War Domain (One)

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War Domain D&D One Cleric subclass
see War Domain (disambiguation).

 One D&D Pointer  + 


Design Note: War Domain Updates[edit]

[1] Here are the main updates in this subclass since the Player's Handbook (5e):

  • Bonus Proficiencies has been replaced by Divine Order in the base class.
  • Domain Spells includes Destructive Wave instead of Flame Strike.
  • War Priest now lets you use the Mastery property of a weapon. In addition, the bonus attack recharges on a Short Rest, not just a Long Rest, and it doesn’t have to be paired with the Attack action anymore.
  • Guided Strike now lets you benefit yourself or another creature, and it’s triggered by missing, ensuring it has a greater chance of causing an attack to hit.
  • War God’s Blessing has been redesigned to allow the Cleric to protect allies. The former functionality of this feature has been incorporated into Guided Strike.
  • Divine Strike has been replaced by Blessed Strikes in the base class.
  • Avatar of Battle now provides resistance to all Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing damage, not just nonmagical versions.

War Domain[1] subclass (pointer)
War Domain is a subclass of the Cleric class.

Summary: This cleric subclass focuses on heroism, and courage.

War Domain Features

Cleric Level Features  
3rd Domain Spells, War Priest, Guided Strike 
6th War God's Blessing 
17th Avatar of Battle


Subclass Features

Domain Spells

3rd Feature
Summary: At 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th level you gain additional spells that are always prepared. 

War Priest

3rd Feature
Summary: Gain use of the Mastery property of one weapon with which you have proficiency (you can change this weapon after a Long Rest). Also, a limited number of times a day, you may make a weapon attack as a Bonus Action with this weapon. 

Guided Strike

3rd Feature
Summary: As a Reaction to a missed attack roll (yours or an ally's), you can spend a use of Channel Divinity to give a bonus to the attack roll, hopefully changing it to a hit. 

War God's Blessing

6th Feature
Summary: If you cast Shield of Faith on an ally, it also affects you. Additionally, you may cast it once per Rest without spending a spell slot

Avatar of Battle

17th Feature
You gain resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing  damage.[1]

End of the source material

War Domain Deities[edit]

War Deities
(70 official and unofficial deities)

