Krytoplasm Mutant (3.5e Template)

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Author: Leziad (talk)
Date Created: 28th march 2014
Status: Finished (more fluff coming and forms)
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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Krytoplasm Mutant[edit]

Krytoplasm mutants were created by a cabal of insane scientist seeking to uplift humanity using an untested mutagen. Krytoplasm was designed using strange chemicals, cytoplasm of xenotheric species and exotic radioactive elements. The result on biology is extremely fast and uncontrollable mutation.

Creating a Krytoplasm Mutant[edit]

Krytoplasm Mutant is a an acquired template that can be added to any living corporeal creature ingesting or being exposed to a sufficient amount of krytoplasm. Creatures with 4 hit dice or less who acquire this template also gain the biozombie template as their brain function are overwritten by the krytoplasm. Any changes made by this template take precedence over changes made by the biozombie template.

This template may also be given as an inherent template, renaming it to krytoplasm experiment (some ability refer to this). Creatures never gain the biozombie template when taking the krytoplasm experiment template.

Ability Scores: A krytoplasm mutant gain a +2 bonus on any two physical ability scores and any one mental ability score.

Size and Type: A krytoplasm creature's type change to outsider (Xenotheric). Do not recalculate base attack bonus, saves, hit points or skill points. Size is unchanged.

Feat: A krytoplasm mutant gain the bioweapon and a deformity feat it qualify for of it choice as bonus feat. Additionally they do not need to be evil to take deformity feats.

Special Attacks: A krytoplasm mutant receive the following special attacks:

Krytoplasm Projection (Ex): A krytoplasm mutant can as a standard action fire a 60 ft. line or a 30 ft. cone of unstable but almost inert krytoplasm. Creatures caught in the area take 1d8 damage per hit dice, half of the damage dealt is acid and the other half is typeless. Creatures stuck become embedded in krytoplasm and become immobilized for 1d4 rounds, a successful reflex save negate the immobility and halves the damage. Since the krytoplasm is almost inert it has no risk of mutating creatures struck. This ability may be used every 1d4 round and count as both a bioweapon and breath weapon.

Control Krytozombie (Ex): A krytoplasm experiment has limited control over krytozombie (the biozombie created by this template) and may rebuke them as an evil cleric of it level.

Special Qualities: A krytoplasm mutant receive the following special qualities:

Adaptation: A krytoplasm mutant are always under the effect of adapt body.

Immunities: Immunity to poison, polymorphing, petrification and form-altering effects.

Unique Form: Krytoplasm mutants never quite look like one another, they pretty much always mutate totally out of control but seem to form 'species' of their own kind, mutants with similar mutations. A krytoplasm mutant select 3 traits from the list below.

  • Chitinous: The krytoplasm mutant has a thick chitin instead of skin, it natural armor increase by 2 or it gain a natural armor of 2.
  • Extra Legs: The krytoplasm mutant gain another pair of legs, increasing it base land speed by 10 feet, gaining a dwarf stability and now count as quadrupedal if it already wasn't.
  • Extrasensory Organs (Lifesight): The krytoplasm mutant gain the lifesight ability out of 60 feet.
  • Extrasensory Organs (Touchsight): The krytoplasm mutant is constantly under the effect of touchsight with a manifester level equal to one quarter of the mutant's hit dice.
  • Extrasensory Organs (X-Ray Vision): The krytoplasm mutant gain the X-Ray Vision feat as a bonus feat.
  • Krytoplasmic Brain: The krytoplasm mutant's brain become saturated with krytoplasm giving it psionic markings. The krytoplasm mutant gain the psionic subtype and the hidden talentCP feat as a bonus feat. Uniquely if applies to a mutant with the biozombie template; it may use it constitution score instead of it charisma for using psionic powers granted by feats.
  • Magic Absorbing Skin: The krytoplasm mutant gain spell dampening 2.
  • Morphic Form: The krytoplasm mutant gain the shapechanger subtype and may replicate the effects of alter self as a standard action for one hour per hit dice per day (use need not to be consecutive).
  • Tentacles: The krytoplasm mutant gain two tentacle, allowing it to make two tentacles attack dealing damage appropriate for it size.
  • Void Adapted: The krytoplasm mutant become adapted to the void of space, gaining the astroadaptation feat as a bonus feat even if it does not meet the prerequisites. If the krytoplasm mutant has wing it automatically count as having received a void wing graft.
  • Winged: The krytoplasm mutant grow wings of variable size and shape. The krytoplasm mutant gain a fly speed of 60 feet (good).

CR: +2

Level Adjustment: +2

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AuthorLeziad +
CR2 +
Identifier3.5e Template +
Level Adjustment2 +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryKrytoplasm mutants were created by a cabal of insane scientist seeking to uplift humanity using an untested mutagen. +
TitleKrytoplasm Mutant +