Sorcerous Prodigy (3.5e Feat)

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Author: Leziad (talk)
Date Created: 26th September 2015
Status: Complete
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Sorcerous Prodigy [Spellcasting]

You are a better spontaneous spellcaster, no more slowed casting!
Prerequisite: Must be a spontaneous caster (like a Sorcerer or Bard) with spells known.

Benefits: This is a spellcasting feat that scales with the highest-level spell slot you have.

  • 1: You gain the benefits of the Accelerated Progression (if you have Sorcerer casting) or Ascended Progression (if you have bard spellcasting) feat. If your spellcasting does not apply for either of these feat you gain an 1st level additional spell per day and spell known.
  • 3: You gain an additional spell known and spell per day from any spell level you can cast. If you're a fixed list caster (e.g. Beguiler, Warmage, Dread Necromancer), you get an additional spell known per spell level that follows the same restrictions as your Advanced Learning options.
  • 6: Twice per day, you may cast a spell from your spell list without it being known to you; you still expend all resources necessary for the casting of this spell. A fixed list caster may also treat the list of spells that could be taken with their advanced learning class feature as part of their spell list for this purpose.
  • 9: You can now cast all your level 0 and 1st level spells at will.

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Leziad's Homebrew (4510 Articles)
Article BalanceVery High +
AuthorLeziad +
Identifier3.5e Feat +
PrerequisiteMust be a spontaneous caster (like a Sorcerer or Bard) with spells known. +
RatingUnrated +
SummaryYou are a better spontaneous spellcaster, no more slowed casting! +
TitleSorcerous Prodigy +
TypeSpellcasting +