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Pages using the property "Equipment"
Showing 25 pages using this property.
A | |
Acolyte + | A holy symbol (a gift to you when you entered the priesthood), a prayer book or prayer wheel, 5 sticks of incense, vestments, a set of common clothes, and a belt pouch containing 15 gp + |
Acolyte + | Choose A or B: (A) [[Calligrapher's Supplies (5e24)|Calligrapher's Supplies]], [[Book (5e24)|Book]] (prayers), [[Holy Symbol (5e24)|Holy Symbol]], [[Parchment (5e24)|Parchment]] (10 sheets), [[Robe (5e24)|Robe]], 8 [[GP (5e24)|GP]]; or (B) 50 GP + |
Acolyte + | Book (Prayers), Calligrapher's Supplies, Holy Symbol, Parchment (10 sheets), Robe, 3 [[GP (One)|GP]] + |
Antiquarian + | A bottle of black ink, a quill, a tome that appears to contain the history of an unknown settlement or culture, a set of traveler's clothes, and a belt pouch containing 10 gp + |
Apothecary + | An herbalism kit, a merchant’s scale, a set of common clothes, and a belt pouch containing 10 gp + |
Artificer + | ''Choose A or B:'' (A) [[Studded Leather Armor (5e24)|Studded Leather Armor]], [[Dagger (5e24)|Dagger]], [[Thieves' Tools (5e24)|Thieves' Tools]], [[Tinker's Tools (5e24)|Tinker's Tools]], [[Dungeoneer's Pack (5e24)|Dungeoneer's Pack]], and 16 [[GP (5e24)|GP]]; or (B) 150 GP + |
Artisan + | Choose A or B: (A) [[Artisan’s Tools (5e24)|Artisan’s Tools]] (same as above), 2 [[Pouche (5e24)|Pouche]]s, [[Traveler’s Clothes (5e24)|Traveler’s Clothes]], 32 [[GP (5e24)|GP]]; or (B) 50 GP + |
Artisan + | Abacus, Artisan's Tools (one choice), Merchant's Scale, Pouch (2), Traveler's Clothes, 25 [[GP (One)|GP]] + |
B | |
Barbarian + | ''Choose A or B:'' (A) [[Greataxe (5e24)|Greataxe]], 4 [[Handaxe (5e24)|Handaxe]]s, [[Explorer's Pack (5e24)|Explorer's Pack]], and 15 [[GP (5e24)|GP]]; or (B) 75 GP + |
Barbarian + | [[SRD5:Explorer's Pack|Explorer's Pack]], [[Handaxe (One)|Handaxe]] (4), 15 GP; and (a) [[Greataxe (One)|Greataxe]] or (b) [[Battleaxe (One)|Battleaxe]], [[SRD5:Shield|Shield]], and 10 GP. + |
Bard + | ''Choose A or B:'' (A) [[Leather Armor (5e24)|Leather Armor]], 2 [[Dagger (5e24)|Dagger]]s, [[Musical Instrument (5e24)|Musical Instrument]] of your choice, [[Entertainer's Pack (5e24)|Entertainer's Pack]], and 19 [[GP (5e24)|GP]]; or (B) 90 GP + |
Bard + | Dagger (2), [[Entertainer's Pack (One)|Entertainer's Pack]], [[SRD5:Leather Armor|Leather Armor]], [[Musical Instrument (One)|Musical Instrument]] (one of your choice), 26 gp + |
C | |
Charlatan + | Choose A or B: (A) [[Forgery Kit (5e24)|Forgery Kit]], [[Costume (5e24)|Costume]], [[Fine Clothes (5e24)|Fine Clothes]], 15 [[GP (5e24)|GP]]; or (B) 50 GP + |
