Synostocerebros (3.5e Power)

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Author: Luigifan18 (talk)
Date Created: November 25, 2012
Status: Needs review
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Psychometabolism [Healing]
Level: Psion/Wilder 7, Psionic Psuperhero 1,
Display: Material
Manifesting Time: 1 swift action
Range: Personal, Touch
Target: One of your powers, creature touched, see text
Duration: 1 round
Saving Throw: Will half (harmless); see text
Power Resistance: Yes (harmless); see text
Power Points: 13 (Psion/Wilder), 1 (Psionic Psuperhero)

If you are a Psion or Wilder, the next power you manifest this round is converted to positive or negative energy (your choice), which heals (or harms) you or a creature you touch for 1d8 hit points per level of the power manifested.

If you are a Psionic Psuperhero, you heal yourself or another creature for 1d8 points of damage per power point spent manifesting this power with a touch (you may heal a creature of any type in this fashion).

Augment: As a Psionic Psuperhero power, synostocerebros has a wide range of potential augmentations. Most of these augmentations also apply to the Psion/Wilder version, but the Psion/Wilder finds it to be more difficult to augment this power due to the higher base cost.

Range Boost: You may pay 4 additional power points to change this power's range from "Touch" to "Close". After doing that, you may pay 4 more power points to change its range from "Close" to "Medium", then you may pay 4 more power points to change its range from "Medium" to "Long". (Close = 25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels. Medium = 100 ft. + 10 ft./level. Long = 400 ft. + 40 ft./level.) Changing the power's range does not mean it is no longer a touch power; rather, it means that it changes from a melee touch to a ranged touch (more specifically, a ray).

Mass Healing: You may affect multiple creatures with this power by paying 3 additional power points for each creature beyond the first. You may do this up to five times (for a total of 6 creatures affected) if manifesting synostocerebros as a touch power; to affect more creatures than that, you must augment the power to have a range of at least Close. (As always, you can only hold a touch power's charge if you have not yet touched anything; once you touch a creature, you must touch all of the other creatures that you wish to affect in the same round. You can touch up to 6 creatures within your reach as a standard action.)

Positive/Negative Energy: A Psionic Psuperhero may spend 2 additional power points to make this power into a positive energy or negative energy attack. Positive energy heals the living and harms undead; negative energy harms the living and heals undead. Neither positive nor negative energy have any effect on constructs. The "damage" dealt is equal to the healing this power would otherwise bestow. (If the DM deems fit, he can declare that channeling positive energy is a good act and channeling negative energy is an evil act, just as it is for clerics. However, as this is considered a psionic power rather than a divine spell or supernatural ability, such strictures do not have to be followed as closely as a cleric would follow them.) It should go without saying, but you may not utilize both positive energy and negative energy simultaneously with this power, not even by paying 4 additional power points. (Trying to figure out how that would work would be too much of a headache.)

Synostocerebral Turning: If synostocerebros has been transformed to positive or negative energy, you may pay 6 additional power points to replace the normal effect of this power with an effect exactly like that of a cleric turning or rebuking undead. (A Psion or Wilder augments synostocerebros in this way before manifesting the second power, and the second power is converted to a turning or rebuking attempt. A Psionic Psuperhero augments the power to turn it into positive or negative energy, then applies this augmentation.) The range is changed from "Touch" to "Personal", it loses its target quality, and it gains the effect "A 60-ft. emanation centered on you". Whether you "turn" or "rebuke" is dependent on whether you converted this power into positive or negative energy. You use your manifester level as your effective cleric level for the purposes of your turning check and turning damage. Regardless of what ability score you normally use for psionic powers, turning or rebuking undead is Charisma-based. If you are a Psion or Wilder, you add the power level of the second power you manifest to your turning check and the number of power points you spend on that power to turning damage. This power may not be used in place of actually being able to turn or rebuke undead like a cleric in order to qualify for or use the abilities of feats, prestige classes, etc.; if you wish to use divine feats or anything else powered by turning/rebuking undead, you will actually need to take levels in cleric, paladin, blackguard, or another class that actually has turning or rebuking undead as a class feature.

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Back to Main Page3.5e HomebrewClass Ability ComponentsPowersPsionic Psuperhero

Luigifan18's Homebrew (383 Articles)
Article BalanceModerate +
AuthorLuigifan18 +
DescriptorHealing +
DisciplinePsychometabolism +
Identifier3.5e Power +
LevelPsion/Wilder 7 + and Psionic Psuperhero 1 +
RatingUnrated +
SummaryA healing power that converts mental energy to physical health. +
TitleSynostocerebros +