User talk:Jota/State Alchemist (3.5e Class)
To Do/Known Issues/Things That I Can Explain
• Transmuting gold and fucking up the economy
• The taboo of human transmutation and what it means specifically
• Multiple spell lists depending on what sources you have access to
• Alchemy is infinitely variable
• Why I split the levels up the way I did (Scorching Ray, convenience – 18/3)
• Shuffling spell levels around (power concerns)
• Combining the power constraints (epic people do epic things) of D&D with FMA’s “anyone can have the power with the right preparation”
• Emergent properties in biology explaining why human transmutation fails, why it is easier to destroys
Yeah, the title's a little misleading, and as you might note, it is sort of based on the warlock. Anyway, this has been sitting on my computer since, well, whatever is says on the page. I've moved on to trying to recreate a shinigami (Bleach) class that I actually like (not that's Eiji's is bad, it's just not quite what I'd be looking for), and this isn't going to do anyone any good rotting on my hard drive, so I figured I'd post it and get people's thoughts, as I know there are other fans/interested persons. I'll answer any questions that come up to the best of my ability, I just hope no one spots any glaring flaws in what I have so far (because that would suck). It's not totally complete, and some aspects of it were sort of left in limbo. I'd be most interested in hearing thoughts on its power, as well as which spells people don't think belong. -- Jota 19:29, September 3, 2009 (UTC)
Can you get the categories for the class under control? Arcane magic, divine magic, and alternative magic? Let's figure out which one it actually is. Surgo 19:32, September 3, 2009 (UTC)
- It's a little of everything. I assumed alternative was more the system (akin to a warlock), whereas arcane/divine represented the spell lists drawn from. Adjust it as you see fit. -- Jota 19:51, September 3, 2009 (UTC)
- For future reference, this class definitely falls under "Alternative Magic". Surgo 19:52, September 3, 2009 (UTC)
What does Specialization refer to?--Stryker-Fyre 12:34, August 21, 2010 (UTC)
Form Philosopher's Stone[edit]
Now I notice that it says that you want your mechanical changes discussed. Do you mind having the cornerstone spell of the plot on your character? I put it at level 10 because I can't imagine nameless scientists being more powerful than that. --Foxwarrior 22:33, September 15, 2010 (UTC)
- Hmm... it would probably make more sense as a State Alchemist spell. --Foxwarrior 02:12, September 16, 2010 (UTC)
- Doesn't bother me much. Also, if you don't really like the chassis and feel inclined to write your own version I'd be willing to consider giving up the namespace, given that I'm not particularly enamored with the present state of it. -- Jota 03:09, September 16, 2010 (UTC)
Needs summary[edit]
Noticed it is lacking a summary. Thus: Add summary? -- Aelaris 06:28, 8 January 2011 (UTC)
- I've added summaries where summaries are missing before and nobody has said anything against it, so feel free to add them where you feel you can create a suitable summary. --Havvy 22:36, 8 January 2011 (UTC)
Red links make my eyes hurt[edit]
Mind if I go through the links and fix the ones that don't have to be made first? Such as spells. Also, I have a few ideas for bonus feat selection choices, but I'd prefer to see what's normally available first.--YX33A 00:31, 20 January 2011 (UTC)