Charlatan + | [[Costume (One)|Costume]], [[Fine Clothes (One)|Fine Clothes]], [[Forgery Kit (One)|Forgery Kit]], 25 [[GP (One)|GP]] + |
Cleric + | ''Choose A or B:'' (A) [[Chain Shirt (5e24)|Chain Shirt]], [[Shield (5e24)|Shield]], [[Mace (5e24)|Mace]], [[Holy Symbol (5e24)|Holy Symbol]], [[Priest's Pack (5e24)|Priest's Pack]], and 7 [[GP (5e24)|GP]]; or (B) 110 GP + |
Cleric + | [[SRD5:Chain Shirt|Chain Shirt]], [[SRD5:Holy Symbol|Holy Symbol]], [[Mace (One)|Mace]], [[Priest's Pack (One)|Priest's Pack]], [[SRD5:Shield|Shield]], 7 [[GP (One)|GP]] + |
Criminal + | Choose A or B: (A) 2 [[Dagger (5e24)|Dagger]]s, [[Thieves' Tools (5e24)|Thieves' Tools]], [[Crowbar (5e24)|Crowbar]], 2 [[Pouch (5e24)|Pouch]]es, [[Traveler's Clothes (5e24)|Traveler's Clothes]], 16 [[GP (5e24)|GP]]; or (B) 50 GP + |
Criminal + | [[Crowbar (One)|Crowbar]], [[Dagger (One)|Dagger]] (2), [[SRD5:Pouch|Pouch]] (2), [[SRD5:Thieves' Tools|Thieves' Tools]], [[SRD5:Traveler's Clothes|Traveler's Clothes]], 16 [[GP (One)|GP]] + |
Cultist + | [[Bell (One)|Bell]], [[SRD5:Common Clothes|Common Clothes]], [[Dagger (One)|Dagger]], [[SRD5:Disguise Kit|Disguise Kit]], [[Lamp (One)|Lamp]], [[Robe (One)|Robe]], 19 [[GP (One)|GP]] + |
D | |
Drow Scarred + | Shiv, ragged clothing + |
Druid + | ''Choose A or B:'' (A) [[Leather Armor (5e24)|Leather Armor]], [[Shield (5e24)|Shield]], [[Sickle (5e24)|Sickle]], [[Druidic Focus (5e24)|Druidic Focus]] ([[Quarterstaff (5e24)|Quarterstaff]], [[Explorer's Pack (5e24)|Explorer's Pack]], [[Herbalism Kit (5e24)|Herbalism Kit]], and 9 [[GP (5e24)|GP]]; or (B) 50 GP + |
Druid + | [[Druidic Focus (One)|Druidic Focus]] ([[Quarterstaff (One)|Quarterstaff]]), [[SRD5:Explorer's Pack|Explorer's Pack]], [[SRD5:Herbalism Kit|Herbalism Kit]], [[SRD5:Leather Armor|Leather Armor]], [[SRD5:Shield|Shield]], [[Sickle (One)|Sickle]], 9 [[GP (One)|GP]] + |
E | |
Entertainer + | Choose A or B: (A) [[Musical Instrument (5e24)|Musical Instrument]] (same as above), 2 [[Costume (5e24)|Costume]]s, [[Mirror (5e24)|Mirror]], [[Perfume (5e24)|Perfume]], [[Traveler's Clothes (5e24)|Traveler's Clothes]], 11 [[GP (5e24)|GP]]; or (B) 50 GP + |
Entertainer + | [[Costume (One)|Costume]] (2), [[Musical Instrument (One)|Musical Instrument]] (same as above), [[Perfume (One)|Perfume]], [[Steel Mirror (One)|Steel Mirror]], [[SRD5:Traveler's Clothes|Traveler's Clothes]], 8 [[GP (One)|GP]] + |
F | |
Farmer + | Choose A or B: (A) [[Sickle (5e24)|Sickle]], [[Carpenter's Tools (5e24)|Carpenter's Tools]], [[Healer's Kit (5e24)|Healer's Kit]], [[Iron Pot (5e24)|Iron Pot]], [[Shovel (5e24)|Shovel]], [[Traveler's Clothes (5e24)|Traveler's Clothes]], 30 [[GP (5e24)|GP]]; or (B) 50 GP + |