Arcane Monk (4e Class)

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Arcane Monk[edit]

The eye of the storm rests within the palm of my hand. I am able to control this storm as I see fit.
Class Traits
Role: Striker. As a monk, you are able to use your body instead of your mind to deal damage, but you also function as a co-defender by diverting your enemies’ attention away from the main party..
Power Source: Arcane. You are able to consult with the hidden arcane forces of the world and use them in various ways. Not only are you adept in psionic energies, you are also a skilled arcanist—casting spells alongside your series of blows..
Key Abilities: Charisma, Dexterity, Strength, Wisdom
Armor Proficiencies: Cloth
Weapon Proficiencies: Club, dagger, monk unarmed strike, quarterstaff, shuriken, sling, spear
Bonus to Defense: +1 Fortitude, +1 Reflex, +1 Will
Hit Points at 1st Level: 14 + Constitution score
Hit Points per Level Gained: 5
Healing Surges per Day: 7 + Constitution modifier
Trained Skills: Arcana. From the class skills list below, choose 4 more trained skills at 1st level.
Class Skills: Acrobatics (DEX), Arcana (INT), Athletics (STR), Diplomacy (CHA), Endurance (CON), Insight (WIS), Intimidate (CHA), Nature (WIS), Perception (WIS), Stealth (DEX)
Build Options: Firespitter Monk, Rimefist Monk, Stonewalker Monk, Thunderstone Monk, Watersoul Monk, Windstrider Monk
Class Features: Spell Source, Unarmed Combatant, Unarmored Defense

Arcane Monks are a result of psionic practices becoming intertwined with powerful arcane lore—twisting the young scholar’s mind and turning him into an arcanist that is capable of utilizing the powerful arcane forces that lie within nature itself. They are able to punch spheres of flames at opponents, create ice shards and move them around at your command, and can harness the energy of thunder and release it as a powerful wave.

Many of these monks had wanted to delve deeper into unknown knowledge—knowledge that was forsaken and long forgotten by the monastic traditions that most monks follow. Many say that arcane energy is the twister of dark magic, but many of these monks had become better than what the old masters had thought. They had envisioned these men as cold-blooded killers setting villages on fire and creating intimidating storms to challenge city lords. They were mistaken. The arcane arts had gave them an opportunity to tone their minds with nature to create a new kind of arcane art—Psionic Arcana.


Characteristics: Arcane Monks are similar to but also different from psionic monks-- their ability to harness the arcane energies that flow within and around them gives them virtually unlimited skills and powers unbeknownst by many. It is their pure will to delve into arcane lore that makes them who they are, and their chosen path sets their character and personality apart from any other individual.

Religion: Most Arcane Monks revere Corellon and Ioun, but some have also made pacts to Avandra and Melora, where freewill and adventure make up their paths.

Races: Dragonborn are easily amongst those who take on the pursuit of arcane knowledge with fire and earth-- where strength and determination is their path to enlightenment. Elves make great arcane monks, regarding Corellon as their mentor and taking on the elemental practices of Ice, Thunder, and Water. Goliaths harbor the arcane forces of earth, and it is their pure will and that of Avandra that makes them true at heart as arcane monks. Halflings represent the unique ability to manipulate the forces of Ice and Water, and make great use of those powers as monks. Shifters, although wild, are able to hold within them the arcane storm-- in many ways that just one. Humans are the most adaptable overall, but their lack in other specialties make them more scholars of the monastic traditions than others.

Creating an Arcane Monk[edit]

Arcane Monks mainly focus on powers that utilize their chosen elemental pathway. They have a few choices of different elemental forces that they can utilize—they can wield the destructive forces of fire, use the chilling powers of ice, or blast their way through the crowds with thunder and lightning. Whatever it is you choose to focus on, your destiny lies in the arcane pathway, and ultimately the pathway to eternal enlightenment…

Firespitter Arcane Monk[edit]

You are adept in using the forces of the flame to deter your opponents. You fight more with your fists rather than with using your powers up to a certain range. In this case, your highest ability score should be Strength. Most firespitter monks also utilize Charisma as their second ability score for it gives their powers more control and further improves their attacks different effects. Make Dexterity your third ability score for increasing your defenses and to give you a greater advantage on the field. Most attack powers associated with the firespitter monk are melee and close burst powers.

Suggested Class Feature: Firespitter Tradition
Suggested Feat: Bashing Flames Style
Suggested Skills: Arcana, Athletics, Diplomacy, Endurance, Insight
Suggested At-will Powers: Fiery Might, Ravenous Ends
Suggested Encounter Power: Flaming Aura
Suggested Daily Power: Wrath of Fire

Rimefist Arcane Monk[edit]

You are adept in utilizing the various powers of ice, and your mastery with this element gives you clarity and focus. You can strike your opponents with sharp daggers made from pure ice and cover the ground with a sheet of ice from a powerful downward punch. Dexterity should be your highest score. Most rimefist monks also focus on a good Charisma score to increase their benefits on some of their powers, including increasing the range of some powers. A good Wisdom score is useful in giving peace of mind and further empowering their will defense. Most attack powers associated with the rimefist monk are ranged and area burst powers.

