Whisperer (3.5e Class)/Whispers

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Whispers are a form of magic made of vocal components. They are not language-dependent nor they are mind-affecting effects, unless stated, but they are sonic effects. All whisperers know the basic whispers and may learn new one, or enhance those they know, while leveling up. They can even combine some whispers for added effects. Whispers cost a move action, unless stated. Whispers usually target just one creature or object, unless specificied. They have a range of 30 feet + 10 feet per class level.

Whisper of Hate: With a sharp and cursed word, you can break your enemy. Your target suffers 1d6 + your whisperer's level of damage to hit points.

Whisper of Love: By reciting honeyed words, perhaps a verse of poetry or a song, you can heal the spirit and the body. Your target heals 1d6 + your whisperer's level hit points. This isn't positive energy so it can't damage creatures weak to it and it can cure them instead.