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First created as part of Project Spearhead, to help even the numbers between Shinigami and Hollows, the Modsouls where artificial souls placed into human bodies. Project Spearhead was abandoned before it ever saw use, because of the ethical concerns of using the dead as a weapon.
|author_name=The Dire Reverend
|status=Just Started
|editing=Suggestions in Talk Page welcome.
|balance=<!-- One of Monk, Fighter, Rogue, or Wizard (closest approximation) -->
<div class="blank">
{{#set:Summary=A class that's main feature is Leadership.<!-- A short description of your class. This will show up on the class navigation page. -->
|Minimum Level=6<!--  The minimum level you can qualify for this class. -->
|Base Attack Bonus Progression=Good<!-- Choose one of: Good, Moderate, Poor, Other. -->
|Fortitude Save Progression=Good<!-- Choose one of: Good, Poor, Other. -->
|Reflex Save Progression=Poor<!-- Choose one of: Good, Poor, Other. -->
|Will Save Progression=Good<!-- Choose one of: Good, Poor, Other. -->
|Class Ability=Other
|Class Ability Progression=Full
<!-- Delete any of the following alignments if they are not allowed in the class -->
{{#set:Allowed Alignments=Lawful Good}} {{#set:Allowed Alignments=Lawful Neutral}} {{#set:Allowed Alignments=Lawful Evil}}
Based off of the Evil Overlord class by The Demented One, found [http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4628329&postcount=3 here].
<!-- If your page should contain a picture, replace this line with [[File:Picturename.jpg|thumb|right|150px|Insert the caption here.]] -->
More Modsouls have been created since then, however. Mostly, these souls are placed into specifically designed Gigai’s, though the most famous prefers a stuffed lion as a host.
==Security Cheif==
|Laws change depending on who's making them, but justice is justice.
|orig=Odo, Changeling<sup>DS9</sup> Security Chief
|src=Star Trek: DS9
The average Security Chief does stuff.
===Becoming a Security Chief===
Characters with a sense of honor, justice or some other lawful emotion are the most likely to become a Security Chief. A lot of them have levels in Paladin.
{| class="d20 dragon monstats" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"
|+ style="font-size: larger; white-space: nowrap;" | Entry Requirements
! Alignment:
| Any Lawful. Very few Lawful Evil characters become Security Chiefs, but it is not completely unheard of.
! Skills:
| Knowledge (Tactics) 8 Ranks, Gather Knowledge 4 Ranks.
! Special:
| Must have been promoted to become the Chief of Security of a certain place.
{| class="zebra d20"
{| class="zebra d20"
|+ <div>{{Anchor|Table: The Security Chief}}</div>
<div>{{Anchor|Table: The Modsoul}}</div>
<p>Hit Die: d8</p>
Hit Die: d10
!Level!![[Base Attack Bonus (Term)|Base Attack Bonus]]!!Good Save!!Poor Saves!!Special!!Unarmed Damage!!Def. Bonus
! rowspan="2" | Level
! rowspan="2" | [[BAB|Base<br/>Attack Bonus]]
| 1st || +0 || +2 || +0 || [[#Combat Point|Combat Point]], [[#Modsoul Design|Modsoul Design]], [[#Modification|Modification]], [[#Bonus Feat|Bonus Feat]] || 1d6 || 3
! colspan="3" | [[SRD:Saving Throw|Saving Throw]]s
! rowspan="2" | Special
| 2nd || +1 || +3 || +0 || [[#Bonus Feat|Bonus Feat]] || 1d6 || 3
| 3rd || +2 || +3 || +1 || [[#Modification|Modification]] || 1d6 || 4
| 4th || +3 || +4 || +1 || [[#Modsoul Design|Improved Modsoul Design]], [[#Bonus Feat|Bonus Feat]] || 1d8 || 4
| 5th || +3 || +4 || +1 ||  [[#Self-Repair|Self-Repair 2]] || 1d8 || 5
| 6th || +4 || +5 || +2 || [[#Modification|Modification]], [[#Bonus Feat|Bonus Feat]] || 1d8 || 5 
! [[SRD:Saving Throw#Fortitude|Fort]] || [[SRD:Saving Throw#Reflex|Ref]] || [[SRD:Saving Throw#Will|Will]]
| 7th || +5 || +5 || +2 || [[#Modsoul Design|Greater Modsoul Design]] || 1d8 || 6
| 1st || +1 || +2 || +0 || +2
| class="left" | [[#Security Chief's Code|Security Chief's Code]], [[#Forces of Justice|Forces of Justice]], [[#Leadership|Leadership]]
| 8th || +6/+1 || +6 || +2 || [[#Bonus Feat|Bonus Feat]] || 1d10 || 6 
| 2nd || +2 || +3 || +0 || +3
| 9th || +6/+1 || +6 || +3 || [[#Modification|Modification]] || 1d10 || 7
| class="left" | [[#Advanced Restraints|Advanced Restraints]], [[#Impressive Tactician|Impressive Tactician]]
| 10th || +7/+2 || +7 || +3 || [[#Self-Repair|Self-Repair 4]], [[#Modsoul Design|Perfect Modsoul Design]], [[#Bonus Feat|Bonus Feat]] || 1d10 || 7 
| 3rd || +3 || +3 || +1 || +3
| class="left" | [[#Protect the Innocent|Protect the Innocent]]
| 11th || +8/+3 || +7 || +3 || [[#Repurpose|Repurpose]], [[#Emergency Detonation|Emergency Detonation]] || 1d10 || 8 
| 4th || +4 || +4 || +1 || +4
| 12th || +9/+4 || +8 || +4 || [[#Annihilation Mode|Annihilation Mode]], [[#Modification|Modification]], [[#Bonus Feat|Bonus Feat]] || 2d6 || 8 
| class="left" | [[#Instant Promotion|Instant Promotion]], [[#Just as Planned|Just as Planned]] (Move Action)
| 13th || +9/+4 || +8 || +4 || [[#Modsoul Design|Second Modsoul Design]] || 2d6 || 9
| 5th || +5 || +4 || +1 || +4
| 14th || +10/+5 || +9 || +4 || [[#Bonus Feat|Bonus Feat]] || 2d6 || 9 
| 6th || +6/+1 || +5 || +2 || +5
| 15th || +11/+6/+1 || +9 || +5 || [[#Self-Repair|Self-Repair 6]], [[#Modification|Modification]] || 2d6 || 10 
| class="left" | [[#Authoritative Presence|Authoritative Presence]]
| 16th || +12/+7/+2 || +10 || +5 || [[#Bonus Feat|Bonus Feat]] || 2d8 || 10 
| 7th || +7/+2 || +5 || +2 || +5
| class="left" | [[#Just as Planned|Just as Planned]] (Standard Action)
| 17th || +12/+7/+2 || +10 || +5 || [[#Modsoul Design|Improved Second Modsoul Design]] || 2d8 || 11
| 8th || +8/+3 || +6 || +2 || +6
| 18th || +13/+8/+3 || +11 || +6 || [[#Bonus Feat|Bonus Feat]], [[#Modification|Modification]] || 2d8 || 11
| class="left" | [[#Elite Officers|Elite Officers]]
| 19th || +14/+9/+4 || +11 || +6 || [[#Redesign|Redesign]], [[#Contingency Detonation|Contingency Detonation]] || 2d8 || 12
| 9th || +9/+4 || +6 || +3 || +6
| class="left" | [[#Arch-Chief|Arch-Chief]] 
| 20th || +15/+10/+5 || +12 || +6 || [[#Perfect Modification|Perfect Modification]], [[#Self-Repair|Self-Repair 8]], [[#Bonus Feat|Bonus Feat]] || 2d10 || 12
| 10th || +10/+5 || +7 || +3 || +7
| class="left" | [[#Just as Planned|Just as Planned]] (Full-Round Action)
|- class="noalt"
| colspan="42" class="skill" |
'''Class Skills ([[Skill Points::4]] + [[SRD:Intelligence|Int]] modifier per level.'''<br/>
<!--class skills: simply delete those skills which your class does not have as class skills from the complete list below.  If you only allow a subsection, such as Knowledge (arcana) (religion), write it like that. -->
{{3.5e Skills|
Bluff, Climb, Concentration, Craft, Diplomacy, Disguise, Escape Artist, Gather Information, Hide, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge, Listen, Move Silently, Perform, Profession, Search, Sense Motive, Spot, Survival, Swim, Tumble, Use Magic Device, Use Rope}}
'''Class Skills ([[Skill Points::6]] + [[SRD:Intelligence|Int]] modifier +1 (if human race) per level, &times;4 at 1st level)'''<br/>
Choose any nine skills as class skills, plus craft. Additional skills are gained based on the chosen Combat Point.
=== Class Features ===
====Class Features====
'''Weapon and armor proficiencies:''' Modsouls are proficient with all simple and martial weapons, light armour and shields. They are not proficient with heavy armor or heavy shields.
'''Combat-Gigai:''' Though original Modsouls where designed for use in human corpses, the recent batch are instead issued with a specially designed Gigai by soul society. They have the [http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/glossary&term=Glossary_dnd_livingconstructsubtype&alpha Living Construct] subtype in addition to their normal type. Though they cannot use weapons, this body can be enchanted like a single piece of armor, and a weapon.
All of the following are class features of the Security Chief.
A Modsoul always has the improved unarmed strike feat. Their unarmed damage is increased to what shown in the table above, and they gain a bonus to their AC (also shown on the table)
If a Modsoul dies, its body is immediately destroyed, and it reverts back to a soul candy. This can be put into another body (such as a corpse or a construct). A Modsoul only has access to their modifications whilst in their own body.
