Dancing Goddess (3.5e Martial Discipline)/All Maneuvers

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Agni's Blades of Destruction
Dancing Goddess (Stance)
Level: 5
Prerequisite: Need two Dancing Goddess maneuvers
Initiation Action: Swift Action
Range: Personal
Target: Self
Ghostly arms appear behold you, carrying giant scimitars which burn with astral flame.

While in this stance you are surrounded by 4 force scimitars in a manner similar to spiritual weapon. They act on their own accord, making one attack per blade each round to anyone in your reach. They make attack rolls at your maximum normal attack bonus, dealing 1d8 force damage +1 half your initator level. They have a 18-20/x2 critical and can use any relevent feats and abilities that apply to scimitars. While you are in this stance, the penalty for two weapon fighting are reduced by 2. This maneuver is a supernatural ability.

Bounding Dance
Dancing Goddess (Rush)
Level: 2
Initiation Action: Move Action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None

As part of this rush you make up to three consecutive Jumps using your Perform (Dance) as your Jump check. You may travel up to your land speed with each individual jump and you may even bound on vertical surface such as wall as if they were horizontal. You do not provoke attacks of opportunity from this movement.

Broken Step
Dancing Goddess (Counter)
Level: 3
Initiation Action: Immediate Action
Range: Melee Attack
Target: One Charging Creature
Duration: Instantaneous
The barbarian charged you foaming at the mouth, but with a well timed strike under the arm, you completely disrupt their balance and aim, punishing them for their foolishness.

If you are charged, you can activate this maneuver to make a melee attack just before they hit. If you hit, you deal your normal melee damage plus an additional +1d6 and the charge is disrupted, ending their turn in the square they were in when you attacked.

Cloaked in Blades
Dancing Goddess (Counter)
Level: 4
Prerequisite: Need two Dancing Goddess maneuvers
Initiation Action: Immediate Action
Range: Personal
Target: Self
Duration: 1 round
The more enemies surround you, the more nimble you become as you dance around their attacks, using them to entangle each other.

You gain a +2 dodge bonus for each enemy which threatens you, up to a maximum of +10. This bonus lasts until the end of your next turn.

Cosmic Dance of Eternity
Dancing Goddess (Stance)
Level: 8
Prerequisite: Need three Dancing Goddess maneuvers
Initiation Action: Swift Action
Range: Personal
Target: Self
The eternal dance of the goddess is never slowed or hampered, the power of the universe itself powering your motion. Flow with the universe.

While in this stance you benefit from freedom of movement.

Cosmic Tornado Blade
Dancing Goddess (Strike)
Level: 8
Prerequisite: Need three Dancing Goddess maneuvers
Initiation Action: Standard Action
Range: 60 ft. line, 15 ft. wide
Targets: Creatures in a 60 ft. line, 15 ft. wide, 60 ft. tall
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Reflex half
With a wide arc you kick up a powerful storm that forms a towering funnel cloud throwing everything into the air.

This maneuver functions like divine wind blade but you deal 1d6 points of force damage and the tornado produced can pick up opponents which fail their DC 18 + Dex Reflex saves for half damage. Those which fail their saves are thrown up 60 ft. plus an additional 1d10x10 feet into the air, taking fall damage as appropriate.

Regardless of the saving throw, the wind blows away gases as if affected by a gust of wind spell, but stronger. A Medium or smaller creature on the ground is knocked down and rolled 1d4×10 feet, taking 1d4 points of nonlethal damage per 10 feet. If flying, a Medium or smaller creature is blown back 2d6×10 feet and takes 2d6 points of nonlethal damage due to battering and buffeting. Large creatures are knocked prone by the force of the wind, or if flying are blown back 1d6×10 feet. Huge creatures are unable to move forward against the force of the wind, or if flying are blown back 1d6×5 feet. Gargauntuan or larger creatures are not effected because unlike the spell, this maneuver is instantaneous and does not provide penalties beyond its initial use. This maneuver can’t move a creature beyond the limit of its range.

In addition the wind effects produced have a 100% chance of extinguish protected flames (such as lanterns).

This maneuver is a supernatural ability.

