whenever a creature is summoned into a location within Long range of you, it comes under your control as though you had summoned it instead of its actual summoner.
  • Inferno (Instant spell, costs 5RR): Everything within 1 mile per character level of the Planeswalker (including the Planeswalker) takes 1d8 points of Fire damage per character level, with a Reflex save for half damage.
  • Rise of the Eldrazi (Creature spell, costs 7): This spell creates a single aberration to wreak havoc permanently. When created, the Planeswalker may point the creature in a direction. It proceeds to rampage across the land in that direction, destroying all in its path. Beyond that one partial command, the Planeswalker has no control over the creature. The CR of the creature cannot be greater than the Planeswalker's character level plus 2.

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Foxwarriorv [Expand]
Allowed AlignmentsLawful Good +, Lawful Neutral +, Lawful Evil +, Neutral Good +, Neutral +, Neutral Evil +, Chaotic Good +, Chaotic Neutral + and Chaotic Evil +
Article BalanceVery High +
AuthorFoxwarrior +
Base Attack Bonus ProgressionModerate +
Class AbilityAlternate Magic +
Class Ability ProgressionFull +
Fortitude Save ProgressionGood +
Identifier3.5e Class +
Length20 +
Minimum Level1 +
RatingUndiscussed +
Reflex Save ProgressionPoor +
SkillAppraise +, Bluff +, Concentration +, Craft +, Decipher Script +, Diplomacy +, Gather Information +, Handle Animal +, Heal +, Hide +, Intimidate +, Jump +, Knowledge +, Listen +, Move Silently +, Perform +, Ride +, Search +, Sense Motive +, Speak Language +, Spellcraft +, Spot +, Survival +, Swim +, Tumble + and Use Magic Device +
Skill Points4 +
SummaryA caster with a long recharge time. +
TitlePlaneswalker +
ToP SkillArcana +, Ciphers +, Concentration +, Creature Handling +, Cultures + and Intimidation +
Will Save ProgressionGood +