'''{{Anchor|Combat Gigai}}:''' At creation each Modsoul is issued with a Combat Gigai, an artificial body developed for use in combat. Modsoul's have the They have the [http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/glossary&term=Glossary_dnd_livingconstructsubtype&alpha Living Construct] subtype in addition to their normal type.
'''{{Anchor|Security Chief's Code}}:''' 
All Security Chiefs follow a strict code of conduct, knowing that if they do not follow the laws, others would follow in their footsteps. The tenants of the code are:
*The first, and most important rule, is that protecting the innocent under your protection is more important than anything. Sacrificing your own life, compromising your principles, even violating the Security Chief's Code itself is justified if that’s what it takes to keep the innocent alive.
*You must rarely ever break your word, only doing so accidentally or when forced to do so against your will. You cannot tell small lies, or lies that will go unnoticed.
*A defeated or helpless foe should never be killed. They should be sent to a holding cell, where they will stay according to the law of where you currently are Located.
*Even when fighting against or interrogating a person, A Security Chief must treat others with at least a minimal amount of courtesy and politeness. This does not mean the Security Chief cannot be rude to others, but he cannot go too far. 
Modsoul's receive the Improved Unarmed Strike feat so long as they are using a Combat Gigai. Their unarmed damage increases depending on their class level, as shown on table 1.1: The Modsoul.
A Security Chief who breaks any tenant of the code is disgraced, unless he broke the code in order to protect the innocent. All of his followers and his cohort abandon him, and he takes a permanent -1 penalty to his Leadership score, as his reputation is smeared. He can begin recruiting new followers and cohorts after a week.
Though it provides no other benefits, a Combat Gigai can be enchanted like both a single piece of armour, and a weapon. These enchantments are suppressed if the Modsoul is using equipment of the relevant body type.
'''{{Anchor|Forces of Justice}} {{Ex}}:''' You gain a bonus to your Leadership score equal to your class level, but you can only recruit characters of Lawful alignment. Your followers’ Strength, Dexterity or Constitution score increases by 2, but their Charisma score decreases by 2. This is not a bonus, but results from the fact that those applying for the job of a Security Officer are better trained in combat, but lack social skills. 
Your cohort, however, gets a +2 increase to his Strength or Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, and Charisma scores, as he is much more unique of a security officer. You do not take penalties to your Leadership score as a result of your followers dying, because death and injury is expected in their line of work, and all officers sign a liability wavier. 
'''{{Anchor|Bonus Feat}}:''' A Modsoul gains bonus feats at the first and second level, as well as every even level thereafter.
'''{{Anchor|Leadership}} {{Ex}}:''' At 1st level, you gain Leadership as a bonus feat. If you wish, you can use your Intelligence modifier in place of Charisma to determine your leadership score.
'''{{Anchor|Combat Point}}:''' All Modsoul's have a Combat Point, a specific part of their host's anatomy they enhance whilst using the body. They choose one combat point. This Combat Point Increases at 4th, 7th, 13th and 17th level. [[User:The Dire Reverend/lol|The list of Combat Points can be found here.]]
Alternatively, you can choose a feat similar to Leadership, such as ''Undead Leadership''<sup>[[Publication:Libris Mortis|LM]]</sup>, [[Variant_Leadership_(3.5e_Feat)|Variant Leadership]] or [[Sidekick_(3.5e_Feat)|Sidekick]].
'''{{Anchor|Modification}}:''' A Modsoul’s artificial body is constantly being adapted and modified to further improve their effectiveness. At 1st level, 3rd level and every three levels thereafter, the Modsoul receives a Modification.
'''{{Anchor|Advanced Restraints}} {{Ex}}:'''
At 2nd level, you are a master of ways to immobilize those that you have captured. You add your class level to the DC of any skill check or ability check made to escape from or disable one of your restraints.
They immediately gain one Modsoul Ability they meet the prerequisites for, as well as the benefit from their Modsoul Design. If they have more than one Modsoul Design, then they must choose one benefit each time they gain a Modification.
'''{{Anchor|Impressive Tactician}} {{Ex}}:'''
You have become well-known for your ability to lead those around you in battle. At 2nd level, as a swift action, you may grant any of your allies, followers, or your cohort an extra action by making a Knowledge (Tactics) check. They take the extra action immediately on your turn. The type of action they may take depends on the result of your Knowledge check. A result of 10 or lower allows a swift action, a result of 11 to 30 allows a move action, a result of 31 to 40 allows a standard action, and a result of 41 to 50 allows a full-round action. Once you have used this ability, you must wait 5 rounds before you can use it again. 
'''{{Anchor|Modsoul Design}}:''' Each Modsoul is designed to fit a certain niche in the battlefield, and their abilities are designed to compliment that role. At 1st level, choose one of the following builds. At 13th level, select a second build. They must then choose which benefit to apply whenever they gain a modification. [[User:The Dire Reverend/lol|The list of Modsoul Designs can be found here.]]
'''{{Anchor|Protect the Innocent}} {{Ex}}:'''
If a Security Officer dies, it is a sad day, but if an innocent dies when a Security Chief is nearby, the Security Chief has failed at his job. At 3rd level, once per round, you may redirect half of all damage dealt to an adjacent all to yourself. 
'''{{Anchor|Repurpose}}:''' As a Modsoul is artificial, if they have time they can redesign their body for a better purpose. A Modsoul with this ability can spend a day to exchange their Modsoul abilities for any others available. They cannot exchange an ability that is a prerequisite for another ability they know, unless they exchange that ability as well
'''{{Anchor|Instant Promotion}} {{Ex}}:'''
At 4th level, you gain the ability to promote an officer in the middle of a battle. Once per encounter, as a swift action, you may bestow an instant promotion on a cohort or follower. They gain two bonus d10 HD, the appropriate amounts of hit points, a +2 morale bonus on attack rolls, and a +1 morale bonus on Fortitude saving throws. In addition, they are treated as having two additional levels in a base class of your choice for determining which class features they receive (but not other class abilities, like spellcasting, psionics, or martial maneuvers). The promotion lasts until the end of the encounter.
'''{{Anchor|Self-repair}}:''' To sustain themselves in the field of battle, sufficiently advanced Modsouls are fitted with self-repair units, working constantly to keep them in fighting condition. At 5th level, the Modsoul gains fast healing 2. at 10th level, and every 5 levels thereafter, the Modsoul’s fast healing increases by another 2.
'''{{Anchor|Just as Planned}} {{Ex}}:'''
At 4th level, your superior tactics to those around you gives you (and your allies) the edge in battle. At the beginning of each encounter, you formulate a cunning plan that relies on your foes acting just as you expected. You must state a specific action to be taken by any of your foes, such as casting a specific spell (but not just casting a spell), or attempting to trip you (but not just attacking you). Once during the encounter, when those circumstances are met, either you may take a move action before your enemy completes their action, or you may have a cohort or follower take a move action. At 7th level, you may instead take a standard action. At 10th level, you may instead take a full-round action.