Dais of Protection
Dancing Goddess (Counter)
Level: 6
Prerequisite: Need one Dancing Goddess maneuver
Initiation Action: Immediate Action
Range: Personal
Target: Self
Duration: Instantaneous
The fireballs explode around you, but with a swirl of arms, you push the threads of magic out and blow away mundane forces with a gust of divine wind.

If you are subject to an area effect, you can use this maneuver and make a safe zone out to a 10 foot radius from yourself. The effect of this maneuver is instant, and if the effect you blocked in this way lasts for more than 1 round, it may flow back into your safe zone, like many gases would.

Dais of Salvation
Dancing Goddess (Boost)
Level: 9
Prerequisite: Need four Dancing Goddess maneuvers
Initiation Action: Swift Action
Range: Personal
Target: Self
Duration: 1 round
Removed from the universe, you recognize reality as an illusion. Unbound by reality, you move ever-onward to victory.

When you activate this maneuver you become completely immune to all effects for 1 round. You may attack as normal, but any effect which would change your status, deal damage, or heal you, has no effect as if you weren't there. Unlike most maneuvers, this maneuver may only be used once per encounter, no matter how many times you refresh it.

This maneuver is a supernatural ability.

Dais of the Heavens
Dancing Goddess (Boost)
Level: 6
Prerequisite: Need two Dancing Goddess maneuvers
Initiation Action: Swift Action
Range: Personal
Target: Self
Duration: 5 rounds
As you take a step the air glows under your feet, an ethereal dais supporting you as you climb the heavens as if a divine being.

As a swift action you gain the effects of air walk for 5 rounds. You must take a move action to maintain the air walk effect, if you go a round without taking a move action to move, the maneuver immediately ends and you fall. A 5 foot step does not count as movement for the purposes of this maneuver, nor move actions that do not involve movement across the terrain.

Dance of Death
Dancing Goddess (Strike)
Level: 3
Prerequisite: Need one Dancing Goddess maneuver
Initiation Action: Standard Action
Range: Melee Attack
Targets: All creatures within reach
Duration: Instantaneous
The violent dance of death brings an end to the circle of life.

As a standard action you can make one melee attack at your full base attack bonus against each opponent within reach.

Dance of Divine Blessing
Dancing Goddess (Counter)
Level: 4
Initiation Action: Immediate Action
Range: Melee Attack
Target: One Creature
Duration: Instantenous
Your pose is hard to read, and as the enemy is distracted with your ally you lash out and knock his defenses away, allowing your ally to pierce his heart.

You make an immediate aid another attempt to any creature in your reach. You may aid either their attack roll, or their AC against one attack. They gain a bonus equal to half your initiator level to attack or AC.

Dance of Great Destruction
Dancing Goddess (Strike)
Level: 6
Prerequisite: Need two Dancing Goddess maneuvers
Initiation Action: Full Attack Action
Range: Melee Attack
Targets: All creatures within reach
Duration: Instantaneous
You become a tornado of blades, body obscured by glinting steel and the roar of wind.

As a full round action you can make a full attack at your full base attack bonus against each opponent within reach.

Dance of Laysa
Dancing Goddess (Stance)
Level: 1
Initiation Action: Swift Action
Range: Personal
Target: Self
Dancing is a complicated art, it's only natural you can keep balance and move when you wish.

While in this stance you may use your Perform (Dance) ranks for your ranks in Balance or Tumble. In addition if you move at least 10 ft. in the round you gain a +1 dodge bonus to AC. This bonus increases by +1 at initiator level 5, and an additional +1 every 5 levels.

Dance of Tandava
Dancing Goddess (Stance)
Level: 7
Prerequisite: Need three Dancing Goddess maneuvers
Initiation Action: Swift Action
Range: Personal
Target: Self
As you move your blades are already in motion, becoming a living blender of destruction which slams into the enemy full force.

You gain the pounce ability, allowing you to make a full attack after a charge.

Dance of the Apocalypse
Dancing Goddess (Strike)
Level: 9
Prerequisite: Need four Dancing Goddess maneuvers
Initiation Action: Full Attack Action
Range: Melee Attack
Targets: All creatures within move action; see text
Duration: Instantaneous
Flashing between spots in an instant, you seem to be everywhere and all your opponents can see is steel and blood.

