Revision as of 16:44, 23 August 2009 by ClaytonQuintero (talk | contribs) (Created page with 'This category contains all 4e material.')
This category contains all 4e material.
This category has the following 8 subcategories, out of 8 total.
Pages in category "4e"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 1,805 total.
(previous page) (next page)4
- 4e Base Classes
- 4e Base Classes/Category Format
- 4e Campaign Settings
- 4e Character Backgrounds
- 4e Character Optimization
- 4e Character Options
- 4e Class Feature Variants
- 4e Classes
- 4e Classes, Paragon Paths, and Epic Destinies
- 4e Deities
- 4e Deities/Category Format
- 4e Diseases
- 4e Epic Destinies
- 4e Epic Destinies/Category Format
- 4e Epic Tier Feats
- 4e Equipment
- 4e Familiars
- 4e Feats
- 4e Heroic Tier Feats
- 4e Homebrew
- 4e Hybrid Classes
- 4e Index (4e Other)
- 4e Locations
- 4e Magical Armors
- 4e Magical Arms Slot Items
- 4e Magical Companion Slot Items
- 4e Magical Feet Slot Items
- 4e Magical Hands Slot Items
- 4e Magical Head Slot Items
- 4e Magical Mount Slot Items
- 4e Magical Neck Slot Items
- 4e Magical Rings
- 4e Magical Waist Slot Items
- 4e Magical Weapons
- 4e Magical Wondrous Items
- 4e Monsters
- 4e Mundane Armor
- 4e Mundane Weapons
- 4e Other
- 4e Paragon Paths
- 4e Paragon Paths/Category Format
- 4e Paragon Tier Feats
- 4e Powers
- 4e Quest
- Form:4e Quest
- 4e Quests
- 4e Races
- 4e Racial Trait Variants
- 4e Ritual
- 4e Rituals
- 4e Sourcebooks
- 4e Variant Rules
- 4e Vehicles
- Aasimar (4e Race)
- Abhorsen (4e Paragon Path)
- Abjuration Powers (4e Power List)
- Abrasive (4e Character Trait)
- Abyssal Heritor (4e Feat Type)
- Abyssal Poison (4e Equipment)
- Accurate Strike (4e Power)
- Ace of Spade (4e Power)
- Aci (4e Power)
- Acid Powers (4e Power List)
- Acrobatic Savant (4e Paragon Path)
- Acrobatic Tempest (4e Power)
- Adamantine Spider (4e Monster)
- Adaptive Singer (4e Feat)
- Add a New 4e Campaign Setting
- Add a New 4e Disease
- Add a New 4e Monster
- Add a New 4e Other
- Add a New 4e Race
- Add a New 4e Sourcebook
- Add New 4e Campaign Setting
- Add New 4e Character Option
- Add New 4e Class
- Add New 4e Deity
- Add New 4e Equipment
- Add New 4e Location
- Add New 4e Power
- Add New 4e Ritual
- Publication:Adventurer's Vault
- User:Aelaris/sandbox3
- Aggressive Charge (4e Power)
- Agile Crawler (4e Feat)
- Agile Strike (4e Power)
- Aiding Dreams (4e Power)
- Aispaik (4e Power)
- Aleval School (4e Feat)
- Alter Weaves (4e Feat)
- Alternate Gestalt Characters (4e Variant Rule)
- Amalgamated Assault (4e Power)
- Amber of the Ancient Spider (4e Equipment)
- Amble Dance (4e Power)
- Ambush (4e Feat Type)
- Amok (4e Power)
- Ancestral Smite (4e Power)
- Anch (4e Power)
- Andugr Lineage (4e Feat)
- Animated Object, Tiny (4e Monster)
- Anti-Corrosion (4e Feat)
- Anulo Ra'a, Sky Drow Variant (4e Race)
- Aquatic Fury (4e Power)
- Aquatic Shell (4e Power)
- Arachane Powers (4e Power Source)
- Arachinda Ring of Jumping (4e Equipment)
- Arachne's Blessing (4e Power)
- Arachne's Weave (4e Feat)
- Arachnid Rod (4e Equipment)