'''{{Anchor|Emergency Detonator}}:''' At 11th level, the Modsoul is fitted with a fail-safe detonator, should they find themselves in a situation where it would be better served for them to be destroyed rather than captured, or to as one last attack. Activating the detonator is a full round action that provokes an attack of opportunity. If the Modsoul suffers damage they must pass a concentration test with a dc equal to that damage or fail to detonate. Once the detonator is activated, the Modsoul’s Gigai is immediately destroyed, and its soul candy is ejected by the blast, landing at the end of the explosive radius. Everything adjacent to the Gigai when it explodes suffers force damage equal to the Modsoul's hit dice + 1d6 per modification, and everything within a 20ft burst, +5 ft per modification, suffers ½ that. Anyone caught in the blast is entitled to a reflex save (dc 10 + ½ character level + con modifier) for half damage. ''A Modsoul can never be compelled into exploding, and any attempts to make them do so automatically fail, and allows the Modsoul another attempt to resist the control.''
'''{{Anchor|Extra}} {{Ex}}:'''
At 5th level, your reputation as a force of justice grows so great that even Archons, Devils and Inevitables respect your adherence to law. You may use your Leadership feat to recruit any intelligent lawful outsider or any other creature with the lawful sub-type as a follower or cohort. If they do not have a level adjustment, treat their effective character level as being one and a half times their racial HD, plus any class levels or level adjustments from templates they may have. 
'''{{Anchor|Annihilation Mode}}:''' At 12th level, the Modsoul is capable of tapping into its inner destructive potential, turning into a force of devastation for a short while. Activating Annihilation mode is a move-equivalent action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity, that costs 20 SEP. Annihilation Mode lasts for 5 rounds, and can be extended by paying 10 SEP per round.
'''{{Anchor|Authoritative Presence}} {{Ex}}:'''
Whilst in Annihilation Mode, the Modsoul gains an untyped bonus to strength and stamina equal to their class level. Bonus HP from this ability is not temporary HP, and thus it is not lost first, and vanishes when Annihilation mode ends. They gain an untyped bonus to AC, and all saves, equal to 1 + class level /4. The Modsoul may make an extra attack per round at their highest base attack bonus, which stacks with those granted by abilities such as ''[[Haste]]''. Lastly, the Modsoul is immune to all fear or mind-effecting abilities in annihilation mode. The Modsoul gains additional abilities based on the Modsoul Design they received at 1st level.
At 6th level, your reputation and stoic demeanor are so great that your nearby officers are to emotionally empowered to let little things like broken bones and blood loss stop them from protecting others. Your cohort and followers gain fast healing 5 while they are at half or less of their maximum hp and within 60 ft. of you. Note that you do not gain any fast healing from this ability.
The Modsoul can use annihilation mode once per day per 10 class levels they posses.
'''{{Anchor|Elite Officers}} {{Ex}}:'''
At 8th level, you can promote your officers to the ranks of the elite—and they’d better live up to your high expectations. Once per encounter, as a swift action, you may promote a number of followers (but not your cohort) equal to your Charisma modifier to elite minions. They gain six temporary d10 HD and the appropriate amount of hp, a +6 morale bonus on attack rolls, a +5 morale bonus on Fortitude saves, a +1 morale bonus on Will and Reflex saves, and they all gain the feats Combat Reflexes, Diehard, and Power Attack as bonus feats. These bonuses last until the end of the encounter. You cannot use this ability and the instant promotion ability in the same encounter. If you fail to triumph in the encounter, your Evil Overlord’s Code requires that you kill all of the elite minions.
'''{{Anchor|Redesign}}:''' From 19th level onwards, when using Rebuild, the Modsoul can change their Modsoul Design(s) as well as their Modsoul Abilities. They must recalculate the bonuses receives from the Modification Class Feature if they do so to match their new design. They cannot change to the Soulcaster Modsoul Design. After obtaining this ability, using rebuild to just change existing abilities only takes 1 hour, instead of 24.
'''{{Anchor|Arch-Chief}} {{Ex}}:'''
At 9th level, you have become a pure source of justice. You gain the benefit of a constant ''[[SRD:Shield of Law|Shield of Law]]'' effect. This is not magic or a supernatural ability, but merely the effect of your considerable presence and reputation as an Security Chief, inspiring your officers and demoralizing your foes.
'''{{Anchor|Contingency Detonation}}:''' From 19th level onwards, the Modsoul is able to set conditions for their internal detonator to activate. They can set one condition, as the spell ''[[Contingency]]'', that triggers the detonator. The Modsoul need not be in the Gigai for this to activate.
====Ex-Security Chiefs====
'''{{Anchor|Perfect Modification}}:''' The Modsoul has been upgraded to the limit of what is technologically possible. It immediately gains either 3 Modsoul abilities, or 1 Experimental Modsoul Ability. This counts as a single ability for the benefits granted by the Modification class ability.
If a Security Chief stops being lawful or he is fired from his position of Security Chief, he loses all of his class abilities, including his followers. His Cohort might stay with him, depending on how the relationship between the two is. To regain all abilities from the Security Chief class back, the Ex-Security Chief only needs to become lawful again and find a new job (or get rehired to his original position) as a Security Chief.<-What happens (if anything) if characters of this class lose an entry requirement or violate their code of conduct (if this class has one).  Delete this section if there are no contingencies for continuing in this class->
== Modsoul Combat Points ==
Choose one of the following options. The Modsoul adds the listed skill(s) as a class skill, and also gains the other listed benefits.
===Campaign Information===
:'''Legs:''' The Modsoul adds Balance and Jump to their class skills. If jump was already a class skill, they gain a modifier to jump/balance equal to ½ their class level. The Modsoul's base movement speed is increased by 10 feet at 1st level, and another 10 feet per four levels thereafter.
::At 1st level, the Modsoul gains the ''[[SRD: Run|Run]]'' feat. They also gain a +10 racial bonus to jump checks.
====Playing a <-class name->====
::At 4th level, the Modsoul gains the ''Leap Attack''<sup>[[Publication:Complete Adventurer|CAdv]]</sup> feat, even if they do not meet the prerequisites.
::At 7th level, the Modsoul can jump and balance like a Shinigami, except that they cannot balance on thin air. The Modsoul gains the ''[[SRD:Spring Attack|Spring Attack]]'' feat, even if they do not meet the prerequisites.
::At 13th level, the Modsoul gains the ability to ''[[SRD: Pounce|Pounce]]'' as long as they use their ''Leap Attack'' feat on the charge.
::at 17th level, the Modsoul no longer suffers falling damage so long as they can reasonably land on their feet. The Modsoul no longer has a maximum height they can jump.
:'''Arms:''' The Modsoul adds climb and swim to their list of class skills. If climb was already a class skill, they gain a modifier to swim/climb equal to ½ their Modsoul level. The Modsoul's strength is assumed to be 4 higher when determining their carrying capacity, and and extra 2 strength for breaking objects. This is increased by an additional +4/+2 every four levels thereafter.
::At 1st level, the Modsoul counts their strength as 4 higher when they attempt to grapple, trip, disarm and bull-rush someone.
::At 4th level, the Modsoul can ignore the movement penalty for being over encumbered. The Modsoul suffers no penalties to climb or swim tests for wearing armor.
::At 7th level, the Modsoul gains the ''[[SRD: Stunning Fist|Stunning Fist]]'' feat, even if they do not meet the prerequisites, The Modsoul can slow fall like a monk of the same level, and they can use ''Stunning Fist'' as a monk could.
