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Empower Maneuver (3.5e Feat)

487 bytes removed, 08:27, 19 July 2019
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|balance=Very High
|name=Empower Maneuver
|summary=You can Empower a Strike maneuver.|prereqs=<!-- All prerequisitesAbility to initiate any maneuver with variable effects, including feats -->such as damage.
|fluff=<!-- Any non-mechanical flavor you want to show -->
|benefit=All variable, numeric effects (Such as damage, but not saving throws) of an Empowered Strike maneuver are increased by one-half. You can Empower any Strike maneuver you know that is up to 2 levels lower than the highest-level maneuver you know; thus if you could use 8th-level maneuvers, you could Empower any Strike maneuver of 6th level or lower. This is affected by initiator level decreases.
Once you initiate an Empowered StrikeManeuver, you suffer a penalty to your initiator level equal to the maneuver's level for 2 rounds. While this penalty is in effect, your higher-level maneuvers will become unavailable, but aren't expended or lost and will be available once the penalty ends.
|example=<!-- If your feat has a complicated mechanic, give an example of how it works. -->
|special=You can "lose" (As if initiated) a number of readied maneuvers as part of initiating an Empowered Strike. The duration of the initiator level penalty reduced by 1 round per total maneuver level. Thus, expending three 1st-level maneuvers would reduce the duration of the penalty to 1 round. Alternatively, you can choose to increase the maximum level of maneuver you can Empower instead of reducing the penalty's duration. Both can be done, but that's a lot of expended maneuvers. In such an instance, Empowering a 9th-level Strike without penalty would require the expenditure of 8 maneuver levels.

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