- Arachnid Trainer (4e Feat)
- Arachnida Ring of Agility (4e Equipment)
- Arachnida Ring of Speed (4e Equipment)
- Arachnoid Creature (4e Template)
- Arachnomancer (4e Class)
- Arachnomancer Powers (4e Power List)
- Arachnophobia (4e Character Trait)
- Arachonomicon; the Book of Spiderkind (4e Sourcebook)
- Aranea (4e Monster)
- Araneidae Aspect (4e Feat)
- Arannis (4e Monster)
- Arc of Diz (4e Power)
- Arcadian Moonlight (4e Power)
- Arcana Powers (4e Power List)
- Arcana Vitality (4e Power)
- Arcane Agility (4e Feat)
- Arcane Monk (4e Class)
- Arcane Monk Powers (4e Power List)
- Arcane Powers (4e Power List)
- Arcane Singer (4e Feat)
- Archaic Dreams (4e Power)
- Arcing Property (4e Other)
- Ardent Powers (4e Power List)
- Aria of Compassion (4e Power)
- Aria of Healing (4e Power)
- Aria of Recovery (4e Power)
- Aria of the Healer (4e Power)
- Aria of Warding (4e Power)
- Arm (4e Power)
- Armor Proficiency, Spidersilk (4e Feat)
- Armor Specialization, Leather (4e Feat)
- Armor Specialization, Spidersilk (4e Feat)
- Armored Carapace (4e Power)
- Arrowhawk (4e Monster)
- Artifice Crafter (4e Paragon Path)
- As One (4e Power)
- Asolt (4e Power)
- Aspatia (4e Race)
- Aspect of the Hunter (4e Power)
- Aspect of the Jumping Spider (4e Power)
- Aspect of the Salticid (4e Power)
- Aspect of the Theraphosa (4e Power)
- Aspect of Wind (4e Feat)
- Aspect of Wind (4e Power)
- Assassin's Cloak (4e Equipment)
- Publication:Assault on Nightwyrm Fortress
- Astarael; the Sorrowful (4e Power)
- Astounding Dodge (4e Power)
- At Home in the Deep (4e Feat)
- Attacks and Hits/Misses (4e Variant Rule)
- Augment (4e Feat Type)
- Aura of Blinding Brilliance (4e Power)
- Aura of Blinding Light (4e Power)
- Aura of Radiance (4e Power)
- Aura of the Burning Dawn (4e Power)
- Autoload Beak (4e Equipment)
- Autonomous (4e Feat)
- Avenger Powers
- Axe of the Dinosaurs (4e Equipment)
- Azer (4e Race)
- Azer Lineage (4e Feat)
- Azer, Variant (4e Race)
- Template:Back to 4e Sourcebooks
- Badger Parry (4e Power)
- Bae'qeshel (4e Paragon Path)
- Bane Guard (4e Class)
- Bane Guard Powers (4e Power List)
- Baneling (4e Monster)
- Bang (4e Power)
- Barbarian Powers
- Bard Powers
- Bardic Minstrel (4e Feat)
- Barricading Webs (4e Power)
- Base Word Powers (4e Power List)
- Bashing Flames Style (4e Feat)
- Basilisk (4e Monster)
- Bastion of Dreams (4e Power)
- Bat (4e Monster)
- Bat Companion (4e Class Feature Variant)
- Battle Staff (4e Equipment)
- Battlebriar (4e Monster)
- Battlemind Powers
- Beatdown Strike (4e Power)
- Beauty of the Elves (4e Feat)
- Bebilith's Venom (4e Power)
- Beetle (4e Monster)
- Beetle Companion (4e Class Feature Variant)
- Beguiling Winds Style (4e Feat)
- Behemoth (4e Monster)
- Belgaer's Melody (4e Power)
- Belgaer's Tune (4e Power)
Media in category "4e"
The following 4 files are in this category, out of 4 total.
- 4E Eberron Players Guide.png 300 × 403; 272 KB
- 4e Forgotten Realms Campaign Guide.jpg 200 × 262; 31 KB
- Eberron Camapign Guide.png 300 × 404; 276 KB
- Grim-Dungeon.gif 500 × 798; 35 KB