::At 13th level, the Modsoul the Modsoul gains the ''Shock Trooper''<sup>[[Publication:Complete_Warrior|CW]]</sup> feat, even if they do not meet the prerequisites.
::at 17th level, the Modsoul can climb any surface as if it had handholds. The Modsoul's unarmed attacks count as Adamantine for all purposes.
:'''Body:''' the Modsoul adds concentration and survival to their list of class skills. If they were already class skills, the Modsoul gains a bonus on them equal to ½ their class level. The Modsoul counts their strength 4 higher to resist any trip, bull-rush, disarm or grapples, or any strength-based effect that would restrain or injure them. This is increased by +4 every 4 levels.
::at 1st level, the Modsoul rolls twice to determine their hit dice every level thereafter. The Modsoul gains the ''[[Endurance]]'' feat.
::at 4th level, the Modsoul gains the ''[[Hold the Line]]'' feat, even if they don't meet the prerequisites.
::At 7th level,  the Modsoul now acts like a Shinigami when reduced to less than 0 health rather than a construct '''(Inspect this, living constructs die differently than constructs)'''
::at 13th level,  the Modsoul's hit dice are increased to d10s, which is applied retroactively. They also gain the ''[[SRD:Stand Still|Stand-Still]]'' feat, even if they do not meet the prerequisites.
::at 17th level,  the Modsoul's hit dice are increased to d12s, and all of their hit dice are maximized. This applies retroactively.
:'''Eyes:''' the Modsoul adds spot and search to their list of class skills. If they were already class skills, the Modsoul gains a bonus on them equal to ½ their class level. The Modsoul gains low-light vision, and Darkvision out to 60ft. At 4th level, and every 4 levels thereafter, their Darkvision improves by an additional 10 feet.
::at 1st level, the Modsoul us capable of picking out extreme details with their vision. They can always take 10 on spot tests, even if they would normally be unable to. They also increase the critical threat range of their attacks by 1.
::at 4th level, the Modsoul's eyes can pick out incredible amounts of details about their foes. They can ignore 10% of their enemies' concealment/fortification.
::At 7th level, The Modsoul the Modsoul's vision runs at such a rate that artificial images simply cannot keep up. they gain a +2 bonus on saves agains illusions that contain a visual element. They can choose to use the spell ''[[SRD: Detect Magic|Detect Magic]]'' in place of their Darkvision.
::at 13th level, the Modsoul can see invisible creatures with their Darkvision. They can ignore 20% of their enemies' concealment and fortification.
::at 17th level, the Modsoul gains the ''Knowledge Devotion''<sup>[[Publication:Complete Champion|CC]]</sup> feat, even if they do not meet the prerequisites. They may use their spot skill in place of their Knowledge skill for this ability.
:'''Weapon:''' the Modsoul adds Intimidate and Iajutsu Focus to their list of class skills. If they were already class skills, the Modsoul gains a bonus on them equal to ½ their class level. The Modsoul gains proficiency with a weapon of their choice. They also gain both ''[[Weapon Focus]]'' and ''[[Weapon Specialization]]'' with the chosen weapon.
::at 1st level, the Modsoul gains a +1 to hit and damage rolls with their chosen weapon. They choose either ''[[Power Attack]]'' or ''[[Rapid Shot]]'' as a bonus feat.
::at 4th level, the Modsoul's bonus with the weapon increases to +2.
::at 7th level, the Modsoul's bonus with the weapon increases to +3. They choose either ''[[Cleave]]'' or ''[[Manyshot]]'' as a bonus feat.
::at 13th level, the Modsoul's bonus with the weapon increases to +4. They choose either ''[[Great Cleave]]'' or ''[[SRD:Greater Manyshot|Greater Manyshot]]'' as a bonus feat.
::at 17th level, the Modsoul's bonus with the weapon increases to +5, and the critical threat range of the chosen weapon increases by +2.
:'''Mind:''' the Modsoul adds Diplomacy and Sense Motive to their list of class skills. If they were already class skills, the Modsoul gains a bonus on them equal to ½ their class level. The Modsoul gains Telepathy out to 100 ft, and Limited Telekinesis allowing it to manipulate an amount of matter equal to its light encumbrance with its mind as a standard action within this range. The Modsoul can use either its Strength or Intelligence modifier to determine how much they can move. This must remain in the range of the Modsoul's telepathy. The Modsoul can move the controlled objects with itself as it moves, or up to 30 ft. The Modsoul cannot affect objects in another creature’s possession, or another creature with this ability, unless the creature is willing.
::at 1st level, the Modsoul gains the ability to throw objects using its telekinesis. This functions in all respects like the Modsoul had thrown the objects itself, save the thrown objects deal damage as the Modsoul's unarmed damage but one stage less, are based on intelligence rather than strength and they always count as being within their first range increment if made within the Modsoul's telekinesis range. Items thrown in this way function as if they were under the benefit of the ''Telekinetic Boomerang'' power. The Modsoul gains the ''Throw Anything'' feat.
::at 4th level, the Modsoul can use its telekinesis to attempt to perform a bull-rush, grapple, disarm or pin. This functions exactly as if the Modsoul was adjacent to the chosen victim, save that failed attempts do not gain reactive actions from the victim. They still provoke attacks of opportunity if the target threatens the Modsoul. The Modsoul can use its intellect in place of its strength modifier for these abilities If they so desire. Though this is not a spell, spell resistance can be used to resist this attack, with the Modsoul’s caster level being equal to their class level.
::at 7th level, the range that the Modsoul’s telepathy functions is greatly improved. It increases to 200 ft. The Modsoul also gains the brutal throw feat, even if they do not meet the prerequisites. If the Modsoul already has the brutal throw feat, they may select any feat they meet the prerequisites for.
::at 13th level, the Modsoul’s telekinesis increases in power to such a degree that they can use it to manipulate a much greater amount of matter, or to manipulate their foes as ammunition. The Modsoul can now manipulate matter up to their medium encumbrance with their Telekinesis. They can also attempt to throw a creature within their telekinesis range to the boundaries of said range, or until it hits an object, so long as its total weight is not above the Modsoul’s max load. The victim is entitled to a will or fortitude save (their choice) with a DC equal to 10+ ½ character level + Int modifier to resist. If they hit a solid object that would resist having their weight launched into it at high speed, then the creature suffers damage as if it had fallen the distance it was thrown.
::at 17th level, the Modsoul is a master of telepathy, capable of picking up thoughts with ease. They gain an aura of ''Detect Thoughts'' to the range of their telepathy, and can use ''Brain Spider'' as a spell-like ability three times per day.
:'''Voice:''' the Modsoul adds Bluff and Diplomacy to their list of class skills. If they were already class skills, the Modsoul gains a bonus on them equal to ½ their class level. The Modsoul's voice is soothing and musical to any that hears it, they gain a +2 bonus on Charisma-based skill checks that involve speaking of any kind. The range their voice can be heard increase by 20 ft. These abilities increase at 4th level, and every 4 levels thereafter, by 1/10 ft respectively. 
::at 1st level, the Modsoul can emit an ear piercing screech that renders all within 30 feet deafened for 1d6 rounds on an unsuccessful Fortitude Save (DC 10 + 1/2 Level + Charisma Modifier). The Modsoul is immune to magical silence.
::at 4th level, the Modsoul may use the spell ''[[SRD:Charm Person|Charm Person]]'' once per day per point of Charisma modifier as a spell-like ability.
::at 7th level, the Modsoul may use the spell ''[[SRD:Calm Emotions|Calm Emotions]]'' once per day per point of Charisma modifier as a spell-like ability. The Modsoul functions as if under the effects of the tongues spell at all times (caster level equal to hit dice)