SifDeityWarChaotic GoodWarYsgard (Asgard)Upraised swordNorseSRD-CC v5.1, SRD-OGL v5.1
AngharradhWisdom, growth, protectionChaotic GoodKnowledge, Life, War, Peace, UnityThree interlocking circlesSeldarine, ElvenVaried, MToF, TCoE
AresDeityWar and strifeChaotic EvilWarArboreaSpearGreekSRD-CC v5.1, SRD-OGL v5.1
ArvoreenDeityVigilance, warLawful GoodWarCrossed short swordsHalflingVaried, SCAG, MToF
AthenaDeityWisdom and civilizationLawful GoodKnowledge, WarArboreaOwlGreekSRD-CC v5.1, SRD-OGL v5.1
BahamutGood Dragons, Metallic Dragons, Justice CourageLawful GoodLife, WarMount CelestiaDragon head in profileDragonVaried
BahgtruUnbridled StrengthWarBroken thigh boneOrcVaried, VGtM, SCAG
Bane DeityDeityTyrannyLawful EvilWarUpright black right hand, thumb and fingers togetherForgotten RealmsPlayer's Handbook (5e)
BastDeityCats and vengeanceChaotic GoodWarCatEgyptianSRD-CC v5.1, SRD-OGL v5.1
Clangeddin SilverbeardWar, strategyLawful GoodWarCrossed silver ringsDwarven, MordinsammanVaried, SCAG, MToF
Corellon LarethianDeityElves, Art, and MagicChaotic GoodLight, Arcana, Life, WarQuarter moon or starburstElven, SeldarineVaried, PHB5, SCAG, MToF
Deep DuerraConquest, psionicsLawful EvilKnowledge, WarMind flayer skullDwarven, DuergarVaried, SCAG, MToF
BaphometDemon LordChaotic EvilWar, NatureAbyssMazes and Complex KnotsOotA, MotM, Varied
YeenoghuDemon LordGnolls, Hunger, Slaughter, DestructionChaotic EvilDeath, WarAbyssTriple-headed flailOut of the Abyss
BaelArchdevilGreen, WarLawful EvilWarNine HellsDevilsVaried
Dol ArrahSunlight and honorLawful GoodLight, War, TwilightRising sunEberron, The Sovereign HostPlayer's Handbook (5e)
Dol DornStrength at armsChaotic GoodWarLongsword crossed over a shieldEberron, The Sovereign HostPlayer's Handbook (5e)
Duke BrakenDimensional ChivalryNeutral GoodWar, Order, KnowledgeThe Demiplane of the ForgottenA stubborn ram in front of a sword stabbed into the ground.The Forgotten PantheonGhostie
ErythnulDeityEnvy and slaughterChaotic EvilWarBlood dropGreyhawkPlayer's Handbook (5e)
The FuryWrath and madnessNeutral EvilWarWinged wyrm with woman's head and upper bodyEberron, The Dark SixPlayer's Handbook (5e)
Gaerdal IronhandDeityProtectionLawful GoodWarBytopia (Dothion, The Golden Hills)Iron bandGnomishVaried, SCAG, MToF
Gelf DarkhearthDeityFrustration, destructionChaotic NeutralWarBytopia (Dothion, The Golden Hills)Broken anvilGnomishMordenkainen's Tome of Foes
GhaunadaurDeityOozes, slimes, outcastsChaotic EvilWarPurple eyes with black scleraElven, Dark SeldarineMordenkainen's Tome of Foes
Gorm GulthynVigilanceLawful GoodWarBronze half-maskDwarven, MordinsammanVaried, SCAG, MToF
GrolantorDeityHill Giants, WarChaotic EvilWarWooden clubGiantPlayer's Handbook (5e)
GruumshDeityStorms and WarChaotic EvilTempest, WarAcheron (Avalas, Nishrek, Iron Fortress)Unblinking EyeOrcVaried, PHB5, MM5, VGtM
Haela BrightaxeCombat prowess, luck in battleChaotic GoodWarUpright sword whose blade sheathed in flameDwarven, MordinsammanVaried, SCAG, MToF
HanseathFestivity, brewing, songChaotic NeutralTrickery, WarBeer steinDwarven, MordinsammanVaried, MToF
HeimdallDeityWatchfulness and loyaltyLawful GoodLight, War, UnityYsgard (Asgard)Curling musical hornNorseSRD-CC v5.1, SRD-OGL v5.1
HeironeousDeityChivalry and valorLawful GoodWarLightning boltGreyhawkPlayer's Handbook (5e)
HerculesDemigodStrength and adventureChaotic GoodTempest, WarMaterial Plane, ArboreaLion's headGreekSRD-CC v5.1, SRD-OGL v5.1
HextorDeityWar and discordLawful EvilWarSix arrows facing downward in a fanGreyhawkPlayer's Handbook (5e)
HruggekDeityBugbears, ViolenceChaotic EvilWarMorningstarGoblinoidPlayer's Handbook (5e)
IlnevalStrategy, hordesLawful EvilWarUpright blood-spattered swordOrcVaried, VGtM, SCAG
IroasDeityvictoryChaotic GoodWarFour-winged helmetTherosMythic Odysseys of Theros
Jakoths the PC UserVideo Games, Hardware and SoftwareChaotic NeutralCity, Arcana, Trickery, WarDemiplane of the ForgottenA skull with a gaming controller plugged into the skull.The Forgotten PantheonGhostie
Kiri-JolithHonor and warLawful GoodWarBison's hornDragonlancePlayer's Handbook (5e)
KlothysDeitydestinyNeutralKnowledge, WarDrop SpindleTherosMythic Odysseys of Theros
KordDeityAthletics and sportChaotic GoodTempest, WarFour spears and four maces radiating from a central pointGreyhawkPlayer's Handbook (5e)
KurtulmakDeityWar and MiningLawful EvilWarNine HellsGnome SkullKoboldVaried, PHB5, DnDG
LolthDeity, Demon LordDrow, SpidersChaotic EvilTrickery, WarAbyss (Demonweb)SpiderElves, Dark SeldarineVaried, PHB5, MToF
Lu TunakiThe HuntChaotic NeutralNature, Grave, WarThe Demiplane of the ForgottenA misty skull with an arrow slammed down into its temple from above with rays casting from the shaft of the arrow.The Forgotten PantheonGhostie