As a full round action you can make a full attack at your full base attack bonus against each opponent within the extend you could make in a single move action. For example if your speed is 30 feet you can make a full attack against every opponent in 30 feet plus your reach (typically 5 feet). You do not provoke any attacks of opportunity as you zip between targets at cosmic speeds, though you need to be able to reach your opponents in order to attack.

Dancing Flag Strike
Dancing Goddess (Strike)
Level: 4
Prerequisite: Need two Dancing Goddess maneuvers
Initiation Action: Standard Action
Range: Melee Attack
Target: One Creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Reflex partial
You twirl your cloak over the opponent's head, taking the opportunity to gut him before he pulls away.

To employ this maneuver you require some manner of cloak, ribbon, or other free flowing object. With a swirl of your body you flash your cloak into the eyes of your opponent and attack while they're still distracted, gaining a +4 bonus to attack. If you hit, they must make a Reflex save, DC 14 + Dex modifier, or have a 50% miss chance on their attacks for 1 round.

Dancing Ribbon Strike
Dancing Goddess (Strike)
Level: 1
Initiation Action: Standard Action
Range: Melee Attack
Target: One Creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Reflex partial
With a flourish of a cloak and a flick of the blade, you ruin your opponent's aim.

To employ this maneuver you require some manner of cloak, ribbon, or other free flowing object. With a swirl of your body you flash your cloak into the eyes of your opponent and attack while they're still distracted, gaining a +2 bonus to attack. If you hit, they must make a Reflex save, DC 11 + Dex modifier, or have a 20% miss chance on their attacks for 1 round.

Divine Aureole
Dancing Goddess (Stance)
Level: 3
Prerequisite: Need one Dancing Goddess maneuver
Initiation Action: Swift Action
Range: Personal
Target: Self
You are in constant movement, your cloak swirling about you like a divine aura of protection.

To employ this maneuver you require some manner of cloak, ribbon, or other free flowing object. Your constant motion obscures your form, giving you a 20% miss chance. true seeing does not bypass this miss chance, as it is created by a physical mundane obstruction.

Divine Dash
Dancing Goddess (Rush)
Level: 4
Prerequisite: One Dancing Goddess Maneuver
Initiation Action: Move Action
Range: Medium
Targets: You and one willing creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None

As you initiate this rush you move adjacent to one creature within the range of this maneuvers, using whichever movement mode you possess which allow you to move to it. Your movement is not limited by your move speed and you do not provoke attack of opportunity from this movement. If the target is not willing this maneuver fail.

Once you reach your target both you and it gain a +2 AC bonus for 1 round.

Divine Storm Flurry
Dancing Goddess (Boost)
Level: 5
Prerequisite: Need one Dancing Goddess maneuver
Initiation Action: Swift Action
Range: Personal
Target: Self
Duration: 1 round
Your limbs blur as your move, making it look like you possess multiple arms. Given the number of times you hit, you'd think it too.

You make two extra attacks at your highest attack bonus, but all your attacks this round take a -2 penalty.

Divine Wind Blade
Dancing Goddess (Strike)
Level: 5
Prerequisite: Need two Dancing Goddess maneuvers
Initiation Action: Standard Action
Range: 60 ft. line, 15 ft. wide
Area: Creatures in 60 ft. line, 15 ft. wide, 60 ft. tall
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Reflex half
Your swirling dance becomes more frantic, and before you know it the wind moves in tune with your arms. With a snap you release a swirling tornado which blends your enemies.

You release a rapidly moving cylinder of wind like a tornado, 60 ft. tall and 15 ft. wide., which dashes out 60 ft. away from you before losing strength. The supernatural winds are as sharp as blades, dealing 1d6 points of magical slashing damage or the appropriate alignment per initiator level to all targets (alignment corresponds to user's alignment, true neutrals select one alignment, it cannot be changed afterward). Creatures get a Reflex save (DC 15 + Dex) for half damage.

