Meemoak (3.5e Race)
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Sentient acorn-people who inherit the memory of their oak ancestors.
Meemoaks are a curious lot, very inclined to travelling and exploration, which is required to successfully "die" and reproduce, given that their method of birth especially pushes them to travel far and long. Beyond their natural lust for new places and experiences, their personality varies a lot, depending strongly on their parents' or ancestors' personality whose genetic memeory they inherit.
Physical Description[edit]
They are built like teenagers, with a pale green skin, soft and elastic. They sport various hair, usually similar to oak leaves, combing them in any way they see fit, but the most special part of their head is the hard cap, similar to the top of an acorn, that rests on the top of their head. They have another curious characteristic: they live very short lives, always adventuring, many dying in the field. This not a problem: if their body isn't destroyed they will spawn a small plant from the place where they are slain or died, in about a week. Then, the plant will grow into a magnificent oak, not different from regular one. This process takes years, but when the time has come, the oak will bore an handful of acorns, which will drop to the ground when ready and will grow into a meemoak in a few minutes. The meemoaks will be already at their maturity and ready to go, as they will do moments later, often not even seeing their brothers and sisters. The oak will die, but its genetic memory will be spread through its children, who will be shaped by it and at the same time will acquire new experiences and change their abilities and views, giving spawn to new meemoaks that inherit their memory, a sum of those of the parent and their own.
Most races don't know or even come into contact with meemoaks, as they don't have permanent or stable societies, nor they live together. Knowing a meemoak is a rare event, and most people see them once and never again, unless they travel with them. Meemoaks have friendlier relationships with elves and halflings, or any race with kinship for nature or travelling.
Any, meemoaks may be of any alignment, their genetic imprint determines their starting alignment, but adventure may change it.
They have no place to call their own, instead always travelling, in order to learn most things they can and spawn their children in a farawawy place.
They have no racial religion, nor have any specific inclination to the spiritual. Instead, their inclination are dictated especially by their genetic memory. They often respect their ancestors, sometimes recalling their adventures thanks to their genetic memory.
Each meemoak may be born knowing any kind of language, because their ability to speak depends on their parent's one, from which they inherit their language.
Their names often refer to travelling and exploration, like Longstride, Fareye or Nightwalk, and they always add "child of" with their parent's name.
Racial Traits[edit]
- +2 Intelligence or +2 Wisdom or +2 Charisma: Meemoaks are very versatile in their mental faculties.
- Plant (Psionic and Sapblood): As mutated acorn people they share traits with plants, but need also heterotrophic sustenance.
- Medium: As a Medium creature, a meemoak has no special bonuses or penalties due to its size.
- Meemoak base land speed is 20 feet.
- Ancestral Memory (Ex): Once per day they may try a special Knowledge check, not unlike a bard's bardic knowledge, tapping in their genetic memory, to recall a piece of any kind of information. They roll a d20 + their HD + the modifier of their chosen mental attribute. It gains one extra use per every 5 HD it has.
- Memetic Inheritance (Ex): Each meemoak is unique as it is somewhat of a copy to its parent, inheriting their memories, morals and some skills. Each of this trait are called memes and one must be chosen at character creation from the following list.
- Magic Meme[1]: This meemoak had one or more spellcasters through its ancestors and the power of magic is within its memetic genes. Choose one level 0 or 1st level spell from any list. If you chose a cantrip you may cast it as a spell-like ability at will, or once per day if you chose a 1st level spell. The spell's DC, if any, is 10 + 1/2 HD + the modifier of your chosen mental attribute, and caster level is equal to your HD. In addition to this you can recall one used spell, spell slot or used spell-like ability (even that given from this feature) as a free action, once per day.
- Martial Meme: This meemoak had warfaring ancestors and the call to battle beats inside it. It gains proficiency with one weapon of its choosing, of any type, gains Weapon Focus with that weapon and it also chooses a 1st level maneuver from any discipline and may use it as a maneuver-like ability once per day. Its HD determines the initiator level for this maneuver and the save DC, if any, is 10 + 1/2 HD + the modifier of its chosen mental attribute.
- Skillful Meme: This meemoak's ancestors where skilled people, leading it to acquire such skills. It gains Skill Focus in a skill of your choosing, and that skill always count as a class skill. It also gains one skill trick of your choosing, provided that it could be taken at level 1 (though you don't need to actually meet the requirements). It can also recall, once per day, an unavailable skill trick (meaning one already used) as a free or immediate action.
- Naturally Psionic: Meemoaks gain 1 bonus power points at 1st level. This benefit does not grant them the ability to manifest powers unless they gain that ability through another source, such as levels in a psionic class.
- Slight Build: Meemoaks' physical stature lets them function in many ways as if they were one size category smaller. Whenever they are subject to a size modifier or special size modifier, they are treated as one size smaller if doing so is advantageous to them. They can use weapons designed for a creature one size smaller without penalty. However, their space and reach remain those of a creature of their actual size. The benefits of this feat stack with the effects of powers, abilities, and spells that change the subject’s size category.
- +4 against effects that negatively affect their memory.
- +2 to Autohypnosis and Knowledge (history) checks.
- Automatic Languages: Any
- Bonus Languages: Any
- Favored Class: Psion
- Level Adjustment: +0
- Effective Character Level: 1
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- Jump up ↑ This trait may be reflavored as Psionic Meme, adjusting its effects to psionic powers.
Author | the bluez in the dungeon + |
Effective Character Level | 1 + |
Favored Class | Psion + |
Identifier | 3.5e Race + |
Level Adjustment | 0 + |
Racial Ability Adjustments | +2 Intelligence or +2 Wisdom or +2 Charisma + |
Rating | Unrated + |
Size | Medium + |
Subtype | Psionic and Sapblood + |
Summary | Sentient acorn-people who inherit the memory of their oak ancestors. + |
Title | Meemoak + |
Type | Plant + |