::at 13th level, the Modsoul can use the spell ''[[Shout]]'' once per day per point of Charisma modifier as a spell-like ability.
::at 17th level, the Modsoul can use the spell ''[[SRD:Charm Monster|Charm Monster]]'' once per day per point of Charisma modifier as a spell-like ability.
:'''<COMBAT POINT NAME>:''' the Modsoul adds <skill> and <skill> to their list of class skills. If they were already class skills, the Modsoul gains a bonus on them equal to ½ their class level. <Other benefit>
'''Combat:''' <-Typical role in combat->
::at 1st level, the Modsoul...
::at 4th level, the Modsoul...
::at 7th level, the Modsoul...
::at 13th level, the Modsoul...
::at 17th level, the Modsoul...
== Modsoul Designs ==
'''Advancement:''' <-Typical advancement options for characters with this class.  Include desirable multiclass options->
'''Resources:''' <-What kind of assistance members of this class can expect from each other including possible organizations->
::The Modsoul is quicker, stronger and more ferocious than its peers. This soul is designed to finish the enemy as directly as possible.
::'''Benefit:''' Whenever the Modsoul obtains a modification, they can add +2 to a single stat of their choice
::'''Improved Supersoldier:''' the Modsoul becomes much more effective a fighter. Their Modsoul levels now grant a full base attack bonus. This applies retroactively.
::'''Greater Supersoldier:''' The Modsoul is capable of launching a devastating flurry of strikes. they gain the flurry of blows ability, as a monk of their level, and all abilities tied into flurry of blows.
::'''Perfect Supersoldier:''' The Modsoul is capable of dishing out severe damage with each attack. Their unarmed damage is increased by one step. At level 20, they deal 2d12 each attack. If they already had improved damage, they instead deal 4d6 damage. This does not apply to ranged attacks.
::'''Annihilation Mode:''' The Modsoul gains a further +6 Strength and +4 Constitution in addition to the normal benefits.
::A Marksman is exactly what it says on the tin. They are a Modsoul designed to offer ranged support and battlefield control.
====<-pluralized class name-> in the World====
::'''Benefit:''' The Modsoul increases the range increment of all their ranged attacks by 10 ft, and can ignore 10% of an enemies concealment per Modification.
::'''Improved Marksman:''' The Modsoul becomes a deadly shot. Their Modsoul levels now grant a full base attack bonus. This applies retroactively.
::'''Greater Marksman:''' The Modsoul is able to group their shots together to such an extent that each hit melds into one greater one. When using ranged attacks, including thrown weapons, total all the damage from the Modsoul’s attacks before subtracting things like damage reduction.
::'''Perfect Marksman:''' The Modsoul can fire their weapon in the blink of an eye without sacrificing any of their defenses. The Modsoul no longer provokes attacks of opportunity for firing a ranged weapon. Each turn, as a swift action, they can choose to threaten one square within their first ranged increment. They can increase this to 5 squares as a standard action, or 9 squares as a full-round action.
::'''Annihilation Mode:''' The Modsoul can enhance their dexterity rather than their strength in Modsoul design. If they use any other statistic to determine their ranged accuracy, they can enhance that instead. They gain the Tempo Bankai ability.
{{quote|<-Some quote from a character of this class->|4=<-NPC name->, <-race-> <-class->}}
::A Reaver is a Modsoul designed to be a devastating line breaker that fights in a heedless fury until nothing is left of the foe.
::'''Benefit:''' The Modsoul gains a modification, they gain a delayed damage pool equal to 5 points. This stacks with any other delayed damage the Modsoul possesses (such as Steely resolve. The Modsoul does not delay any effects from an attack other than damage, such as level drain or ability damage, though they can delay hp damage from effects such as poison. At the end of their next turn, they lose HP equal to their delayed damage pool, and this pool is reset. The Modsoul can choose to have any healing they receive heal the delayed damage pool or their own HP, at their discretion.
::'''Improved Reaver:''' The Modsoul is able to focus their pain into power. They gain an n untyped bonus to their attack and damage rolls equal to their delayed damage pool divided by 5.
::'''Greater Reaver:''' The Reaver can lose themselves in their bloodlust, becoming a whirlwind of destruction and mayhem. The Reaver can enter a berserker frenzy as a Frenzied berserker. They can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 1 + character level/4. 6 levels after they obtain the power, the strength bonus for this frenzy are improved to 10.
::'''Perfect Reaver:''' Whilst in the throes of their bloodlust, the Modsoul is an unstoppable force of destruction. Whilst in a rage or frenzy, the Modsoul’s delayed damage pool is applied when the condition ends, rather than the end of their next turn.
::'''Annihilation Mode:''' The Modsoul’s delayed damage pool, and the benefit from the pool, is doubled.
<-Where characters of this class fit in a d20 world->
::A guardian is a Modsoul designed for the purpose of protecting their allies from harm. They are much more agile in armor, and can take a greater amount of damage than the average Modsoul.
::'''Benefit:''' The Modsoul is proficient in all armor and shields (other than tower shields). Each modification they receive, the Modsoul receives + 2 hp and dr 2/-/.
::'''Improved Defender: ''' The Modsoul is much more comfortable in armor. Increase the AC and max dex bonus for any armor the Modsoul wears by ½, and reduce the armor check penalty by ½. The Modsoul ignores movement penalties for armor.
::'''Greater Defender:'' The Modsoul is capable of stepping in the way of attacks directed against their allies. If an adjacent ally is hit by an attack, the Modsoul can make a reflex save (dc equal to 10 + ½ enemies ECL) to take the hit for the ally. They cannot use this ability if they are denied their dex bonus to AC, or against area attacks.
::'''Perfect Defender:''' The Modsoul can focus their efforts upon defense rather than attack. When making an attack of any kind, or as a standard action, the Modsoul can reduce their attack bonus to gain an equal bonus to AC, or a bonus to saves equal to ½ the amount sacrificed. They cannot sacrifice more attack bonus than their character level.
::'''Annihilation Mode:''' The Modsoul gains temporary HP equal to their maximum HP whilst in annihilation mode.
'''NPC Reactions:''' <-How NPCs react to characters of this class->
::Healers are Modsouls focused on defending the weak and alleviating suffering, rather than striking down their foes. Their presence is as welcomed on most battlefields as the specialists of the 4th division.
::'''Benefit:''' The first time the Modsoul gains a modification, they receive the healing hands feat. Each subsequent modification allows them to heal an increased amount of damage per day as if their character level was one higher
::'''Improved Healer:''' The healer is capable of alleviating the suffering and illness of those they touch. When using the healing hands feat, they can spend an amount of healing equal to ½ their character level to remove the following conditions: Shaken, panicked, poisons with a DC less than 15, diseases, blindness, confusion, or to restore ability damage.
::'''Greater Healer:''' The healer is able to grant aid to those they cannot touch. When using Healing hands, they can heal someone up to 100 ft + 10 * class level away by paying double the cost
::'''Perfect Healer:''' The Modsoul is able to cure even the most grievous of ailments with but a touch. They can spend an amount of their healing hands pool equal to their character level to remove any status effect other than death, or to restore negative levels. They can spend an amount of their healing pool equal to 4 x character level to revive a character that died within one hour. The creature returns to life with -1 hp, unconscious but stable, though any conditions that affected them upon death remain.