Suggested Class Feature: Rimefist Tradition
Suggested Feat: Beguiling Winds Style
Suggested Skills: Acrobatics, Arcana, Nature, Perception, Stealth
Suggested At-will Powers: Chilling Strike, Ice Shuriken
Suggested Encounter Power: Crystalline Field
Suggested Daily Power: Crystalline Dagger

Stonewalker Arcane Monk[edit]

As the patron of the earth, you are the master at such forces by delivering an earth-shattering punch, turning solid ground into a pile of rubble, and by shaking your enemies off of their feet by tumbling the ground before you. Like the firespitter, you delight in melee combat better than distant combat. Your best ability score should be Strength. Charisma is a good score to work around with, for it enhances your powers and gives you stronger defenses. Stonewalkers also utilize a good Constitution score—higher health means better chances of survival. Most attack powers associated with the stonewalker monk are melee and area burst powers.

Suggested Class Feature: Stonewalker Tradition
Suggested Feat: Hindering Earth Style
Suggested Skills: Arcana, Athletics, Endurance, Intimidate, Nature
Suggested At-will Powers: Crumbling Ground, Earthen Fist
Suggested Encounter Power: Shell of the Earth
Suggested Daily Power: Earth Slam

Thunderstone Arcane Monk[edit]

You are the master of thunder and lightning—striking your opponents with blasts and coils of the storm. Strength is a thunderstone monk’s best ability score. Make Dexterity your second best score to increase their reflexive defenses, as well as some of their attack powers. Wisdom is their third best score, for it gives them focus, but it also helps with some of their powers the way Dexterity does. Most attack powers associated with the thunderstone monk are ranged and close burst powers. Thunderstone monks often use Dexterity as their main ability for ranged attacks, and Strength as their main ability for melee and close burst attacks.

Suggested Class Feature: Thunderstone Tradition
Suggested Feat: Tempest Storm Style
Suggested Skills: Acrobatics, Arcana, Insight, Intimidate, Stealth
Suggested At-will Powers: Amble Dance, Thunderous Might
Suggested Encounter Power: Thunderfist
Suggested Daily Power: Lightning Vortex

Watersoul Arcane Monk[edit]

Your mastery at controlling and harnessing the powers of water has taken your training to a whole new dimension in fighting with the elements. You are able to create a wall of warding waves, unleash a terrible mist that blinds your opponents, and you can swim through bodies of water with ease. Your best ability score should be Charisma. Dexterity should be your second best, because it increases your powers’ various effects, such as movement. Wisdom is a good score to work with, for it improves your sense of well-being. Most attack powers associated with the watersoul monk are close and area burst powers. Watersoul monks also deliver punishing melee attacks to close ranged targets.

Suggested Class Feature: Watersoul Tradition
Suggested Feat: Mending Waters Style
Suggested Skills: Acrobatics, Arcana, Diplomacy, Insight, Perception
Suggested At-will Powers: Aquatic Fury, Hedging Waters
Suggested Encounter Power: Fist of the Tidal Wave
Suggested Daily Power: Quenching Mists

Windstrider Arcane Monk[edit]

You are adept at controlling the wind currents to your will. You can summon a shield of wind currents to hedge out your foes, unleash gusts of destructive winds from your fists, and you can fly up into the heavens and land with a mighty blow to keep your enemies away. Your best score should be Dexterity. Strength is another score to utilize, for it enhances the effectiveness of some powers greatly. Charisma is a good score to manage, for it gives you improved defenses while keeping your willpower in check. Most attack powers associated with the windstrider monk are melee and close burst powers

Suggested Class Feature: Windstrider Tradition
Suggested Feat: Fusing Winds Style
Suggested Skills: Acrobatics, Arcana, Athletics, Nature, Stealth
Suggested At-will Powers: Wind Javelin, Wisping Winds
Suggested Encounter Power: Fury of the Winds
Suggested Daily Power: Glorious Winds

Arcane Monk Class Features[edit]

All arcane monks share these class features.

Spell Source[edit]

Like the monk’s Monastic Tradition, Spell Source relates to the Arcane Monk’s teachings under the lore of their elemental focus. Each focus gives them a different set of abilities. Choose the Firespitter Tradition, Rimefist Tradition, Stonewalker Tradition, Thunderstone Tradition, Watersoul Tradition, or the Windstrider Tradition The choice you make grants you a Flurry of Blows power and a defensive benefit.

Firespitter Tradition As the master of the flame, you can devastate your foes with grueling punches or kicks filled with the flaming wrath of the sinister element. You are also capable of throwing flaming spheres at others and setting up fire traps to surprise your opponents with bouts of flames.

