Bat (4e Monster)
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Monstrous varieties of bats usually behave much like their smaller cousins. They are primarily nocturnal predators that prey almost exclusively on creatures smaller than themselves, and only a few varieties are any real threat to humanoid creatures.
Dreadbats are so named more for their fearsome appearance than for their behavior — they are innocuous creatures that feed primarily on fruit and small insects. They are stealthy predators, and are sometimes used by natives of the Underdark for hunting and scouting in the same manner that a surface dweller might use a hawk. A certain subspecies is known to feed on the blood of other creatures, but these vampiric dreadbats still pose little threat to most humanoids: they prefer much larger prey like cattle or giants. Vampiric dreadbats store this blood in special sacks throughout their bodies, and can draw on it to quickly clot wounds or counteract the effects of blood loss. This effect is only temporary, however, as the bat otherwise possesses no special ability to heal itself.
Dreadbat Level 3 Minion Lurker
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Small natural beast XP 37
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Initiative +9 | Senses Perception +8, darkvision | |
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion. | ||
AC 17; Fortitude 15, Reflex 17, Will 15 | ||
Speed 2 (clumsy), fly 8 | ||
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+8 vs. AC; 4 damage. If the dreadbat has combat advantage against the target, this attack deal an extra 2 damage. | ||
Swoop (standard; at-will) | ||
The dreadbat moves up to its speed and grabs an unattended object weighing no more than 10 pounds. A trained dreadbat can be commanded by an ally to drop a grabbed item as a minor action. | ||
Alignment Unaligned | Languages — | |
Skills Stealth +10 | ||
Str 8 (+0) | Dex 18 (+5) | Wis 14 (+3) |
Con 13 (+2) | Int 2 (–3) | Cha 9 (+0) |
Vampiric Dreadbat Level 5 Minion Lurker
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Small natural beast XP 50
| ||
Initiative +10 | Senses Perception +9, darkvision | |
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion. | ||
AC 19; Fortitude 17, Reflex 18, Will 17 | ||
Speed 2 (clumsy), fly 8 | ||
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+10 vs. AC; 5 damage, and bloodfeed recharges. If the vampiric dreadbat has combat advantage against the target, this attack deal an extra 2 damage. | ||
Bloodfeed (immediate reaction, when first reduced to 0 hit points; starts uncharged; encounter) | ||
The vampiric dreadbat takes no damage from the attack. Instead, it is considered bloodied until the end of its next turn, at which point it dies. If the vampiric dreadbat takes damage from another source before the end of its next turn, it dies immediately. | ||
Alignment Unaligned | Languages — | |
Skills Stealth +10 | ||
Str 8 (+1) | Dex 18 (+6) | Wis 14 (+4) |
Con 15 (+4) | Int 2 (–2) | Cha 9 (+1) |
Dreadbat Tactics[edit]
Both varieties of dreadbats utilize the same basic tactics: they swoop down on their prey from above, bite the target, and then retreat back into the air. They have been witnessed chasing the same creature for an hour or more, repeatedly biting it until the victim eventually tired and collapsed. Vampiric dreadbats will also feed parasitically on large, slow-moving creatures, and may sometimes be found attached to them.
Dreadbat Lore[edit]
A character knows the following information with a successful Nature check.
- DC 15: Dreadbats are large bats native to the Underdark. They are used to hunt, scout, and even deliver messages by sentient races.
- DC 20: A subspecies known as the vampiric dreadbat feeds on the blood of living creatures. These bats can sometimes survive what would otherwise be fatal blows.
Dire Bat[edit]
One of the more predatory varieties of bats, dire bats feed primarily by drinking the blood of other creatures but can also consume flesh and carrion when food is scarce. It is not uncommon for them to roost in groups containing dozens of individuals and have been known to be very protective of their lairs, which can make them dangerous if disturbed, but they do not otherwise attack humanoids with any degree of frequency.
Dire Bat Level 4 Skirmisher
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Large natural beast (mount) XP 175
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Initiative +9 | Senses Perception +8, darkvision | |
HP 52; Bloodied 26 | ||
AC 18; Fortitude 16, Reflex 19, Will 15 | ||
Speed 2 (clumsy), fly 8 | ||
Traits | ||
Blood Frenzy ♦ Mount | ||
The dire bat gains a +2 bonus to damage rolls against bloodied targets. While the dire bat has a friendly rider of 4th level or higher mounted on it, the rider also gains this benefit. | ||
Standard Actions | ||
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Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +9 vs. AC Hit: 1d10 + 4 damage, and the target is grabbed (until escape). | ||
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Attack: Melee 1 (one creature grabbed by the dire bat); +8 vs. Fortitude Hit: 2d8 + 4 damage, and the dire bat gains 5 temporary hit points. Special: Temporary hit points gained from drain blood stack with those gained from other sources, but not from multiple uses of drain blood. | ||
Move Actions | ||
Drag Away (at-will) | ||
Requirement: The dire bat must have a creature grabbed. Effect: The dire bat moves its speed, pulling the grabbed creature with it. The dire bat and the grabbed creature do not provoke opportunity attacks from each other for this movement. | ||
Alignment Unaligned | Languages — | |
Str 15 (+4) | Dex 21 (+7) | Wis 12 (+3) |
Con 12 (+3) | Int 2 (-2) | Cha 8 (+1) |
Carrying Capacity 150 lb. (normal); 300 lb. (heavy); 750 lb. (push/drag) | ||
Market Price 840 gp |
Dire Bat Tactics[edit]
Dire bats swoop in on their intended target and use their blood drain ability. Though not particularly concerned with stealth, their ability to see in the dark, combined with their nocturnal hunting schedule, often allows them to catch prey by surprise. If a target proves too troublesome to feed of off, they'll flee rather than continue the assault, unless food is scarce — a starving dire bat will fight to the death.