::'''Annihilation Mode:''' The Modsoul can use their healing hands as a 30 ft burst. They can increase their Reiatsu attribute in place of their constitution.
::Also known as Assassins, a Hunter is a Modsoul designed for one purpose; to track down and execute a specific foe or type of foe. Their very form is reshaped for this purpose
====<-class name-> Lore====
::'''Benefit:''' The Modsoul gains a favored enemy, as a Ranger, which can be an improvement of an already existing favored enemy. He cannot have more favored enemies than 1 + level/4.
::'''Improved Hunter:''' The Modsoul is capable of detecting their quarry whenever it draws near, and can pinpoint them with unerring accuracy. The Modsoul’s favored enemy bonus applies to any attempts to sense the Reiatsu of their favored enemy, and any knowledge checks related to them. They also gain Blindsight out to 100 ft, but only for their favored enemy.
::'''Greater Hunter:''' The Hunter is able to focus all of their efforts on one target at the exclusion of all others. Once per encounter, as a swift action, the Modsoul can mark one creature as their target. They gain a morale bonus on attack and damage rolls against that creature equal to ½ their highest Favored Enemy bonus. However, this focus comes at a cost, as they suffer a penalty to attack and damage rolls of an equal amount whilst the target still lives. 
::'''Perfect Hunter:''' The Hunter is capable of designating one target with a “Hunter's Mark”. So long as the Hunter or the marked creature is not in a Spiritual Dead-zone (a place where no spiritual energy exists), the Modsoul unerringly knows the marked creature’s location, and everywhere it has visited for the past 24 hours. Any scrying attempt on the marked creature aided by the Hunter automatically succeeds, so long as it is possible to scry on the creature. Grating the mark is a swift action that requires a touch attack. If the Modsoul marks another creature, the previous mark fades. 
::'''Annihilation Mode:''' The Modsoul’s favored enemy bonus is doubled.
Characters with ranks in <-the appropriate skills-> can research <-insert prestige class name-> to learn more about them.  When a character makes a skill check, read or paraphrase the following, including information from lower DCs.
::An infiltrator is a Modsoul designed to enter the enemy’s strong hold or trust and sabotage it from within.
::'''Benefit:''' The first time the Modsoul receives a modification, they gain the ability to use Invisibility, Spider-Climb, Open/Close, Hold Portal, Detect Thoughts, Darkness or Alter Self as spell like abilities with a caster level equal to their character level. They can use spell-like abilities gained from this design in any combination up to the number of modification they have received.
::'''Improved Infiltrator:''' The Infiltrator must be able to defend themselves more efficiently without support if they are discovered. He gains a +1 morale bonus to attack and damage rolls for each adjacent enemy that is not adjacent to an ally. Ally in this sense means someone the Modsoul recognizes as a companion and that they will willingly work with.
::'''Greater Infiltrator:''' The Infiltrator is capable of greater feats of stealth. Add Deeper Darkness and Greater Invisibility to their list of SLAs. They can disable devices as a rogue.
::'''Perfect Infiltrator:''' The Infiltrator is capable of slipping effortlessly into the most well-guarded locales. Add Glibness, Passwall and freedom of movement to their list of SLA's
::'''Annihilation Mode:''' The Modsoul doubles the benefits they receive from being adjacent to enemies. Using their SLA's in Annihilation mode does not consume daily uses.
:'''Soul Caster:'''
{| class="zebra d20"
|+ <-the appropriate skills->
! DC || class="left" | Result
| 11 || class="left" | <-not so common knowledge->.
| 16 || class="left" | <-rare information->.
| 21 || class="left" | <-very rare information->.
| 26 || class="left" | <-information so obscure that members of this class might not even know it->.
'''Soul-Caster Modsoul Design'''
:''A Soul-Caster is an unusual Modsoul, fitted with their own spiritual power. They are capable of manipulating Kido like a Shinigami, though without the same level of grace or variety.''
====<-pluralized class name-> in the Game====
:'''Benefit:''' A soul caster gains no extra benefit from each modification, instead she gains spell casting power based on her level, as outlined below:
{| class="zebra d20"
<-How characters of this class fit in the game (PC and NPC) and what roles they play->
<div>{{Anchor|Table: 1.2: Soulcaster Kido}}</div>
!Level!!Spells<br/>Known!!Highest Level<br/>Spell Available
'''Adaptation:''' <-Fitting this class in your campaign->
| 1st || 3 || 1
| 2nd || 4 || 1
| 3rd || 5 || 1
| 4th || 7 || 2
| 5th || 8 || 2
| 6th || 9 || 2
| 7th || 11 || 3
| 8th || 12 || 3
| 9th || 13 || 3
| 10th || 15 || 4
| 11th || 16 || 4
| 12th || 17 || 4
| 13th || 19 || 5
| 14th || 20 || 5
| 15th || 21 || 5
| 16th || 23 || 6
| 17th || 24 || 6
| 18th || 25 || 6
| 19th || 27 || 6
| 20th || 28 || 6
:The Modsoul selects their spells from the Kido spell list. She must choose of the three schools (Hado, Healing Arts or Bakudo) to be a barred school. She cannot learn spells from this school.
'''Sample Encounter:''' <-DM placement for NPC of this class->
The Modsoul counts the level she gained the design as level 1 for the purpose of what spells she knows. Regardless of the level the Modsoul gained the design, her caster level is equal to her class level.
:At 4th level, and every 4 levels thereafter, the Modsoul can exchange one spell she knows for another of the same level.
::'''Improved Soul-Caster:''' The Modsoul is capable of enhancing her strikes with magical energy. She can use a standard action to cast any non-area effect spell she knows incantationless and made a normal attack in the same action. The spell is considered part of the attack made. If the attack hits, then the spell takes effect.
::'''Greater Soul-Caster:''' The Modsoul is capable of putting more spiritual power into her Kido, boosting the effectiveness. When using Kido incantationless, the spell is cast at full caster level. The price for augmentations is still doubled.
::'''Perfect Soul-Caster:''' The Modsoul can perfectly align her Kido with her physical strikes, imbuing all her actions with spiritual power. As a full-round action, the Modsoul can launch a full attack, or use one of their abilities, and cast a spell incantationless. The spell is assumed to be part of the attack for all intents and purposes, and effects everyone hit this round
::'''Annihilation Mode:''' The Modsoul can boost their Reiatsu attribute instead of their strength. Any extra SEP they gain is not temporary SEP, is not lost first, and vanishes when the Modsoul exits annihilation mode. Their SEP cannot fall below 0 this way. The Modsoul is assumed to know all the spells available to them as long as they remain in Annihilation mode.
''EL <- whatever ->:'' <-Encounter scenario and character info on sample NPC including stat block.  The CR of the NPC is typically the same as the EL for the encounter->
::The Champion is a Modsoul designed to excel at all aspects of warfare, rather than focusing one niche of facet. A champion borrows facets from the other designs, but never to the level of specialization.
::'''Benefit:''' Whenever the Modsoul gains a modification, they may choose to gain the modification benefits of any other Modsoul design. They cannot select this benefit from a design that does not have benefits each modification, such as Soul-caster
::'''Advanced Champion:''' Whenever the Modsoul would gain an advancement to their design (improved/greater/perfect), they gain the benefit of the improved design from another Modsoul design of their choice.
::'''Annihilation Mode:''' The Modsoul can choose the benefit from another design's design when entering Annihilation Mode.
{{3.5e Prestige Classes Breadcrumb}}
{{User:The Dire Reverend/My Stuff}}
::'''Improved <TYPE>:'''...
::'''Greater <TYPE>:'''...
::'''Perfect <TYPE>:'''...
::'''Annihilation Mode:'''...
[[Category:Prestige Class]]

