Lapis Metamagic (3.5e Feat)

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Author: Zhenra-Khal (talk)
Date Created: 1/19/2016
Status: Complete
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Lapis Metamagic [Metamagic, Incarnum] I never knew Fireballs could be blue until today.Prerequisites: Caster level 1st, any Metamagic feat, must possess either Con 13+ or at least one point of EssentiaBenefit: When you add metamagic to your spells, you may invest Essentia into this feat. Each point of Essentia you invest in this feat reduces the increase in spell level due to metamagic by 1, to a minimum spell level adjustment of +0. If you are a spontaneous caster, spells that have been reduced back to their original spell level with this feat do not suffer an increase in casting time.

You can invest a number of Essentia into a single casting of a spell at any one time equal to the maximum number of Essentia you could invest in a Soulmeld. Thus a 6th-level caster could reduce the spell's level adjustment by up to 2. However, you can continue to invest Essentia into spells via this feat as long as you have Essentia to invest; The normal limits of investing Essentia do not apply to the feat itself, only to the individual castings of the spells.

Essentia invested in this feat remains invested for 24 hours or until you rest to regain your spells, whichever comes first.

You also gain 1 point of Essentia. Example: Bob, an Incarnate 6/Sorcerer 6 (Character level 12th) has an Essentia capacity of 3. When he casts one of his Fireball spells for the day, he decides he wants to apply Maximize spell to it using this feat. Normally he wouldn't be able to do so; As a Maximized Fireball (Spell level 3, with a +3 Metamagic adjustment) would require a 6th-level spell slot to cast. However, upon casting, Bob invests three of his six Essentia into this feat, which reduces the Maximized Fireball back to a third-level spell. Now Bob only has 3 Essentia to invest in his Soulmelds.Special: If you have a feat or ability that favors a single spell, such as the Signature Spell feat, when applying Lapis Metamagic to that spell, your Essentia capacity is increased by 1.

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Article BalanceVery High +
AuthorZhenra-Khal +
Identifier3.5e Feat +
PrerequisiteCaster level 1st +, any Metamagic feat + and must possess either Con 13+ or at least one point of Essentia +
RatingUnrated +
SummaryYou can meld your very soul into your spells when empowering them. Like Midnight Metamagic, but not limited to once per day. +
TitleLapis Metamagic +
TypeMetamagic + and Incarnum +