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The Dungeons & Dragons Wiki is community created and dedicated to all things D&D. Here you will find general information on the various editions, campaign settings, and sourcebooks that make up the game we love, as well as a vibrant author-centric homebrew community. Anyone can jump in and add to existing canon material or create their own homebrew pages with easy-to-use preloads that automatically format and categorize pages.
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- 5th Edition (5e)
- 5e Homebrew Content New classes, equipment, backgrounds, creatures, deities and more.
- 5e SRD The official System Reference Document from the manufacturer.
- 4th Edition (4e)
- 4e Homebrew Content New classes, equipment, feats, races, creatures, deities and more.
- Revised 3rd Edition (3.5e)
- 3.5 Homebrew ContentNew classes, equipment, feats, races, creatures, deities and more.
- 3.5 Open Game ContentArticles published under the 3.5 Open Game License.
- 3.5 SRD The official System Reference Document from the manufacturer.
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- D&D Publication ListEver-expanding library of all officially published Dungeons & Dragons products from every edition from 1st to 5th.
- 1e ModulesModules created for Advanced Dungeons and Dragons 1st edition.
- 2e ModulesModules created for Advanced Dungeons and Dragons 2nd edition.
- 3e and 3.5e AdventuresAdventures and modules created for Dungeons and Dragons 3 and 2.5 editions.
- 4e AdventuresAdventures and modules created for Dungeons and Dragons 4th edition.
- 5e AdventuresAdventures and modules created for Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition.
- Dragon Magazine IndexComplete issue list and details of Dragon Magazines.
- Dungeon Magazine IndexComplete issue list and details of Dungeon Magazines.
- 1e Modules
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Simplified Races
As it is, certain races are forcibly shoehorned into different roles due to a number of different circumstances. Some examples of these include halflings, which rarely become barbarians or fighter, half-orcs who rarely become sorcerers or wizards, and other races that all fill a specific niche and thus come out in cookie-cutter copies one after another. One of the big things that influence the race that one takes according to one's race is subject to ability bonuses and penalties that the race gets. Instead of those, we sweep the table clean and have abilities that are flavorful for specific races, allowing them to be unique without necessarily shoehorning them into a specific class or role.
Read the full text at: Simplified Races
Facts about Simplified Races
- Author: Ghostwheel
- Category: 3.5 Variant Rule
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- Spelljammer material from Spelljammer Wiki has now been imported to DnDWiki namespace and is waiting to be adapted into our wiki. Again any help is welcome! Meanwhile all Chronicles of Astinus material has been fully integrated.
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