Latest revision as of 23:19, 13 October 2012

Author: The Dire Reverend (talk)
Date Created: 12/15/2011
Status: Just Started
Editing: Suggestions in Talk Page welcome.
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Based off of the Evil Overlord class by The Demented One, found here.

Security Cheif[edit]

Laws change depending on who's making them, but justice is justice.
—Odo, ChangelingDS9 Security Chief, Star Trek: DS9

The average Security Chief does stuff.

Becoming a Security Chief[edit]

Characters with a sense of honor, justice or some other lawful emotion are the most likely to become a Security Chief. A lot of them have levels in Paladin.

Entry Requirements
Alignment: Any Lawful. Very few Lawful Evil characters become Security Chiefs, but it is not completely unheard of.
Skills: Knowledge (Tactics) 8 Ranks, Gather Knowledge 4 Ranks.
Special: Must have been promoted to become the Chief of Security of a certain place.

Table: The Security Chief

Hit Die: d8

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Special
Fort Ref Will
1st +1 +2 +0 +2 Security Chief's Code, Forces of Justice, Leadership
2nd +2 +3 +0 +3 Advanced Restraints, Impressive Tactician
3rd +3 +3 +1 +3 Protect the Innocent
4th +4 +4 +1 +4 Instant Promotion, Just as Planned (Move Action)
5th +5 +4 +1 +4 NAME NAME NAME NAME
6th +6/+1 +5 +2 +5 Authoritative Presence
7th +7/+2 +5 +2 +5 Just as Planned (Standard Action)
8th +8/+3 +6 +2 +6 Elite Officers
9th +9/+4 +6 +3 +6 Arch-Chief 
10th +10/+5 +7 +3 +7 Just as Planned (Full-Round Action)

Class Skills (4 + Int modifier per level.
Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Gather Information (Cha), Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex), Use Magic Device (Cha), Use Rope (Dex).

Class Features[edit]

All of the following are class features of the Security Chief.

Security Chief's Code:  All Security Chiefs follow a strict code of conduct, knowing that if they do not follow the laws, others would follow in their footsteps. The tenants of the code are:

  • The first, and most important rule, is that protecting the innocent under your protection is more important than anything. Sacrificing your own life, compromising your principles, even violating the Security Chief's Code itself is justified if that’s what it takes to keep the innocent alive.
  • You must rarely ever break your word, only doing so accidentally or when forced to do so against your will. You cannot tell small lies, or lies that will go unnoticed.
  • A defeated or helpless foe should never be killed. They should be sent to a holding cell, where they will stay according to the law of where you currently are Located.
  • Even when fighting against or interrogating a person, A Security Chief must treat others with at least a minimal amount of courtesy and politeness. This does not mean the Security Chief cannot be rude to others, but he cannot go too far. 