Dire Bat Lore[edit]
A character knows the following information with a successful Nature check.
- DC 15: Dire bats feed primarily like parasites, feeding off of the blood of exceptionally large creatures such as behemoths and dragons, but they also supplement their diet with fruit, carrion, and even offal when suitable hosts are scarce.
Felldrinker Bat[edit]
Massive, ebony bats native to the Shadowfell, felldrinkers are revolting creatures that feed on decay and corruption. Though they prefer areas cloaked in darkness, they will hunt openly even during the day and can pursue prey for hundreds of miles. They are typically solitary creatures, seeking others of their kind only during the brief mating season every decade or so, and will kill each other on sight. Even their young are at risk of being eaten during the two months they remain with their parents, with only one or two individuals from a brood of twenty living until maturity. They can sometimes be found roosting amongst more mundane varieties of bats that serve as a ready source of food if the felldrinker can find nothing else to prey on, and have been known to accompany other foul creatures for short periods of time, though the felldrinker usually consumes its "partners" after their alliance is ended. Though possessed of human-like intelligence, felldrinkers are instinctual creatures and rarely think of anything besides how to achieve their next meal — a felldrinker that overcomes these primal urges would be a formidable foe indeed.
Felldrinker Bat Level 12 Elite Skirmisher
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Gargantuan shadow beast XP 1,400
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Initiative +14 | Senses Perception +14, darkvision | |
HP 264; Bloodied 123 | ||
AC 26; Fortitude 24, Reflex 26, Will 23 | ||
Resist 30 necrotic | ||
Saving Throws +2 | ||
Speed 4 (clumsy), fly 10 | ||
Action Points 1 | ||
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Reach 3; +17 vs. AC; 2d6 + 10 damage, and ongoing 5 necrotic damage (save ends). | ||
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Close burst 3; +13 vs. Reflex; 4d8 + 10 necrotic damage, and the felldrinker bat's devour essence ability recharges. | ||
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Close blast 5; +13 vs. Reflex; 3d8 + 10 necrotic and thunder damage, and the target is weakened (save ends). First Failed Save: The target is also deafened (save ends). | ||
Devour Essence (minor; starts uncharged; recharges when a target saves against dark bite) | ||
The felldrinker bat gains 5 temporary hit points. | ||
Alignment Evil | Languages — | |
Str 19 (+10) | Dex 23 (+12) | Wis 16 (+9) |
Con 19 (+10) | Int 12 (+7) | Cha 14 (+8) |
Felldrinker Young Level 4 Brute
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Small shadow beast XP 175
| ||
Initiative +4 | Senses Perception +3, darkvision | |
HP 66; Bloodied 33 | ||
AC 16; Fortitude 16, Reflex 16, Will 15 | ||
Resist 5 necrotic | ||
Speed 1 (clumsy), fly 6 | ||
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+9 vs. AC; 1d10 + 4 damage, and ongoing 2 necrotic damage (save ends). | ||
Devour Essence (minor; starts uncharged; recharges when a target saves against dark bite) | ||
The felldrinker young gains 2 temporary hit points. | ||
Alignment Evil | Languages — | |
Str 16 (+5) | Dex 15 (+4) | Wis 12 (+3) |
Con 16 (+5) | Int 8 (+1) | Cha 6 (+0) |
Felldrinker Bat Tactics[edit]
A felldrinker will use its dark bite against every target in combat and then fly off, letting its necrotic saliva soften the foes' defenses. It will then use devour essence before returning to the fray, usually unleashing its wail of decay as soon as it is in range. It isn't above using hit-and-run tactics against foes more powerful than itself, particularly if it has already been bloodied and used its necrotic bloodspray ability.
Felldrinker Bat Lore[edit]
A character knows the following information with a successful Arcana check.
- DC 20: Felldrinkers are evil bats native to the Shadowfell. They feed on decay, usually caused by its own bite.
- DC 25: A single felldrinker bat can pursue prey for days, harrying it with hit-and-run tactics until the foe finally succumbs to its wounds.
Encounter Groups[edit]
Different varieties of bats are often found in close proximity to one another — bats typically stay in their caves only during the day while they sleep, so there's very little need for competition over a roost. Sleeping together also offers every individual greater protection, and the entire roost will usually attack any and every non-bat that enters.
Level 7 Encounter (XP 1,575) — Dire Bat Roost
- 9 dire bats (level 4 skirmisher)
Level 12 Encounter (XP 3,500) — Felldrinker Mates
- 2 felldrinker bats (level 12 elite skirmisher)
- 4 felldrinker young (level 4 brute)
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Author | Dracomortis + |
Identifier | 4e Monster + |
Rating | Undiscussed + |
Title | Bat + |