Regardless of the saving throw, the wind blows away gases as if affected by a gust of wind spell. A Tiny or smaller creature on the ground is knocked down and rolled 1d4×10 feet, taking 1d4 points of nonlethal damage per 10 feet. If flying, a Tiny or smaller creature is blown back 2d6×10 feet and takes 2d6 points of nonlethal damage due to battering and buffeting. Small creatures are knocked prone by the force of the wind, or if flying are blown back 1d6×10 feet. Medium creatures are unable to move forward against the force of the wind, or if flying are blown back 1d6×5 feet. Large or larger creatures are not effected because unlike the spell, this maneuver is instantaneous and does not provide penalties beyond its initial use. This maneuver can’t move a creature beyond the limit of its range.

The force of the gust automatically extinguishes candles, torches, and similar unprotected flames. It causes protected flames, such as those of lanterns, to dance wildly and has a 50% chance to extinguish those lights.

In addition to the effects noted, a divine wind blade can do anything that a sudden blast of wind would be expected to do. It can create a stinging spray of sand or dust, fan a large fire, overturn delicate awnings or hangings, heel over a small boat, and blow gases or vapors to the edge of its range.

This maneuver is a supernatural ability.

Divine Wind Flurry
Dancing Goddess (Boost)
Level: 1
Prerequisite: Need one Dancing Goddess maneuver
Initiation Action: Swift Action
Range: Personal
Target: Self
Duration: 1 round
Your movements are graceful and fluid, one rapid strike after another.

You make an extra attack at your highest attack bonus, but all your attacks this round take a -2 penalty. You must choose to use this before attacking.

Grace of the Goddess
Dancing Goddess (Stance)
Level: 1
Prerequisite: Need one Dancing Goddess maneuver
Initiation Action: Swift Action
Range: Personal
Target: Self
Your weapon is part of your body, and you learn to balance yourself with it in perfect harmony.

You gain Weapon Finesse while in this stance. If you already possess Weapon Finesse, you gain your Dexterity modifier to damage rolls with finessable weapons. This damage is precision damage.

Heavenly Nimbus
Dancing Goddess (Boost)
Level: 6
Prerequisite: Need one Dancing Goddess maneuver
Initiation Action: Swift Action
Range: Personal
Target: Self
Duration: 5 rounds
Your stance shifts slightly to ensure your cloak flutters around you, concealing your form as you attack.

To employ this maneuver you require some manner of cloak, ribbon, or other free flowing object. You gain the effect of displacement for 5 rounds. At the end of the duration you are fatigued for 1 round and cannot employ this maneuver again until that 1 round has passed. This is an extraordinary effect caused by actual concealment by a physical object, true seeing and similar effects do not pierce it.

Inspirational Dance
Dancing Goddess (Boost)
Level: 2
Prerequisite: Need one Dancing Goddess maneuver
Initiation Action: Swift Action
Range: 60 ft. radius around you
Target: All allies in 60 ft.
Duration: 1 round
Even in most dire times, your pose and grace stands tall and fills other with a burst of confidence.

All allies in a 60 ft. radius who can see you gain a +1 morale bonus to attack and fear saves for 1 round. If you have at least 8 ranks in Perform the bonus rises by an additional +1, and an additional +1 for every 5 ranks (for example at 23 ranks you gain a +5 bonus). This bonus interacts with spells, feats, and abilities as if it were bardic music.

Organic Repast, Diamond Mind, Dancing Goddess, Desert Wind (Boost) [X-Discipline, Time]
Level: 6
Prerequisite: Three Organic Repast, Diamond Mind, Dancing Goddess, or Desert Wind maneuvers
Initiation Action: 1 move action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: See text
One moment, fractured into two. A series of steps, transformed from a motion to a martial dance. You ready yourself for your enemies, setting aside the time you need to execute your techniques.

By performing this maneuver, you transform a single move action (specifically, the move action used to initiate this maneuver) into two swift actions or one standard action. The swift actions can be performed at any point during this turn, and if you elect to do so, you may convert one of those swift actions into an immediate action to be used before your next turn. If you use this maneuver to convert a move action to a standard action, that standard action must be taken immediately.