Flurry of Blows: You gain the Flaming Flurry of Blows power
Arcane Endurance: You gain a +1 bonus to Fortitude. This bonus increases to +2 at 11th level, and +3 at 21st level.

Rimefist Tradition As the wielder of Ice, you are capable of throwing projectiles at your enemies formed at your fingertips, create a slippery floor trap that will render your enemies useless as they try to stand up in vain, and you can freeze your opponents at the mere touch of your finger.

Flurry of Blows: You gain the Chilling Flurry of Blows power
Arcane Focus: You gain a +1 bonus to Will. This bonus increases to +2 at 11th level, and +3 at 21st level.

Stonewalker Tradition As the master of the earth, you are capable of punching and kicking your foes with fists of hardened stone. You are also able to create massive earthquakes to keep your enemies guessing or to flip them off of their feet, or by throwing large rocks at your opponents—knocking them over with the fury of the earth.

Flurry of Blows: You gain the Stonefist Flurry of Blows power
Arcane Endurance: You gain a +1 bonus to Fortitude. This bonus increases to +2 at 11th level, and +3 at 21st level.

Thunderstone Tradition As the master of thunder and lightning, you have complete control over the powers of thunder, you can strike your opponents with blinding bolts of electricity, and you can deafen your enemies with a mere punch.

Flurry of Blows: You gain the Thundering Flurry of Blows power
Arcane Speed: You gain a +1 bonus to Reflex. This bonus increases to +2 at 11th level, and +3 at 21st level.

Watersoul Tradition As the controller of water, you are capable of casting streams of water and unleashing a torrent of waves at your opponents. In addition, you can shield yourself against incoming attacks, and you are also capable of blinding your opponents with a thick ocean mist that covers the battlefield.

Flurry of Blows: You gain the Tidalfist Flurry of Blows power
Arcane Focus: You gain a +1 bonus to Will. This bonus increases to +2 at 11th level, and +3 at 21st level.

Windstrider Tradition As the master of the winds, you are capable of unleashing the power of the wind through your body and out through your fists. You are also able to create warding winds to keep your enemies at bay, and you can send your enemies tumbling backwards by a strong downward kick into the ground—sending a destructive wave of force in their direction.

Flurry of Blows: You gain the Windgust Flurry of Blows power
Arcane Speed: You gain a +1 bonus to Reflex. This bonus increases to +2 at 11th level, and +3 at 21st level.

Unarmed Combatant[edit]

You can make unarmed attacks with much greater effectiveness than most other combatants can. When you make a weapon attack such as a melee basic attack, you can use the monk unarmed strike, which is a weapon in the unarmed group. This weapon has the off-hand weapon property and a +3 proficiency bonus, and it deals 1d8 damage. You must have a hand free when using your monk unarmed strike, even when kicking, elbowing, kneeing, or head-butting a target. Your monk unarmed strike can be turned into a magic weapon (see Implements below).

Unarmored Defense[edit]

While you are wearing cloth armor or no armor and not using a shield, you gain a bonus to AC equal to 2 + your Charisma modifier.


Unlike normal monks, Arcane Monks don’t gain the benefit of ki focuses nor do they have the benefit of magic staffs or wands. They do, however, use their weapons that they have proficiency with as their implement, and can choose to enchant their weapon to give them strength. Firespitter monks usually choose a Flaming weapon (Flameburst for ranged weapons), Rimefist monks choose the Frost weapon, Stonewalker monks usually choose either an Adamantine or Cold Iron weapon, Thunderstone monks will often get either the Thundering (Thunderburst for ranged weapons) or Lightning weapon, Watersoul monks usually choose the Defensive weapon (Healing for ranged weapons), and Windstrider monks will often get either the Force (Impaling for ranged weapons) or Quick weapon. They can use their weapon’s proficiency bonus in conjunction with their powers—including paragon path powers—that has the implement keyword. Monk unarmed strikes can gain the benefit of these magic weapon enchantments specifically.

Arcane Monk Powers[edit]

Arcane Monk powers are called Spells. Similar to the monk’s disciplines, some powers also have the Full Discipline keyword. Each power corresponds to the monk’s arcane focus.

Class Features[edit]

The Arcane Monk gains the use of a Flurry of Blows power. Monks of the Firespitter Tradition gains the Flaming Flurry of Blows power; Monks of the Rimefist Tradition gains the Chilling Flurry of Blows power; Monks of the Thunderstone Tradition gains the Thundering Flurry of Blows power; Monks of the Stonewalker Tradition gains the Stonefist Flurry of Blows power; Monks of the Watersoul Tradition gains the Tidalfist Flurry of Blows power; Monks of the Windstrider Tradition gains the Windgust Flurry of Blows power.

See also Full Power List.

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AuthorXeadin +
Identifier4e Class +
Rated ByVirtual Flash Freezer +
RatingRating Pending +
SummaryArcane Monks combine monastic traditions with arcane lore to create a perfected fighter of two worlds +
TitleArcane Monk +
Type{{{type}}} +