Leapback Boots (3.5e Equipment)

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Author: Eiji-kun (talk)
Date Created: 11-24-18
Status: Complete
Editing: Mechanical changes on Talk
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Leapback Boots[edit]

Leapback Boots
Price: 20,000 gp
Body Slot: Feet
Caster Level: 11th
Aura: Moderate Conjuration
Activation: Use-activated; see text
Weight: --

With a great and powerful leap you escape back to the safety of your airship 100 miles away.

These boots allow the user to always count as having a running start on their jump checks. If jumping is made as a full round action you may double the result, or if made as a 1 round action the result is multiplied by x5. If the user jumps and hits a ceiling they may stick to said ceiling and will not drop until the beginning of their next turn.

Once per day the user can set a location as a return point as a standard action. They may return to that location as if using word of recall (self only) as a standard action, though the process of teleportation causes the user to fly up 120 ft into the air in a massive jump before vanishing (no check needed). If the user lacks the clearance above them to jump they cannot teleport away.

Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, jump, word of recall.
Cost to Create: 10,000 gp, 800 EXP, 20 days.

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Eiji-kun's Homebrew (5652 Articles)
AuthorEiji-kun +
Body SlotFeet +
Cost20,000 gp +
Identifier3.5e Equipment +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryThese boots improve jumping capabilities and, given enough vertical height, teleport you away to safety. +
TitleLeapback Boots +