No matter what mechanism you use to refresh maneuvers or what maneuver-granting items you may have access to, you may only use jitterbug once in any given round. (Thus, a warblade can't use this maneuver to take a huge number of actions in a single round.)

Karmatic Retort
Dancing Goddess (Counter)
Level: 7
Prerequisite: Need three Dancing Goddess maneuvers
Initiation Action: Immediate Action
Range: Melee Attack
Target: One Creature
Duration: 1 round
The claw hits you in the shoulder, sending you spinning... and spinning right back with your scimitar into their face, using the momenteum of their own attack.

If you are attacked, regardless of whether the attack was successful or not, you may use this maneuver to immediately strike back. Make a single attack at your maximum attack bonus, dealing normal damage.

This benefit lasts for 1 round. If the opponents choose to continue attacking you in that time period, you may make a melee attack against each instance. For example if an enemy fighter made a full attack (4 attacks) against you, you gain 4 attacks against them. Most enemies catch on and choose to stop attacking you, making this a reasonable defense. These attacks are not attacks of opportunity and do not consume their uses.

Loosened Tresses
Dancing Goddess (Counter)
Level: 1
Initiation Action: Immediate Action
Range: Melee attack
Target: One creature
Duration: Instantaneous
As your body weaves out of the way of the attack you rebound like a rubber band, sweeping them off their feet in their moment of imbalance.

If an enemy attacks you and misses, you may activate this maneuver to get a free trip attack against them without provoking an attack of opportunity. You can use your Str or Dex modifier, whichever is higher, and you gain a +4 bonus to this check.

Missing Step
Dancing Goddess (Counter)
Level: 5
Prerequisite: Need two Dancing Goddess maneuvers
Initiation Action: Immediate Action
Range: Personal
Target: Self
Duration: Instantaneous
You do the electric slide out of the way just in time, gliding back as if on ice.

If you are subject to an attack roll or area effect spell you can make a Perform (Dance) check, with a DC equal to the attack roll or spell save DC. If successful, you can choose to move half your movement speed in a straight line, which may place you out of range for the attack. If you are still in range of the effect and it offers a saving throw, you are treated as having made the save.

Mudra Liberation
Dancing Goddess (Boost)
Level: 3
Prerequisite: Need one Dancing Goddess maneuver
Initiation Action: Swift Action
Range: Personal
Target: Self
Duration: 1 round
You cartwheel and curl, tumble and dance through the enemy who are completely befuddled by your strange motions.

For 1 round, you may treat occupied squares as being unoccupied by either allies or enemies, allowing you to charge or move through spaces without provoking attacks of opportunity. You also ignore difficult terrain penalties. You cannot move by creatures which take up their entire space, such as the gelatinous cube.

Mudra Parry
Dancing Goddess (Counter)
Level: 2
Prerequisite: Need one Dancing Goddess maneuver
Initiation Action: Immediate Action
Range: Personal
Target: Self
Duration: Instantaneous
Yes, you did just moonwalk your way out of the attack. And you looked smooth doing it.

When you are attacked, you can activate this maneuver and make a perform (dance) check. Your check result is your new AC against this one attack. You must accept the new roll, even if it is lower than your normal AC. You must be aware of the attack and not flatfooted.

Overwhelming Rotation
Dancing Goddess (Strike)
Level: 7
Prerequisite: Need two Dancing Goddess maneuvers
Initiation Action: Standard Action
Range: Melee Attack
Target: One Creature
Duration: Instantaneous
You attack in a bizarre manner, darting in and out, feinting, spinning, and finally lopping off a chunk of flesh as the opponent's eyes spin round their head.

You make a melee attack, and the opponent must make a Will save DC 17 + Dex modifier, who become dazed for 1d4 rounds for following your dizzying routine. Even on a successful saving throw, they are confused for 1 round. This is an extraordinary mind-affecting effect.

Rhythmic Blade Clash
Dancing Goddess (Stance)
Level: 8
Prerequisite: Need three Dancing Goddess maneuvers
Initiation Action: Swift Action
Range: Personal
Target: Self
Clang, clang! The clash of blades, the shower of sparks, you block the opponent blow for blow making metallic music as you go.

