Z's Blood Magic (5e Sourcebook)/Magic/Bloodborne Sacraments/Sacrament of the Soulmonger

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Sacrament of the Soulmonger[edit]

The Sacrament of the Soulmonger shapes your blood magic towards ripping the essence out of corpses and turning it into destructive power.

  • Bonus Rites: Upon gaining the Sacrament of the Soulmonger, you automatically learn the Spark Collector Rite. This bonus Rite does not count against your number of Rites Known, and cannot be replaced when you gain a level, unless it is a level for which you gain the Crimson Versatility feature and choose to exchange the Sacrament of the Soulmonger for another Sacrament.

Spark Collector[edit]

Rite Type: Mercy

As you harvest life force, tiny sparks of excess spiritual energy collect and drift about you like a cloud of lazy fireflies. These are called Soul Sparks, and you may have a number of Soul Sparks at any given time up to your Proficiency Bonus. Soul Sparks last until consumed or until you finish a Long Rest.

You may gain Soul Sparks in the following ways:

  • Whenever you lose hit points to a Rend or to the expenditure of a Sacrifice Point, you gain 1 Soul Spark, plus one for every 5 hit points you lost.
  • Whenever you successfully Harvest a corpse, you gain Soul Sparks equal to the harvested creature's Proficiency Bonus.

When you gain a number of Soul Sparks equaling or exceeding your Proficiency Bonus, they are consumed and meld together, transforming into a single Leech Point. You can possess a number of Leech Points at one time up to one-half of your Hemocraft level, rounded down (Min 1), and any unspent Leech Points are lost when you finish a Long Rest.

Spectral Courtesan[edit]

Prerequisite: Hemocraft level 5

Rite Type: Mercy, Harvest

Creatures you steal life from are temporarily bound to your service. Whenever you draw the Final Harvest from a Corpse, you can cause the creature's soul to rise as a specter under your command. When the specter appears, it gains temporary hit points equal to half your Hemocraft level. Roll initiative for the specter, which has its own turns. It obeys your verbal commands, and it gains a special bonus to its attack rolls equal to your Hemocraft ability modifier (minimum of +0).

The specter remains in your service until 1 minute has passed, at which point it vanishes to the afterlife. You can create more than one specter at a time with this feature, up to a maximum number equal to one-half of your Proficiency Bonus (Rounded down).

Brand of Crimson Control[edit]

Prerequisite: Hemocraft level 6

Rite Type: Brand

A target marked by this Brand must make a Charisma saving throw, as you attempt to possess its body for your own purposes. On a successful saving throw, the creature suffers Psychic damage equal to 1 roll of your Hemocraft die per point of Proficiency Bonus it possesses, and it is immune to this Brand for 24 hours.

However, on a failed saving throw, you possess the creature for the duration of the Brand; your body is incapacitated, you are blinded and deafened with regard to your own senses, and your body falls prone. Once you possess a creature’s body, you control it, but don't deprive the target of awareness. Your game statistics are replaced by the statistics of the creature, though you retain your alignment and your Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores. You retain the benefit of your own class features. If the target has any class levels, you can’t use any of its class features. Even if your Brand can target multiple creatures - Such as via combined use of the Branding Sign Rite and another Rite that allows your Sign to target multiple creatures (Such as Sanguine Claws, Sanguine Blast, or Sanguine Beam) - Only one creature that fails its saving throw can be possessed, though you may choose which of those creatures to possess.

For the duration, each time you use a Hemocraft ability that causes you to lose hit points - Such as Rending or expending a Sacrifice Point - The possessed creature loses those hit points in your stead. Likewise, any Hemocraft ability that inflicts Enervation or Decay upon you afflicts the possessed creature instead. Finally, any Hemocraft ability that relies on your Injury Level instead uses the possessed creature's Injury Level.

At the beginning of each of its turns, the creature can attempt another Charisma saving throw to end the effects of this Brand. On a successful saving throw, if you are slain or reduced to 0 hit points, or the possessed creature dies, the Brand ends and you are immediately returned to your own body. If the Brand ends through the creature's death, you may immediately use a Hemocraft ability you know that Harvests a corpse as a Reaction - Such as the Corpse Shield Rite, or the Devour the Light feature - To harvest the Branded creature, without expending the use of your Reaction.

Rigor Animus Adept[edit]

Prerequisite: Hemocraft level 9; Must know Brand of Crimson Control

Rite Type: Mercy

As long as you know this Rite, you are immune to being possessed by any means.

While possessing a creature using the Brand of Crimson Control, your body gains resistance to all forms of damage except for Psychic damage. Additionally, whenever the possessed creature loses hit points to a Hemocraft ability - Such as Rending or expending a Sacrifice Point - Your body regains hit points equal to half the number of hit points the possessed creature lost to that feature. Finally, all of your Rites gain the following Critical Rite Effect:

  • Critical Rite Effect: The creature suffers disadvantage on saving throws against being possessed.

Stranger With Burning Eyes[edit]

Prerequisite: Hemocraft level 13; Must know Brand of Crimson Control

Rite Type: Mercy

As long as you know this Rite, you can expend 1 Sacrifice Point to use your Brand of Crimson Control as a Bonus Action against a target within your Corpse Magic range. You need not hit the creature with a Blade of Blood attack in order to trigger the Brand in this way. Additionally, your Brand of Crimson Control lasts until you choose to end it as a Bonus Action, unless the possessed creature dies.

When a creature possessed by the Brand of Crimson Control dies while you are possessing it, you immediately regain the use of your Brand, and you may immediately attempt, using your Reaction, to afflict another creature with the Brand of Crimson Control, provided it is within your Corpse Magic range. You may do this indefinitely, provided there are other creatures nearby to possess.