MaglubiyetDeityGoblinoids and WarLawful EvilWarBloody axeGoblinoidVaried, PHB5, VGtM
The MockeryViolence and treacheryNeutral EvilWarFire blood-spattered toolsEberron, The Dark SixPlayer's Handbook (5e)
MogisDeityslaughterChaotic EvilWarFour-horned bull's headTherosMythic Odysseys of Theros
MorriganDeityBattleChaotic EvilWarTwo crossed spearsCelticSRD-CC v5.1, SRD-OGL v5.1
NikeDeityVictoryLawful NeutralWarArboreaWinged womanGreekSRD-CC v5.1, SRD-OGL v5.1
NuadaDeityWar and warriorsNeutralWarSilver hand on black backgroundCelticSRD-CC v5.1, SRD-OGL v5.1
OdinDeityKnowledge and warNeutral GoodKnowledge, WarYsgard (Asgard)Watching blue eyeNorseSRD-CC v5.1, SRD-OGL v5.1
PaladineRulers and guardiansLawful NeutralPeace, Protection, War, UnitySilver triangleDragonlancePlayer's Handbook (5e)
SargonnasVengeance and fireLawful EvilWarStylized red condorDragonlancePlayer's Handbook (5e)
SelvetarmDeityWarriors, slaughterChaotic EvilWarAbyss (Demonweb Pits)Spider over crossed sword and maceElven, Dark SeldarineMordenkainen's Tome of Foes
ShevarashDeityVengaeance, loss, hatredChaotic NeutralWarArborea (Arvandor)Broken Arrow over a tearElven, SeldarinePlayer's Handbook (5e)
The Silver FlameProtection and goodLawful GoodLife, Light, WarFlame drawn on silver or molded from silverEberronVaried, PHB5, ERftLW
Solonor ThelandiraDeityArchery, hunting, survivalChaotic GoodNature, WarArborea (Arvandor)Silver arrow with green fletchingElven, SeldarinePlayer's Handbook (5e)
The Spirits of the PastAncestral SpiritElven ancestorsChaotic GoodNature, WarVariesEberron, ElvenVaried, PHB5, ERftLW
SurturDeitycraft, and war, Fire giantsLawful EvilWar, KnowledgeYsgard (Muspelheim)Flaming swordGiant, NorseSRD-CC v5.1, SRD-OGL v5.1
Tarsellis MeunniduinDeityMountains, rivers, wild placesChaotic NeutralNature, WarArborea (Arvandor)Mountain with a riverElven, SeldarineMordenkainen's Tome of Foes
Tethrin VeraldeDeityBattle, sword fightingNeutral GoodWarArborea (Arvandor)Crossed swords beneath a quarter moon and above a full moonElven, SeldarineMordenkainen's Tome of Foes
ThorDeityStorms and thunderChaotic GoodTempest, WarYsgard (Asgard)HammerNorseSRD-CC v5.1, SRD-OGL v5.1
ThrymDeitystrength, and cold, Frost giantsLawful EvilWar, KnowledgeYsgard (Jotunheim)White double-­bladed axeGiant, NorseSRD-CC v5.1, SRD-OGL v5.1
TormDeityCourage and self-sacrificeLawful GoodProtection, WarWhite right gauntletForgotten RealmsPlayer's Handbook (5e)
TrithereonDeityLiberty and retributionChaotic GoodWarTriskelionGreyhawkPlayer's Handbook (5e)
TyrDeityJusticeLawful GoodWarBalanced scales resting on a warhammerForgotten RealmsPlayer's Handbook (5e)
TyrDeityCourage and strategyLawful NeutralKnowledge, WarYsgard (Asgard)SwordNorseSRD-CC v5.1, SRD-OGL v5.1
UlaaDeityHills, mountains, mining, quarringLawful GoodLife, War, ForgeMountain with a circle at its heart, A miner's pickGreyhawk, Dwarven, MordinsammanVaried, PHB5, MToF
UrdlenDeityGreed, murderChaotic EvilDeath, WarAbyss (Worm Realm)White clawed mole emerging from groundGnomishVaried, SCAG, MToF
Vandria GilmadrithDeityWar, grief, justice, vigilanceLawful NeutralGrave, WarWeeping eyeElven, SeldarineMordenkainen's Tome of Foes
VhaeraunDeityArrogance, thievesChaotic EvilTrickery, WarAbyss (Demonweb Pits)Black mask with blue glass lenses inset over eyesElven, Dark SeldarineMordenkainen's Tome of Foes
Void TerminaChaos, DestructionChaotic EvilWar, ArcanaAllA heart with horns and bat-like wingsNoneThenoobles

Sources and Notes[edit]

  1. Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 1.2 Jeremy Crawford, WotC Development Team (29 June 2023). UA 2023 Player's Handbook Playtest 6. (Dungeons and Dragons One D&D) Wizards of the Coast. Licensed: © Wizards of the Coast (used under 'fair use' clause).

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— D&D Beyond One D&D Playtest material
Unearthed Arcana

The material in Unearthed Arcana is not Official Material. It is presented for playtesting and to spark your imagination. These game mechanics are in draft form, usable in your campaign but not refined by final game development and editing. They are not officially part of the game. For these reasons, material in this column is not legal in D&D Adventurers League events.

—Notice on most 5e Unearthed Arcana PDFs
Facts about "War Domain (One)"
AuthorUA 2023 Player's Handbook Playtest 6 + and "Varied" +
Canonfalse +
ClassCleric +
FeaturesDomain Spells, War Priest, Guided Strike, War God's Blessing, Avatar of Battle +
NameWar Domain +
OneDnD Playtesttrue +
PublicationUA 2023 Player's Handbook Playtest 6 + and "Varied" +
SortTextWar Domain Subclass One +
SummaryThis cleric subclass focuses on heroism, and courage. +
Unearthed Arcanatrue +