Yurian (3.5e Race)
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Playable crab people, converted to an ECL+0 race from the Fiend Folio.
Yurians are mostly nonaggressive hunter-gatherers divided into tribal societies. These tribes are led by a single dominant yuirian, who is usually the strongest member of the tribe. Most of their time is spent scavenging for carrion and aquatic plants in sand and coastal waters, although they will eat live prey on the occasions that they do catch it. Yurians make simple seaweed weavings, driftwood carvings and seashell trinkets, combining them in elaborate sculptures. Most of them are quite beautiful (if often fragile). Yurians have no metalworking, although they can make crude tools and weapons out of driftwood and stone, and more rarely armor out of sharkskin and aquatic animal hides. Despite their lack of metalworking, Yurians are attracted to shiny metal, especially silvery metals. However, most have difficulty telling shiny metals of similar colorations (such as steel, silver and platinum, or gold and brass) apart. They collect objects made of such metals; if the metals rust or tarnish, they either scrape it off to reveal the shine again or else simply discard them. Yurians mate at random intervals throughout the year, laying their eggs in the water.
Physical Description[edit]
Yurians resemble bipedal, six-limbed crabs. Their upper two arms have large pincers that are used for attacking and gross motor tasks. Their two other arms are smaller and used for fine manipulation. Between these two pairs of arms they can do pretty much anything a humanoid can do with one pair of arms. Their backs are covered in a hard carapace while their bellies are covered with more flexible plates. Yurians have two eyestalks that can withdraw into their shells (or extend up to a foot out from the top of their shells) and a complex set of mouthparts situated below them. Males are slightly larger than females (and males of some yurian tribes have an enlarged pincer to attract mates), but their main difference in appearance is coloration: males tend to be more brightly colored (usually bright red or orange) while females are usually red-brown, green or black. Yurians of other colorations are not unheard of, however. Yurians normally stand between 6 and 7 feet tall, although they grow and molt throughout their lifetimes and can reach up to 10 feet tall. Yurians are a short-lived race: they reach maturity at 3 years and live an average of 20 years.
Yurian tribes tend to be extremely isolationist, and most of their few interactions with other races are with other aquatic creatures in the same areas. If population numbers of tribes are especially high or food supplies especially low, they will raid coastal settlements for food until their population numbers decrease or their food supplies increase. Sahuagin consider yurians a delicacy, and will raid yurian villages to eat them. Due to their love of shiny metals, Yurian adventurers can be just as motivated by gold and silver as any humanoid, and they are the most common Yurians to interact with other races. Although they find humanoids as strange as most humanoids find them, they are capable of forming friendships with them.
Like humans, Yurians can be of any alignment, but are most commonly neutral.
Yurians are typically found in coastal caves of temperate and warm seashores, and migrate to other places with the changing of the seasons. Due to their isolationism, they're rarely found outside of coastal areas unless they are adventurers.
Yurians typically worship ancestor spirits, although Yurians who worship gods of nature, travel, weather or the sea are not unheard of. Most Yurian divine spellcasters are druids, although a few are clerics of their ancestor spirits. Clerics of Yurian ancestor spirits have access to the Healing, Luck, Protection and Water domains.
Yurians speak Common and Aquan, accompanied by series of hisses and clicks that can make it hard to understand their speech. Especially intelligent Yurians usually learn languages of other aquatic races.
Yurians' personal names seem to mostly be comprised of hisses and clicks, although ones that interact with other races often adopt names in Common or Aquan.
Racial Traits[edit]
- +2 Strength, +2 Constitution, -2 Intelligence, -2 Charisma: Yurians are strong and tough, but dim-witted and socially awkward.
- Monstrous Humanoid (Anthro, Aquatic): Yurians are bipedal crabs that are only "humanoid" in the sense that they have arms and walk on two legs. Yurians have to pay for armor as a nonhumanoid of their size.
- Medium: As a Medium creature, a yurian has no special bonuses or penalties due to its size.
- Yurian base land speed is 30 feet. Yurians also have a swim speed of 20 feet.
- Darkvision: A yurian can see in the dark up to 60 feet. Darkvision is black and white only, but it is otherwise like normal sight, and a yurian can function just fine with no light at all.
- Amphibious (Ex): Yurians can breathe both air and water.
- Natural Armor: Yurians gain a +2 natural armor bonus.
- Natural Weapons: A Yurian gains two primary claw attacks which deal 1d6 damage each.
- Racial Skills: Yurians gain a +4 racial bonus to Hide checks. Due to their swim speed, they also get a +8 racial bonus to Swim checks and may always take 10 on Swim checks.
- Limited Regeneration (Ex): Yurians can regrow lost limbs or eyestalks as soon as the damage of the effect that removed them (usually hit point damage) is healed.
- Monstrous (Ex): Yurians qualify for the Large Size and Pincers [Fiend] feats as if they were Fiends. The pincers replace their claw attacks.
- Automatic Languages: Common and Aquan.
- Bonus Languages: Aboleth, Darfellan, Draconic, Elven, Giant, Halfling, Kuo-Toa, Orc, Sahuagin, and Sylvan.
- Favored Class: Barbarian or Druid
- Level Adjustment: +0
- Effective Character Level: 1
Vital Statistics[edit]
Adulthood | Simple | Moderate | Complex |
3 years | +1 | +1d2 | +1d3 |
Middle Age1 | Old2 | Venerable3 | Maximum Age | |
7 years | 12 years | 15 years | +2d4 years | |
Gender | Base Height | Height Modifier | Base Weight | Weight Modifier |
Male | 6' 0" | +2d6 | 180 lb. | × (2d6) lb. |
Female | 5' 10" | +2d6 | 160 lb. | × (2d6) lb. |
Back to Main Page → 3.5e Homebrew → Races
Author | Darth Rabbitt + |
Effective Character Level | 1 + |
Favored Class | Barbarian + and Druid + |
Identifier | 3.5e Race + |
Level Adjustment | 0 + |
Racial Ability Adjustments | +2 Strength +, +2 Constitution +, -2 Intelligence + and -2 Charisma + |
Rating | Undiscussed + |
Size | Medium + |
Subtype | Anthro, Aquatic + |
Summary | Playable crab people, converted to an ECL+0 race from the Fiend Folio. + |
Title | Yurian + |
Type | Monstrous Humanoid + |