Revision history of "Noble (One)"

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Facts about "Noble (One)"
Ability+2 Charisma, +1 Intelligence +
AuthorUA 2022 Character Origins + and "Varied" +
Canonfalse +
EquipmentFine Clothes, Gaming Set, Perfume, Signet Ring, 24 GP +
FeatSkilled +
LanguagesDraconic +
NameNoble +
OneDnD Playtesttrue +
PublicationUA 2022 Character Origins + and "Varied" +
SkillsHistory, Persuasion +
Sort TextNoble Background +
SummaryYou may be an heir to a throne or the 12th daughter of a knight. +
ToolsGaming Set (one of your choice) +
Unearthed Arcanatrue +