User talk:Stryker/Mortem (3.5e Race)

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Typically races do not have two different types of vision. This does not mean it is not possible; they just need a mechanic to allow them to do so. This could be a film that covers the eye – to turn low-light into dark; or manipulation of color receptors inside eye; or a chemical that activates after 15min of darkness.)

Whisper is a secret language; I am inclined to think that the Mortem would only share secrets with friends and those they deeply trust. Therefore I am curious as to what grand thing the Cardomor (3.5e Race) did to gain this trust.

While their obsession with death is unsettling, the undercurrent of being judged and enslaved has branded them with something close to empathy. (Do correct me if I am wrong.) Making me wonder if they are emotionless, or only have very deep emotions – ones that most simply do not understand. Therefore I must inquire if a stabilizing or healing trait would add to the death sight ability.

Do they only observe death, or can they also influence it? --Franken Kesey 04:00, 21 May 2012 (UTC)

Since I haven't seen the author of this article around in a while, I may as well step in and comment.
As an author, he's allowed to give whatever visions to his race that he would like (which is actually three kinds of vision in this case). Having low-light vision and darkvision isn't weird at all. Certainly not any weirder than an elf with a magic item or spell that grants dark vision. Adding some odd mechanic to dumb that down would just be annoying. Also, most of what you describe as "mechanics" is just fluff.
Also, I believe this race was written as a response to the cardomor not having the mechanics the author felt it should have, so he simply wrote up a new one.
The entire Personality heading talks about their emotions. Read that.
I really don't understand that last question (and the lead-in sentence in the previous paragraph). It's like you're asking if they have an ability that wasn't mentioned in the race at all or listed in the racial traits. If you're talking about the sentence "Their strange acceptance has granted them limited powers over death, allowing them to see how close someone is to death or if they are capable of dying at all.", then just reread that, because that should answer it for you, as it is referencing the Deathsight ability. --Ganteka Future 04:12, 22 May 2012 (UTC)
First off, I'm around, I've just been lazy :). Secondly Ganteka covers pretty much everything that I meant to say. The reason "whisper" is shared is because this is based off of the cardomor but IIRC the author wasn't paying attention to it when I tried pointing out some things (or something). Lastly this is undergoing a revision to it's lore, origin and mechanics, it's still a bit off until it's done however.