A Security Chief who breaks any tenant of the code is disgraced, unless he broke the code in order to protect the innocent. All of his followers and his cohort abandon him, and he takes a permanent -1 penalty to his Leadership score, as his reputation is smeared. He can begin recruiting new followers and cohorts after a week.

Forces of Justice (Ex): You gain a bonus to your Leadership score equal to your class level, but you can only recruit characters of Lawful alignment. Your followers’ Strength, Dexterity or Constitution score increases by 2, but their Charisma score decreases by 2. This is not a bonus, but results from the fact that those applying for the job of a Security Officer are better trained in combat, but lack social skills.  Your cohort, however, gets a +2 increase to his Strength or Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, and Charisma scores, as he is much more unique of a security officer. You do not take penalties to your Leadership score as a result of your followers dying, because death and injury is expected in their line of work, and all officers sign a liability wavier. 

Leadership (Ex): At 1st level, you gain Leadership as a bonus feat. If you wish, you can use your Intelligence modifier in place of Charisma to determine your leadership score.

Alternatively, you can choose a feat similar to Leadership, such as Undead LeadershipLM, Variant Leadership or Sidekick.

Advanced Restraints (Ex): At 2nd level, you are a master of ways to immobilize those that you have captured. You add your class level to the DC of any skill check or ability check made to escape from or disable one of your restraints.

Impressive Tactician (Ex): You have become well-known for your ability to lead those around you in battle. At 2nd level, as a swift action, you may grant any of your allies, followers, or your cohort an extra action by making a Knowledge (Tactics) check. They take the extra action immediately on your turn. The type of action they may take depends on the result of your Knowledge check. A result of 10 or lower allows a swift action, a result of 11 to 30 allows a move action, a result of 31 to 40 allows a standard action, and a result of 41 to 50 allows a full-round action. Once you have used this ability, you must wait 5 rounds before you can use it again. 

Protect the Innocent (Ex): If a Security Officer dies, it is a sad day, but if an innocent dies when a Security Chief is nearby, the Security Chief has failed at his job. At 3rd level, once per round, you may redirect half of all damage dealt to an adjacent all to yourself. 

Instant Promotion (Ex): At 4th level, you gain the ability to promote an officer in the middle of a battle. Once per encounter, as a swift action, you may bestow an instant promotion on a cohort or follower. They gain two bonus d10 HD, the appropriate amounts of hit points, a +2 morale bonus on attack rolls, and a +1 morale bonus on Fortitude saving throws. In addition, they are treated as having two additional levels in a base class of your choice for determining which class features they receive (but not other class abilities, like spellcasting, psionics, or martial maneuvers). The promotion lasts until the end of the encounter.

Just as Planned (Ex): At 4th level, your superior tactics to those around you gives you (and your allies) the edge in battle. At the beginning of each encounter, you formulate a cunning plan that relies on your foes acting just as you expected. You must state a specific action to be taken by any of your foes, such as casting a specific spell (but not just casting a spell), or attempting to trip you (but not just attacking you). Once during the encounter, when those circumstances are met, either you may take a move action before your enemy completes their action, or you may have a cohort or follower take a move action. At 7th level, you may instead take a standard action. At 10th level, you may instead take a full-round action.

Extra (Ex): At 5th level, your reputation as a force of justice grows so great that even Archons, Devils and Inevitables respect your adherence to law. You may use your Leadership feat to recruit any intelligent lawful outsider or any other creature with the lawful sub-type as a follower or cohort. If they do not have a level adjustment, treat their effective character level as being one and a half times their racial HD, plus any class levels or level adjustments from templates they may have. 

Authoritative Presence (Ex): At 6th level, your reputation and stoic demeanor are so great that your nearby officers are to emotionally empowered to let little things like broken bones and blood loss stop them from protecting others. Your cohort and followers gain fast healing 5 while they are at half or less of their maximum hp and within 60 ft. of you. Note that you do not gain any fast healing from this ability.

Elite Officers (Ex): At 8th level, you can promote your officers to the ranks of the elite—and they’d better live up to your high expectations. Once per encounter, as a swift action, you may promote a number of followers (but not your cohort) equal to your Charisma modifier to elite minions. They gain six temporary d10 HD and the appropriate amount of hp, a +6 morale bonus on attack rolls, a +5 morale bonus on Fortitude saves, a +1 morale bonus on Will and Reflex saves, and they all gain the feats Combat Reflexes, Diehard, and Power Attack as bonus feats. These bonuses last until the end of the encounter. You cannot use this ability and the instant promotion ability in the same encounter. If you fail to triumph in the encounter, your Evil Overlord’s Code requires that you kill all of the elite minions.

Arch-Chief (Ex): At 9th level, you have become a pure source of justice. You gain the benefit of a constant Shield of Law effect. This is not magic or a supernatural ability, but merely the effect of your considerable presence and reputation as an Security Chief, inspiring your officers and demoralizing your foes.

Ex-Security Chiefs[edit]

If a Security Chief stops being lawful or he is fired from his position of Security Chief, he loses all of his class abilities, including his followers. His Cohort might stay with him, depending on how the relationship between the two is. To regain all abilities from the Security Chief class back, the Ex-Security Chief only needs to become lawful again and find a new job (or get rehired to his original position) as a Security Chief.<-What happens (if anything) if characters of this class lose an entry requirement or violate their code of conduct (if this class has one).  Delete this section if there are no contingencies for continuing in this class->

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The Dire Reverendv
Sourcebooks Bleach D20
Classes & ACFs Militant Spellcaster, Spellcasting Lifedrinker, Unarmored Duskblade, Undead Paragon, Boneclaw Hybrid, Undead Soul Eater, Unevasive, Wand Wizard, Whiteguard
Feats, Flaws, Traits Adaptive Weapon, Advanced Spiked Chain Proficiency, Armorless Warforged, Bundle of Terror, Deathless Energy Drain Immunity, Emo Vampire, Expendable Familiar, Hungry Hungry Construct, Incognito Undead, Increased Monk AC, Independent Mage of the Arcane Order, Missing Hand Replacement, Necessary Evil, Painful Energy Charge, Persistent Shapechange Attack, Reloading Finesse, Sharp Teeth, Shoulder Riding, Simply Exotic, Spell-Like Imbuing, Jump
Equipment AC Scouter, Battle Sai, Chained Weapon, Cloak of Vampiric Protection, Contracting, Disguised Weapon, Expanding, F.U.E.L., Hair Dryer, Infinite Ammunition, Long Fall Boots, Merciful Crystal, Orb of Power Amplification, Wizard's Wand
Creatures,Races & Templates Awakened Avian, Awakened Bat, Awakened Ferret, Beeforged, Child, DR Variant, Dire Reverend Vampire, Draconic Kobold, Kitten of Endless Decanters, Redeemed Undead, Slaymate, Technoplush, Unhallowed Minion, Werecorgi
Etc. Binding Pact, Energy Charge, Revised, Vampiric Protection, Jump Speed
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