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Zerakai Initiate (MC Paragon Path)

Author: Xeadin (talk)
Date Created: 4-2-11
Status: Complete
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Zerakai Initiate

Zerakai Initiate

I have no room for arrogance—my blade shall make room for more glory!
—Zelandra, Salomon invoker/ Zerakai ambassador
Prerequisite: Salomon 

Cast down from the ancestral charts of the Slithering One's rule-- vengeful killers and dutiful defenders. To those who would stand in your way, you think of them as nothing more than just sacrifices to the serpent deity—the one who had made slith-zerakai. The Slithering One also created the first salomon—spawned from the blood of a zerakai exarch. From this blood, the new race took over part of the lands furthest from the Slithering One’s reaches. Some have cultivated a mentality to keep the Slithering One’s goals and ideals intact. These initiates are the direct descendants of the zerakai bonds, and it is their devotion that sets them apart from the others.

As an initiate, you protect those whom you favor and you slay those who would dare challenge the Slithering One’s ultimate goals.

Zerakai Initiate Path FeaturesEdit

Dexterous Focus (11th level): You gain a +1 racial bonus to Reflex. Also, if an enemy misses you with a melee attack, you can shift 2 additional squares
Initiate's Focus (11th level): You can spend an action point to gain a +5 bonus to attack and damage rolls, skill checks, saving throws, or ability checks until the end of your next turn instead of taking an extra action.
Slithering One's Venom (16th level): You can use the venomous bite racial power up to a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier per encounter but only once per round.

Zerakai Initiate Path Powers

Slithering One's Glory
You unleash a terrible strike that scars your opponent and leaves it writhing in pain from your own venom.
Encounter ✦ Poison
Standard Action Melee 1
Target: One creature
Attack: Strength vs. Armor Class
Hit: 3[W] + Strength modifier damage, and the target is marked until the end of your next turn.
Aftereffect: The target takes ongoing 5 Poison damage (save ends).

Font of Venom
Zerakai Initiate Utility 12
You build up a tough defense to repel any poison that may get inside of you.
Minor Action Personal
Effect: You gain a +5 bonus to saving throws against poisons until the end of the encounter.

Slithering One's Blessing
You call upon the deity for guidance—that guidance propels you towards a selected foe and everyone around you suffers from the deity’s wrath.
Daily ✦ Poison
Standard Action Melee 1
Special: Before the attack, you can shift half your speed to a square adjacent to the nearest enemy
Primary Target: One creature
Attack: Strength vs. Armor Class, +2.
Hit: 4[W] + Strength modifier damage, and the target takes a -2 penalty to all defenses (save ends). Make a secondary attack.
Secondary Target: Each enemy within close burst 2
Secondary Attack: Charisma vs. Fortitude
Hit: The target takes ongoing 10 Posion damage and a -2 penalty to attack rolls (save ends both).

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