Variable Distiller (3.5e Equipment)
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Variable Distiller[edit]
Price: | 300 gp |
Body Slot: | — |
Caster Level: | 3rd |
Aura: | Faint Transmutation |
Activation: | See text |
Weight: | 5 lbs |
This complex array of tubes and vessels can turn any random goop into a questionable potion. Empty bottles not included.
This item can create potions by filling the input vessel with at least 1 cup of water, 20 gp in alchemical reagents, and 1/2 a pound of random organic debris. Scraps of food, plant matter, cloth and paper, and similar mundane objects can be placed inside and the lid closed. After 24 hours of simmering, the components exit the other end as a randomly colored and randomly scented potion on the other side. The color and flavor of the potion gives no indication to the function, and in fact only 4th level and higher spells can even identify the nature of the potions. The distiller can produce 1 potion a day, refer to the table below to the random effect of these potions.
d20 | Name | Effect |
1 | Black Gold Vial | As a potion of inflict critical wounds. |
2 | Black Silver Vial | As a potion of inflict serious wounds. |
3 | Black Copper Vial | As a potion of inflict moderate wounds. |
4 | Black Iron Vial | As a potion of inflict light wounds. |
5 | Spark Soup | You are point blank center for a fireball, with a caster level equal to your character level and a DC of 13 + your highest mental ability score. You are also affected by the blast, no save. |
6 | Jitter Brew | You gain a +10 increase in speed but a –2 penalty to attack rolls and any skill checks involving the use of hands as you are jittery and shaky. This lasts for 1 hour. |
7 | Muscle Shake | All your physical ability scores increase by an alchemical bonus of +2, and your mental ability scores decrease by –2, for 1 hour. |
8 | Cold Iron Vial | Your arcane spell failure chance increases by +10% and it applies to all spells and psionics, not just arcane. However you gain a +3 alchemical bonus on saves against supernatural, spells, and spell-like effects.. This lasts for 1 hour. |
9 | Metal Malt | Your weight is increased by ×8 for 1 hour. You move as if you were wearing heavy armor (but you are not counted as wearing armor, nor does it stack with heavy armor). You gain a +4 Stability bonus (as a dwarf) which stacks with the dwarven racial feature. |
10 | Sparkling Water | Nothing happens. |
11 | Loud Soda | All your colors change for 1 hour, generally loud and garish. |
12 | Bubble Tea | Your weight is reduced to a fraction of an ounce for 1 hour. You can walk on water and other surfaces that won't support you, but you count as three sizes smaller for the purposes of wind effects. |
13 | Mana Ether | Your caster level and spell DCs increase by by an alchemical bonus of +1 for 1 hour, but you take a –3 penalty on all supernatural, spells, and spell-like effects. |
14 | Brain Ooze | All your mental ability scores increase by +2 by an alchemical bonus of, and your physical ability scores decrease by –2, for 1 hour. |
15 | Metal Slug Juice | You take a –4 penalty on initiative checks, –2 AC, and cannot make attacks of opportunity, but you gain +1 temporary hp per HD each round. Temporary hp overlaps, it does not stack. This lasts for 1 hour. |
16 | Null Water | Nothing seems to happen. However, the next spell (good or bad) which affects you within 1 hour is automatically negated for you. |
17 | White Iron Vial | As a potion of cure light wounds. |
18 | White Copper Vial | As a potion of cure moderate wounds. |
19 | White Silver Vial | As a potion of cure serious wounds. |
20 | White Gold Vial | As a potion of cure critical wounds. |
Those with the Brew Potion feat only spend 10 gp on each potion instead of 20, and may roll twice and take the better result when making the potion result. The caster level of all potions is 3rd.
Prerequisites: Brew Potion, Craft Wondrous Item, quick potionSpC
Cost to Create: 150 gp, 12 EXP, 1 day.
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