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<!-- Blurb about what these type of feats are. -->
==[Deformity] Feats==
[[Summary::Deformity feats are a subset of [Vile] feats based around the Willing Deformity feat originally presented in [[Publication:Book of Vile Darkness|Book of Vile Darkness]].]] They grant powers while deforming the external appearance of the character.
{{3.5e Feat Type List}}
{| class="sortable d20" style="text-align: left;"
! Name !!  Summary
{{#ask: [[Category:3.5e]] [[Category:Feat||Epic Feat]] [[Category:User]] [[Type::Deformity]]
|template=Table Row

Latest revision as of 16:39, 29 July 2012

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[Deformity] Feats[edit]

Deformity feats are a subset of [Vile] feats based around the Willing Deformity feat originally presented in Book of Vile Darkness. They grant powers while deforming the external appearance of the character.  

Deformity Feats

Feat Summary Prerequisites Balance Point
Awaken Core The Zonder Core is active, making you difficult to kill. Host Zonder Core, 9th level Very High
Deformity, Acid Blood Your blood has grown caustic and corrosive, and eats through flesh and stone, burning like fire as it drips from your body. Evil Alignment, Deformity (Blood), Willing DeformityBoVD High
Deformity, Agile Intestines Use your disgusting entrails as tools for various uses Deformity (Wicked Guts) Moderate
Deformity, Atrophy You are disturbingly thin, to the point that your muscles can barely support your weight, and the slightest wind can actually blow you away. Evil Alignment, Deformity (Gaunt)BoVD, Willing DeformityBoVD High
Deformity, Black Blood You blood is black like oil, and thick like sludge, seeping out of your wounds and your pores like some grotesque infection. Evil Alignment, Willing DeformityBoVD, Deformity (Blood) High
Deformity, Blood Your body is constantly bleeding from your pores, making it appear as though you are constantly sweating out your own blood. Evil Alignment, Willing DeformityBoVD Moderate
Deformity, Bulky You made yourself stronger, if less agile. Evil Alignment, Willing DeformityBoVD High
Deformity, Dark Beauty Thanks to dark magic, pacts and maybe natural good look. You made yourself a being of true beauty, although still disturbing you are aesthetically pleasing. Evil Alignment, Cha 12+, Willing DeformityBoVD High
Deformity, Digesting Saliva Your stomach mouth gains an acidic bite Stomach Mouth Moderate
Deformity, Empty Eyes Your eyes appear to be made out of black onyx: blank, empty, sightless globes, set in red, slightly bleeding sockets, that seem to gaze into the soul itself. Evil Alignment, Willing DeformityBoVD High
Deformity, Face Variant You scarred your face in a way that make you hideous and/or extremely fearsome. Evil Alignment, Willing DeformityBoVD High
Deformity, Faceless You lack a face, and where it would be, is instead a blank, featureless plane, devoid of emotion. Evil Alignment, Willing DeformityBoVD Very High
Deformity, Frozen Your body is as cold as ice, muscles and ligaments stiff with frost and your heart stuttering around ice crystals, as the icy cold blossoms out around you. Evil Alignment, Willing DeformityBoVD Very High
Deformity, Gaping Crush Capture enemies into your belly to crush them Deformity (Wicked Guts) High
Deformity, Gastroshot Spit out semi-digested food as an attack Digesting Saliva Moderate
Deformity, Hive You are host to insects. Con 13, Willing DeformityBoVD Unquantifiable
Deformity, Hooks Hooks of bone and flesh have grown across your entire body, sinking deep into your flesh and causing you excruciating pain at all times. Evil Alignment, Willing DeformityBoVD High
Deformity, Liefeld Your body contorts into a twisted mockery of human proportions. Willing DeformityBoVD or the Badly Drawn flaw Very High
Deformity, Malformed Beak Your mouth is deformed to resemble the shape of a small beak Must have a mouth, Willing DeformityBoVD Moderate
Deformity, Numb Body Convert lethal damage into non-lethal damage, and become immune to pain effects. Willing DeformityBoVD High
Deformity, Patchwork Body You can put yourself back together if dismembered, or use others body parts to replace your own. Willing DeformityBoVD Moderate
Deformity, Preying Talons You have vicious talons instead of normal feet Must have feet, Willing DeformityBoVD Moderate
Deformity, Shuddering Your random spasms are probably the result of nerve damage. Willing DeformityBoVD Low
Deformity, Stomach Control Gain more benefits from what you swallowed and can swallow more Unhinged Jaw Very High
Deformity, Stomach Mouth Obtain a gaping mouth onto your belly area Willing DeformityBoVD High
Deformity, Toughness You gain extra hit points. Willing DeformityBoVD High
Deformity, Unhinged Jaw You can unhinge your jaw to take bigger bites and swallow your prey Willing DeformityBoVD Very High
Deformity, Warded Skin Your skin is full of strange runes, wards and line that may or may not glow dimly. These act as ward and potent protection against holy effects. Evil Alignment, Willing DeformityBoVD High
Deformity, Wicked Guts Transform your exposed intestines in a weapon Willing DeformityBoVD High
Deformity, Winged Arms Your arms are feathered or have membranes, at the cost of losing your hands Character Level 6, must have arms, Willing DeformityBoVD High
Deformity, Withered You withered yourself, being more dexterous and able to act as a smaller creature. Evil Alignment, Willing DeformityBoVD High
Gaze Into Madness You put out your eyes, but still you can only see mad visions of the future to come. Evil Alignment, Willing DeformityBoVD, 5 HD, 2 Vile or Deformity feats, You must put out both your eyes Very High
Host Zonder Core You have been infected, willingly or not, by a small Zonder Core. As it starts to take over your body, you start to gain powers associated with the Zonder. Must have been infected by a Zonder Core High
Mutated Heart You got a secondary heart growing out of main heart like a parasitic conjuncted twins. Willing Deformity High
Pseudonatural Form You are capable of assuming a unwholesome form that should not be. Evil Alignment, Willing DeformityBoVD Moderate
Shark Teeth You gain a nasty bite attacks. Willing Deformity High
Tentacle Parasite Gain a tentacle attack, but unfortunately it has a mind of its own. Evil Alignment, Willing DeformityBoVD Moderate
Willing Deformity, Variant Your willingness to mutilate or greatly alter your body for more power is quite startling. None High
Zonder Force The power of the Zonder awakens inside of you, granting you supernatural powers. Host Zonder Core, Character Level 3 Moderate
Zonder Link Your Zonder Core links you to the Zonder Collective, giving you powers at the price of your sanity. The voices of other Zonders and something worse haunt you. Host Zonder Core, Character Level 12 High
Zonder Madness The Zonder Core inside of your body starts to corrupt your mind, a bane and a boon. Host Zonder Core, 12th level Very High
Zonder Sense The Zonder Core allows you to see through the Deep Fog, and sense other Zonders. Host Zonder Core, 9 HD High

Scaling Deformity Feats

Feat Summary Prerequisites Balance Point
Deformed Gain [Deformity] feats for free None High

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SummaryDeformity feats are a subset of [Vile] feats based around the Willing Deformity feat originally presented in Book of Vile Darkness. +