When you are attacked you can choose to parry the blow. Make an attack roll, this becomes your AC against this attack. You may parry more than one attack, up to your amount allowed by your BAB (maximum 4 with BAB 16 and higher). At the beginning of your next turn, these attacks are subtracted from the number of attacks you can make. You must make an attack (either a normal attack or another maneuver). If you do not have any attacks left, you can only make a single move action or 5 foot step instead.

Steady Beat
Dancing Goddess (Boost)
Level: 4
Prerequisite: Need two Dancing Goddess maneuvers
Initiation Action: Swift Action
Range: Personal
Target: Self
Duration: 1 round
Keeping time in your head, your swings feed their kinetic energy to each other, allowing you to keep a steady stream of accurate blows.

For 1 round all your attacks from your base attack bonus are done at your maximum attack bonus. For example if you have an attack bonus of +11/+6/+1, it is now +11/+11/+11. You still take the penalty for two-weapon fighting or flurry attacks, if applicable.

Thousand Demon Blade
Dancing Goddess (Strike) [Force]
Level: 8
Prerequisite: Need three Dancing Goddess maneuvers
Initiation Action: Standard Action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Effect or Area: Wall of whirling blades up to 20 ft. long/ level, or a ringed wall of whirling blades with a radius of up to 5 ft. per two levels; either form 20 ft. high
Duration: 1 min./level (D); see text
Saving Throw: Reflex half or Reflex negates; see text
You channel the energy of a thousand dancing goddess techniques, summoning them into being as spinning slashing blades.

This maneuver duplicates the effects of blade barrier except as shown above. Unlike the spell, you are immune to your own blade barrier and may pass through freely. You can only have one instance of this maneuver at one time. If used again, the previous instance vanishes.

This maneuver is a supernatural ability.

Twisted Curl
Dancing Goddess (Strike)
Level: 2
Prerequisite: Need one Dancing Goddess maneuver
Initiation Action: Full-Attack Action
Range: Melee Attack
Target: One Creature
Your body curves and twists, bouncing off walls and obstacles without losing its momenteum.

You can move up to twice your movement speed and charge without needing to charge in a straight line. You provoke attacks of opportunity from movement as normal.

Unending Blade
Dancing Goddess (Counter)
Level: 2
Initiation Action: Immediate Action
Range: Personal
Target: Self
Duration: Instantaneous
The bodies fall, providing the drumbeat for your inner music. With each corpse felled your pace quickens.

You can only activate this maneuver when you deal a creature enough damage to make it drop. You gain an immediate extra melee attack against another creature within reach as if using Great Cleave. You may make 5 foot steps between each attack if you wish, up to your move speed (so a human with 30 ft. could make six 5-foot steps, provided she could drop 6 creatures). The number of attacks you can make with Great Cleave remains unlimited, even if you run out of movement.

Untouchable Dance
Dancing Goddess (Boost)
Level: 7
Prerequisite: Need three Dancing Goddess maneuvers
Initiation Action: Swift Action
Range: Personal
Target: Self
Duration: 1 round (see text)
No matter how many attack you or how strong the opponent, you will find a way to dodge.

For 1 round your AC effectively becomes infinite, meaning opponents can only hit you on a natural 20. At the beginning of your next turn, your AC returns to normal and you are staggered for 1 round as you catch up from the exhausting focus.

Waltz of Slight Sleight
Dancing Goddess, Thousand Daggers (Boost) [X-Discipline]
Level: 4
Prerequisite: Sleight of Hand 10 Ranks, Perform 10 Ranks, Two Thousand Daggers maneuvers or Two Dancing Godess Maneuvers
Initiation Action: 1 swift action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 1 round
Saving Throw: See Text
Everyone has something they're good at. The divide between weak and strong is not depth of talent, but the ability to find that talent, and build your life around it.

Invented by Gilfrei the Swift, a Chasseur Duelist who wanted to expand the versatility of his incredible Dexterity.

Choose an ability modifier. Until your next turn, for any DC you force someone to save against or opposed roll you make that contains at least one of your ability modifiers as a variable, for each ability modifier used that is not your chosen modifier, you may substitute your chosen modifier.