From Dungeons and Dragons Wiki
Pages using the property "Skills"
Showing 25 pages using this property.
A | |
Acolyte + | Insight, Religion + |
Artificer + | [[Arcana (5e24)|Arcana]] +, [[History (5e24)|History]] +, [[Investigaiton (5e24)|Investigaiton]] +, … |
Artisan + | Investigation, Persuasion + |
B | |
Barbarian + | [[Animal Handling (5e24)|Animal Handling]] +, [[Athletics (5e24)|Athletics]] +, [[Intimidation (5e24)|Intimidation]] +, … |
Bard + | [[Skill (5e24)|Skill]]s + |
C | |
Charlatan + | Deception, Sleight of Hand + |
Cleric + | [[History (5e24)|History]] +, [[Insight (5e24)|Insight]] +, [[Medicine (5e24)|Medicine]] +, … |
Criminal + | Sleight of Hand, Stealth + |
Cultist + | Arcana, Religion + |
D | |
Druid + | [[Arcana (5e24)|Arcana]] +, [[Animal Handling (5e24)|Animal Handling]] +, [[Insight (5e24)|Insight]] +, … |
E | |
Entertainer + | Acrobatics, Performance + |
F | |
Farmer + | Animal Handling, Nature + |
Fighter + | [[Acrobatics (5e24)|Acrobatics]] +, [[Animal Handling (5e24)|Animal Handling]] +, [[Athletics (5e24)|Athletics]] +, … |
G | |
Gladiator + | Athletics, Performance + |
Guard + | Athletics, Perception + |
Guide + | Stealth, Survival + |
H | |
Hermit + | Medicine, Religion + |
L | |
Laborer + | Athletics, Survival + |
M | |
Monk + | [[Acrobatics (5e24)|Acrobatics]] +, [[Athletics (5e24)|Athletics]] +, [[History (5e24)|History]] +, … |
N | |
Noble + | History, Persuasion + |
P | |
Paladin + | [[Athletics (5e24)|Athletics]] +, [[Insight (5e24)|Insight]] +, [[Intimidation (5e24)|Intimidation]] +, … |
Pilgrim + | Religion, Survival + |
R | |
Ranger + | [[Animal Handling (5e24)|Animal Handling]] +, [[Athletics (5e24)|Athletics]] +, [[Insight (5e24)|Insight]] +, … |
Rogue + | [[Acrobatics (5e24)|Acrobatics]] +, [[Athletics (5e24)|Athletics]] +, [[Deception (5e24)|Deception]] +, … |
S | |
Sage + | Arcana, History + |